Monday, October 31, 2016

Helicopter Shot Down: 22 Navy SEALs Dead in Crash in Afghanistan - ABC News

Helicopter Shot Down: 22 Navy SEALs Dead in Crash in Afghanistan 

30 Americans Killed Including 22 SEALs When Afghan Insurgents Shoot Down Helicopter

VIDEO: Officials say remains of 30 Americans, many Navy SEALs, will soon return to
WATCH Afghanistan Navy SEAL Crash: New Details Emerge
A helicopter was shot down today by Afghan insurgents as it was rushing to aid troops in a firefight, killing 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALs, most of whom belonged to Team 6, the unit whose members were involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said.
The Chinook helicopter was carrying a quick-reaction force to provide back-up to the troops on the ground in the eastern Afghan province of Wardak, a U.S. official said. After the crash, the forces that were involved in the firefight "broke contact" with the enemy so they could go provide perimeter security for the crash site, the official said.
Additional forces were then sent to secure the crash site.
It's unclear how far away the helicopter was from the initial firefight when it went down and unclear how the troops in the firefight got to the crash location, the official said.
In addition to the 30 Americans, the official said there were seven Afghan army soldiers and an interpreter on the helicopter.
Although the Taliban have claimed to have shot the helicopter down, U.S. officials have only identified the attackers as insurgents.
On July 25, a Chinook was hit by a rocket propelled grenade fired by the Taliban. It launched in the belly of the aircraft which made a hard landing and only two soldiers were injured in that attack but this time all on board were killed.
Saturday's deaths bring the total number of coalition troops killed in Afghanistan to 334 this year, according to the Associated Press.
The last worst one-day U.S. casuality record in Afghanistan was on June 28, 2005 when 16 U.S. soldiers were killed in Kunar province after a helicopter was shot down by Taliban insurgents.
Afghan President Karzai's office released a statement on the incident.
"A NATO helicopter crashed last night in Wardak province," Karzai said in the statement. "President Karzai expressed his deep condolences because of this incident and expressed his sympathy to Barack Obama."
President Obama offered his thoughts and prayers to those killed in the crash.
"Their deaths are a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women of our military and their families, including all who have served in Afghanistan," Obama said in a statement. "We will draw inspiration from their lives, and continue the work of securing our country and standing up for the values that they embodied. We also mourn the Afghans who died alongside our troops in pursuit of a more peaceful and hopeful future for their country. At this difficult hour, all Americans are united in support of our men and women in uniform who serve so that we can live in freedom and security."

‘Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign’ | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

‘Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign’ 

‘Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign’


by Martin Walsh
Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign
Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign
FBI Director James Comey made the announcement in a letter Friday afternoon that the bureau will be reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server.
“In a previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the FBI had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton’s personal email server,” reads the letter. “Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony.”
Director Comey indicated that his team came across new information concerning the emails late Thursday evening. The director says he “agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps.”
The emails did not randomly appear out of nowhere and into the FBI’s headquarters.
It is being reported that the FBI received the emails from the hacking group Anonymous. About a month ago, the group released a statement on 4CHAN, indicating that they had a major surprise coming towards the end of October.
Here is their chat discussing what we can expect from them:
4CHAN Document From Hackers
4CHAN Document From Hackers
Now, many things on this list have yet to occur, but these hackers have delivered on their promises so far. The hackers are arguing that we will receive the emails by November 1, which makes sense.
The hacking group Anonymous leaked these emails to the FBI in order to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
The goal would be to then release more information to the FBI now that they have an open investigation. The group also indicates that they have ownership of Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails and will be releasing those soon, as well.
As the hacker states in the above chat, “we are purposely holding them back so that the Democratic Party does not have time to replace Hillary Clinton.”
It is also being reported that Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have been playing a major role in this, as well.
As we know, WikiLeaks has been releasing emails from Hillary’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, for weeks now. Rumors on online forums have indicated that Anonymous hackers released thousands of emails to both WikiLeaks and the FBI in order to use a multifaceted approach to fully exposing Hillary Clinton.
Hackers are leaking everything they have on Hillary Clinton now so that all of the new information is fresh on the minds of voters that will cast their ballots in less than two weeks.
The attack has worked because it has forced the liberal media to cover all of this, too.
Freedom is never free. We are free to speak as long as we have nothing important to say. Julian Assange is the perfect example of this.
If Assange was lying, why are Democrats trying so hard to silence him? A guy hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy is doing more for the truth this election than all of the American press, and rumors are swirling that his time may have expired.
People like Julian Assange have given up their lives to expose corruption in government and allowing Hillary Clinton to win this election makes all of his sacrifices meaningless.
He has offered us a chance to revolt against our tyrannical government. Chances likes this do not occur often, and if we do not seize the opportunity, we will suffer another four years of suppression from our corrupt leaders.
Vote Trump, so that we can save America and he can pardon Julian Assange.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe 

