Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Christian Cries to God as Muslims Torture Him... Then the Unthinkable Happens

Christian Cries to God as Muslims Torture Him... Then the Unthinkable Happens

Christian Cries to God as Muslims Torture Him… Then the Unthinkable Happens

Very few in Muslim-dominated areas are brave enough to publicly declare faith in Christianity or any other religion, as the consequences for those who do, as directed by Shariah law, are harsh and often deadly.
After a terrifying bout of torture at the hands of Muslim police officers in Uganda, Pastor Kisa Emmanuel Amos proved that holding steadfast to one’s faith can deliver miraculous results — as was his case when he used what he thought were his last breaths of air to do the impossible.

After spending a month being relentlessly tortured by his Muslim captors, he was able to call upon the power of Christ to convert two Muslim police to Christianity, which would later lead to his freedom.
The pastor is no stranger to being physically punished for spreading the Gospel in his area, but after he was beaten and arrested at his own pulpit during a church service, his Muslim torturers broke bones, poisoned his water and kept him in a near-death state until that one miraculous day when he was able to lead two of the Muslim officers to Christ.
Not long after converting the two former torturers, Kisa appeared in court, expecting the worst, but was immediately set free by the judge in yet what appeared to be another miracle of God — as most Christian prisoners accused of crimes, even false ones , have not been released.

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