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe

Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs. Clinton’s private server

As Hillary Clinton reaches the home stretch of the election well ahead in polling over Donald Trump, new revelations from the FBI's reopening of the investigation into the Democratic candidate's emails has shifted the race. WSJ's Gerald F. Seib discusses how the information could impact both candidates. Photo: AP
The surprise disclosure that agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are taking a new look at Hillary Clinton’s email use lays bare, just days before the election, tensions inside the bureau and the Justice Department over how to investigate the Democratic presidential nominee.
Investigators found 650,000 emails on a laptop that they believe was used by former Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, and underlying metadata suggests thousands of those messages could have been sent to or from the private server that Mrs. Clinton used while she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the matter.
It will take weeks, at a minimum, to determine whether those messages are work-related from the time Ms. Abedin served with Mrs. Clinton at the State Department; how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the FBI; and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence in the Clinton email probe.

Officials had to await a court order to begin reviewing the emails—which they received over the weekend, according to a person familiar with the matter—because they were uncovered in an unrelated probe of Mr. Weiner.
The new investigative effort, disclosed by FBI Director James Comey on Friday, shows a bureau at times in sharp internal disagreement over matters related to the Clintons, and how to handle those matters fairly and carefully in the middle of a national election campaign. Even as the probe of Mrs. Clinton’s email use wound down in July, internal disagreements within the bureau and the Justice Department surrounding the Clintons’ family philanthropy heated up, according to people familiar with the matter.
The latest development began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the bureau’s second-in-command, that while investigating Mr. Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a teenage minor, they had recovered a laptop. Many of the 650,000 emails on the computer, they said, were from the accounts of Ms. Abedin, according to people familiar with the matter.
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greets a crowd in Pompano Beach, Fla., on Sunday. ENLARGE
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greets a crowd in Pompano Beach, Fla., on Sunday. Photo: jewel samad/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
Those emails stretched back years, these people said, and were on a laptop that hadn’t previously come up in the Clinton email probe. Ms. Abedin said in late August that the couple were separating.
The FBI had searched the computer while looking for child pornography, people familiar with the matter said, but the warrant they used didn’t give them authority to search for matters related to Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement at the State Department. Mr. Weiner has denied sending explicit or indecent messages to the minor.
In their initial review of the laptop, the metadata showed many messages, apparently in the thousands, that were either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home that had been the focus of so much investigative effort for the FBI. Senior FBI officials decided to let the Weiner investigators proceed with a closer examination of the metadata on the computer, and report back to them.
At a meeting early last week of senior Justice Department and FBI officials, a member of the department’s senior national-security staff asked for an update on the Weiner laptop, the people familiar with the matter said. At that point, officials realized that no one had acted to obtain a warrant, these people said.
0:00 / 0:00
Presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump addressed the FBI’s new email inquiry on Monday.
Mr. McCabe then instructed the email investigators to talk to the Weiner investigators and see whether the laptop’s contents could be relevant to the Clinton email probe, these people said. After the investigators spoke, the agents agreed it was potentially relevant.
Mr. Comey was given an update, decided to go forward with the case and notified Congress on Friday, with explosive results. Senior Justice Department officials had warned the FBI that telling Congress would violate policies against overt actions that could affect an election, and some within the FBI have been unhappy at Mr. Comey’s repeated public statements on the probe, going back to his press conference on the subject in July.
The back-and-forth reflects how the bureau is probing several matters related, directly or indirectly, to Mrs. Clinton and her inner circle.
New details show that senior law-enforcement officials repeatedly voiced skepticism of the strength of the evidence in a bureau investigation of the Clinton Foundation, sought to condense what was at times a sprawling cross-country effort, and, according to some people familiar with the matter, told agents to limit their pursuit of the case. The probe of the foundation began more than a year ago to determine whether financial crimes or influence peddling occurred related to the charity.
New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, attended a news conference in New York in 2013. Mr. Weiner had attempted to revive his career with a bid for New York City mayor, but that effort was doomed after a website published lewd photos that he had evidently sent to another woman.
New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, attended a news conference in New York in 2013. Mr. Weiner had attempted to revive his career with a bid for New York City mayor, but that effort was doomed after a website published lewd photos that he had evidently sent to another woman. Photo: eric thayer/Reuters
Some investigators grew frustrated, viewing FBI leadership as uninterested in probing the charity, these people said. Others involved disagreed sharply, defending FBI bosses and saying Mr. McCabe in particular was caught between an increasingly acrimonious fight for control between the Justice Department and FBI agents pursuing the Clinton Foundation case.
It isn’t unusual for field agents to favor a more aggressive approach than supervisors and prosecutors think is merited. But the internal debates about the Clinton Foundation show the high stakes when such disagreements occur surrounding someone who is running for president.
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Mr. McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe, received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 from the political-action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of the Clintons and, until he was elected governor in November 2013, a Clinton Foundation board member.
Mr. McAuliffe had supported Dr. McCabe in the hopes she and a handful of other Democrats might help win a majority in the state Senate. Dr. McCabe lost her race last November, and Democrats failed to win their majority.
A spokesman for the governor has said that “any insinuation that his support was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous.”
Dr. McCabe told the Journal, “Once I decided to run, my husband had no formal role in my campaign other than to be” supportive.
In February of this year, Mr. McCabe ascended from the No. 3 position at the FBI to the deputy director post. When he assumed that role, officials say, he started overseeing the probe into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server for government work when she was secretary of state.
FBI officials have said Mr. McCabe had no role in the Clinton email probe until he became deputy director, and by then his wife’s campaign was over.
But other Clinton-related investigations were under way within the FBI, and they have been the subject of internal debate for months, according to people familiar with the matter.
Early this year, four FBI field offices—New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Little Rock, Ark.—were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling, according to people familiar with the matter.
Los Angeles agents had picked up information about the Clinton Foundation from an unrelated public-corruption case and had issued some subpoenas for bank records related to the foundation, these people said.
The Washington field office was probing financial relationships involving Mr. McAuliffe before he became a Clinton Foundation board member, these people said. Mr. McAuliffe has denied any wrongdoing, and his lawyer has said the probe is focused on whether he failed to register as an agent of a foreign entity.
Clinton Foundation officials have long denied any wrongdoing, saying it is a well-run charity that has done immense good.
The FBI field office in New York had done the most work on the Clinton Foundation case and received help from the FBI field office in Little Rock, the people familiar with the matter said.
In February, FBI officials made a presentation to the Justice Department, according to these people. By all accounts, the meeting didn’t go well.
Some said that is because the FBI didn’t present compelling evidence to justify more aggressive pursuit of the Clinton Foundation, and that the career anticorruption prosecutors in the room simply believed it wasn’t a very strong case. Others said that from the start, the Justice Department officials were stern, icy and dismissive of the case.
“That was one of the weirdest meetings I’ve ever been to,” one participant told others afterward, according to people familiar with the matter.
Anticorruption prosecutors at the Justice Department told the FBI at the meeting they wouldn’t authorize more aggressive investigative techniques, such as subpoenas, formal witness interviews, or grand-jury activity. But the FBI officials believed they were well within their authority to pursue the leads and methods already under way, these people said.
About a week after Mr. Comey’s July announcement that he was recommending against any prosecution in the Clinton email case, the FBI sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe, with Mr. McCabe deciding the FBI’s New York office would take the lead, with assistance from Little Rock.
Director James Comey testified before the House Judiciary Committee in September on a variety of subjects including the investigation into former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email server. Director James Comey testified before the House Judiciary Committee in September on a variety of subjects including the investigation into former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email server. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty ImagesThe Washington field office, FBI officials decided, would focus on a separate matter involving Mr. McAuliffe. Mr. McCabe had decided earlier in the spring that he would continue to recuse himself from that probe, given the governor’s contributions to his wife’s former political campaign.
Within the FBI, the decision was viewed with skepticism by some, who felt the probe would be stronger if the foundation and McAuliffe matters were combined. Others, particularly Justice Department anticorruption prosecutors, felt that both probes were weak, based largely on publicly available information, and had found little that would merit expanded investigative authority.
According to a person familiar with the probes, on Aug. 12, a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season. Mr. McCabe said agents still had the authority to pursue the issue as long as they didn’t use overt methods requiring Justice Department approvals.
The Justice Department official was “very pissed off,” according to one person close to Mr. McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant. Others said the Justice Department was simply trying to make sure FBI agents were following longstanding policy not to make overt investigative moves that could be seen as trying to influence an election. Those rules discourage investigators from making any such moves before a primary or general election, and, at a minimum, checking with anticorruption prosecutors before doing so.
“Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” Mr. McCabe asked, according to people familiar with the conversation. After a pause, the official replied, “Of course not,” these people said.
For Mr. McCabe’s defenders, the exchange showed how he was stuck between an FBI office eager to pour more resources into a case and Justice Department prosecutors who didn’t think much of the case, one person said. Those people said that following the call, Mr. McCabe reiterated past instructions to FBI agents that they were to keep pursuing the work within the authority they had.
Others further down the FBI chain of command, however, said agents were given a much starker instruction on the case: “Stand down.” When agents questioned why they weren’t allowed to take more aggressive steps, they said they were told the order had come from the deputy director—Mr. McCabe.
Others familiar with the matter deny Mr. McCabe or any other senior FBI official gave such a stand-down instruction.
For agents who already felt uneasy about FBI leadership’s handling of the Clinton Foundation case, the moment only deepened their concerns, these people said. For those who felt the probe hadn’t yet found significant evidence of criminal conduct, the leadership’s approach was the right response.
In September, agents on the foundation case asked to see the emails contained on nongovernment laptops that had been searched as part of the Clinton email case, but that request was rejected by prosecutors at the Eastern District of New York, in Brooklyn. Those emails were given to the FBI based on grants of partial immunity and limited-use agreements, meaning agents could only use them for the purpose of investigating possible mishandling of classified information.
Some FBI agents were dissatisfied with that answer, and asked for permission to make a similar request to federal prosecutors in Manhattan, according to people familiar with the matter. Mr. McCabe, these people said, told them no and added that they couldn’t “go prosecutor-shopping.”
Not long after that discussion, FBI agents informed the bureau’s leaders about the Weiner laptop, prompting Mr. Comey’s disclosure to Congress and setting off the furor that promises to consume the final days of a tumultuous campaign.

What Happens If Hillary Clinton is Indicted? | Law News

What Happens If Hillary Clinton is Indicted?

Here’s What Could Happen if Hillary Clinton is Indicted or Steps Down

Hillary Clinton via Evan El-Amin/Shutterstock
The 2016 Presidential election is 11 days away, and the FBI just announced that they are reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s private email system. With the Democratic candidate once again the subject of a criminal investigation, it raises many questions as to what happens if she is indicted or relinquishes her candidacy before the election, or even after. The law is hazy in some of these situations, so let’s tackle them one by one.
1. If Clinton is indicted before the election
The FBI merely said that they are reopening their investigation to examine new emails that came to light. They have yet to even determine whether the emails are actually evidence of criminal activity, let alone decide whether or not to prosecute. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely that an indictment would come before November 8. If it did, the indictment itself wouldn’t mean that Clinton could no longer run, as an indictment is only an accusation, not a conviction. As my colleague Elura Nanos wrote earlier this year, Clinton could theoretically hope that voters hate Trump enough that they still vote for her (and hope that she isn’t convicted before taking office).Of course, even if she wins on November 8,  the nature of our electoral system makes it so that the members of the Electoral College could theoretically go rogue and not vote for Clinton, even if their states tell them to. George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf wrote recently that only 30 states have laws on the books prohibiting this from happening, and that those laws have never been enforced and might bee unconstitutional.
More likely, however, is that she would be pressured — by herself, the public, or the Democratic party — to give up her candidacy.
2. If Clinton steps down before the election
Should Clinton relinquish her candidacy before the election, the Democratic National Committee has rules in place for what happens next. Article 2, Section 7 of the DNC Bylaws says that if there is a vacancy on the national ticket, a special meeting of the Committee “shall be held on the call of the Chairperson,” where they would choose a new candidate. Such meetings make decisions based on a majority of those in attendance. Since we are exactly 11 days away from the election, there is one major problem: The ballot deadlines have passed in nearly every state. For example, in West Virginia,  the law says a candidate must withdraw “no later than eighty-four days before the general election.”   So the Democratic leadership would likely have to wage a  public campaign to tell voters that if you vote for Clinton/Kaine, you are really voting for Biden (or whoever it maybe)/Kaine.  Then the electors would have to change their vote for the new ticket when they meet on December 19th, 2016.
3. If Clinton wins the election and is indicted before the inauguration
Here’s where it starts getting tricky.
As mentioned earlier, an indictment is far different from a conviction. An indictment does not disqualify a person from being eligible for the presidency (neither does a conviction, technically, but being in jail would probably get in the way). Should Clinton be indicted after winning the election but before officially taking office, she could try to play beat-the-clock and hope to take office before her case concludes. Once a person is in office as President, it gets even more complicated, as we’ll see later. Should Clinton be indicted and convicted prior to her inauguration, and end up in jail, she may be deemed incapacitated, in which case Section 3 of the 20th Amendment kicks in and the Vice President-Elect, in this case Tim Kaine, would become President. (though that seems unlikely as the wheels of justice do not turn that fast)
4. If Clinton wins the election and steps down before the inauguration
If Clinton becomes President-Elect and decides to step down before her inauguration, either due to being indicted or out of fear that an indictment may be imminent, it would be similar to the situation just described, and Kaine would become President. However in a situation where a candidate steps down after the general election, but before the Electoral College chooses the winner, federal law says the electors would be able to vote for whomever they want, although states may pass their own laws controlling this situation.
5. If the investigation continues after the election and Clinton wins and is inaugurated before a decision is made. Could Clinton be indicted when she becomes President?
The law is unsettled when it comes to this situation, but most opinions tend to believe Clinton would luck out, due to the philosophy that Presidents — and only Presidents — are immune from prosecution while in office.
The Department of Justice addressed this in a memorandum by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in 1973. That memo said that prosecution of a sitting President would undermine the power of the executive branch and its ability to function. In 2000, a new memo reviewed that determination and agreed that a President is immune from indictment and prosecution for the duration of their time in office. Of course, that memo acknowledged that no court has ruled on this issue yet. It almost happened during the 1974 Watergate scandal.
Indeed, the issue was argued before the Supreme Court. White House attorney James D. St. Clair argued that because the Constitution says “The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America” that includes federal prosecutions.  St. Clair argued that since the President controls prosecutions, the President isn’t subject to them himself.  However, Special prosecutor Leon Jaworski argued that the executive branch has evolved since 1789 to include the Cabinet and others, so this line of reasoning is faulty.
St. Clair also mentioned that the Constitution says that after an official is impeached and convicted by the Senate, they are “liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.” He took that to mean that a President is only able to be prosecuted after being removed from office. Jaworski argued that this line applies to all federal officials subject to impeachment, not just Presidents. Since other officials are subject to prosecution, it cannot mean that impeachment is the only method of charging a President.
Alas, Chief Justice Warren Burger decided that it wasn’t necessary to rule on this issue in order to address the matter that was before the Court. So at this point, we just don’t know if Clinton could be indicted as a sitting president. The law is still murky.
So, what about impeachment? Pretty clear here. The House of Representatives determined in 1873 that Presidents cannot be impeached for offenses they committed before they took office. Since the conduct would have taken place prior to her becoming President, she couldn’t be impeached for it.
On top of all that, as LawNewz‘s Chris White noted, the Article II of the Constitution says the President “shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” So theoretically, President Hillary Clinton could pardon herself.
Long story short, the Department of Justice can very well affect who our next President is. If they move swiftly to indict, or if Clinton believes she’s in trouble, she could drop out before November 8. Alternatively, if an indictment comes soon after Clinton wins the election, she could still feel pressure to step down before she takes office. It all depends on what the FBI finds in these emails, what they decide to do about it, and when. But the clock’s ticking.

GAY CNN Host Tweets Support For 'Sharia Law' - IMMEDIATELY Regrets It When America RESPONDS!

GAY CNN Host Tweets Support For 'Sharia Law' - IMMEDIATELY Regrets It When America RESPONDS!

GAY CNN Host Tweets Support For ‘Sharia Law’ – IMMEDIATELY Regrets It When America RESPONDS!

HAH!! There are no words…This journalist is such an idiot I can’t stop chuckling. Sally Kohn from CNN was in such a rage when she made a comment on Twitter that she forgot to take a few precious minutes to make sure what she was writing wasn’t completely retarded!
H/T LisaSmith IHTT
Sally defended radical Islam’s Sharia law, calling the belief system “progressive.”.
Wouldn’t a hotshot like Kohn that makes the big bucks be able to see that supporting Sharia law doesn’t go hand in hand with the liberal viewpoint? You know, because they toss homosexuals off the roof and all?
You may have guessed, but, the response this dummy CNN anchor received from Twitter users was a brutal dose of reality to this lesbian.

2016-08-17 07_15_37-Gay CNN anchor posts insane tweet about Sharia law; gets OWNED in comments - All
The liberal journalist claimed that many peaceful, “progressive Muslims” believe in Shariah law, the legal code that guides members of the Islamic faith and is strictly enforced in fundamentalist Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia.
Many have condemned Shariah as anti-American as it allows for violent forms of punishment and unequal treatment of women in a court of law. Few would call it “progressive.”
For example, according to a leading Shariah law manual, Reliance of the Traveller, the code also demands the killing of apostates, or those who once were Muslim but left the faith.
Given this, the responses that flooded in after Kohn’s Shariah tweet were not surprising:
giphy (2)
2016-08-17 07_16_38-Gay CNN anchor posts insane tweet about Sharia law; gets OWNED in comments - All
2016-08-17 07_17_03-Gay CNN anchor posts insane tweet about Sharia law; gets OWNED in comments - All
This is exactly the kind of stupidity that we have to deal with on daily bases when liberals open their mouths. Kohn can’t exactly condemn Sharia because that’s technically intolerant. If she does support them she supports the anti-gay and sexist movement. What a conundrum…stupid liberals.

From WikiLeaks – Worse than Treason

From WikiLeaks – Worse than Treason 

From WikiLeaks – Worse than Treason

Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US-made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile and the Chinook didn’t explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA.
Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn’t supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK’d the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video.
Obama and Hillary committed treason…and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not.
Further…the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn…everyone KNEW he was a traitor.
So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt but compromised…and a woman who is a serial liar perjured herself multiple times at the Hearing who is running for POTUS. Only the Dems, with their hands out, palms up, will support her. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in…because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers.
Send this again and again and again until everyone reads this truth. Our nation depends on people getting the TRUTH, instead of the pack of lies being fed to us by Corrupt Obama and Clinton and the Corrupt News Media .

BREAKING - 119 Dead People Voted 229 Times In THIS State - Trump Was RIGHT!

BREAKING - 119 Dead People Voted 229 Times In THIS State - Trump Was RIGHT!

BREAKING – 119 Dead People Voted 229 Times In THIS State – Trump Was RIGHT!

“Clerical errors” are what one city election board spokesman calls the votes of dead people. Critics aren’t buying it.
A recent CBS2 report shows that plenty of dead people are still alive enough to vote in Chicago, Illinois. With Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign under fire for voicing concerns over voter fraud, the report couldn’t be more timely.
By comparing Chicago Board of Elections voter histories and the Social Security Administration’s death master file, the report concludes that at least 119 Chicago residents are still voting long after leaving this world. One man who died in 1993 has somehow made it into the voting booth another eleven times.
You’re likely relieved if you don’t live in Chicago, but this alarming issue is by no means limited to the windy city. The problem is nationwide and worthy of investigation by both state and federal officials.  
In Virginia, more than two dozen dead people registered to vote this year. In Los Angeles, 182 recently voted from the dead. Worst of all, in Florida there are concerns that as many as 53,000 dead people are still active voters.
While the issue can certainly come from either side, most of it is from the left, “Dead people generally vote democrat” said former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
As the recent James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas reports have shown, the Democrats have committed extensive voter fraud. His undercover investigation caught instigators red-handed.
“We manipulated the vote with money and action, not with laws,” Democrat operative Scott Foval said “Well, you know what? We’ve been busing people in to deal with you (obscenities) for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now,” he added.
Some argue that this voter fraud can’t be on a large enough scale to influence the outcome of any race. But, the numbers tell another story. Polls are showing that the race is incredibly tight in many swing states.
Those committing the fraud certainly believe they are making a difference. As Foval admitted, they are affecting the outcome of this election with money and action. They see that they’re losing and are laboring vigorously to change the election result.
Sounds like Trump is spot-on in his concerns of voter fraud. Republicans should use these alarming discoveries to rally the pro-Trump support this week.

ELECTION IS OVER! Wikileaks Just Revealed The Diabolical Details Of How Hillary RIGGED Every Single Thing Against Trump -

ELECTION IS OVER! Wikileaks Just Revealed The Diabolical Details Of How Hillary RIGGED Every Single Thing Against Trump -

ELECTION IS OVER! Wikileaks Just Revealed The Diabolical Details Of How Hillary RIGGED Every Single Thing Against Trump

Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) have just revealed new material that will make Hillary panic in a whole other level. This could easily be one of the most significant releases so far and could be a decisive factor in the November election.
VIA USA Newsflash
Hillary Clinton Campaign just got caught posting a sexist “Trump Job Ad” on Craigslist to make him look like a sexual predator!
Yes… You read that right…Hillary’s campaign FAKED a Craigslist ad to try and trick the mainstream media.
This was a diabolical plot to further this BS media narrative that Trump is sexist
The ad literally says,
“Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you under the meeting table”
Of course, this “ad” is to try and paint him as a misogynist pig, but it actually does the opposite.
When we thought that Hillary has done all the vile and corrupt things she could do, but I guess WikiLeas proved us wrong.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hundreds Of Dead Chicagoans STILL VOTING, Some Decades After They Passed Away

Hundreds Of Dead Chicagoans STILL VOTING, Some Decades After They Passed Away

It’s getting harder and harder to deny that voter fraud exists when we keep finding it everywhere.
In Chicago, investigators have recently uncovered 119 dead residents who have voted a total of 229 times – after their burial.
Many Chicagoans are never officially removed from the voter rolls, so if someone casts a ballot for them they can continue to vote.
The station CBS2 Chicago reviewed voter rolls and compared them with Social Security death records and found more than 100 examples of dead city residents who have voted for years after they passed away. One man who passed away 26 years ago has voted 11 times since his death, and another man who died in 1994 has voted six times since he died.

The Robber Baron’s Bugatti Boondoggle

The Robber Baron’s Bugatti Boondoggle

The Robber Baron’s Bugatti Boondoggle

John Shakespeare collectionThe 1964 Shakespeare-Schlumpf transaction is the grandest used-car deal in recorded history. After Volkswagen AG took over control of Bugatti in 1998, executives at the peoples’ car company thought it might be nice to own one of the six Type 41 Royales that Ettore Bugatti created as “the car for kings.” Purchasing a Royale Coupe de Ville cost VW an estimated $17 million, a shrewd investment given the estimated worth of Royales today. But contrast VW’s deal to one Fritz Schlumpf—in his day, the most ruthless carmonger on Earth—pulled off in 1964: $85,000 for one Park Ward Royale limousine and twenty-nine other Bugattis extracted from a dusty barn near St. Louis, freight to France included.
Fritz Schlumpf, who died in 1989, was a shady character. Born poor, he and his older brother Hans earned a fortune in the textile business. In the 1950s, the two owned four woolen mills, a villa, and most of the homes in the village of Malmerspach, France, in the Alsace region. Their family motto—Acquire, Possess, Dominate—didn’t mince words concerning their attitudes toward wealth and workers. During the German occupation in World War II, the Schlumpf factories supplied the wool for Wermacht uniforms.
Upon the passing of his mother in 1957, Fritz was moved to ponder her legacy as well as his own. He concluded that a monument to automobiles in general and to the cars that Ettore Bugatti constructed nearby would be an appropriate tribute to his mother and to the family’s region (his mother’s passion for cars is unknown; the son’s is legendary). A fifth mill was purchased in Mulhouse to serve as the repository for Schlumpf’s car collection. Mechanics, carpenters, and upholsterers were hired to refurbish the vehicles. By 1965, a staff of forty workers were on hand toiling over seventy Bugattis and 130 other cars Fritz had acquired.
Many of the Bugattis came Schlumpf’s way shortly after noted historian and marque enthusiast Hugh Conway compiled a worldwide registry listing every known Bugatti owner in 1962. That served as a convenient mailing list to Schlumpf, who dispatched a solicitation letter to every Bugatti owner listed.
John Shakespeare of Centralia, Illinois, received Schlumpf’s missive and mentioned to a fellow car enthusiast that he might consider selling his collection of thirty Bugattis for $105,000, the money he had invested in the lot. He also told a newspaper reporter, “It’s awful easy to get too many hobbies. Right now, I’m more interested in sports that I can actively participate in like waterskiing and sky diving.”
With near-Internet speed, Shakespeare’s conversation reached Conway, who quickly forwarded the scuttlebutt to Schlumpf. He responded with rabid enthusiasm. “Your communication surprised me as much as it gave me pleasure. Mr. Shakespeare’s collection interests me and we are going to try to make this deal,” Schlumpf noted.
The deal, according to Schlumpf, was worth $70,000 for thirty cars in impeccable condition, freight included.
Disassembled BugattisShakespeare’s golden spoon upbringing was on the opposite side of the tracks from Schlumpf’s bootstrap roots. His father, William Shakespeare, invented two key fishing gear advancements: the level wind reel and the backlash brake. The company he formed at the end of the nineteenth century introduced both monofilament fishing line and fiberglass rods.
Following studies at Harvard graduate school, John settled in Centralia, Illinois, in 1950 to oversee various car dealership and oil business interests. His car enthusiasm began with a Porsche 356 and quickly escalated to Ferraris. He and Luigi Chinetti co-drove a Ferrari 375MM to a sixth-overall finish in the 1954 La Carrera Panamericana road race. A year later, when Briggs Cunningham closed his shop in Palm Beach, Florida, Shakespeare moved in with vague plans to produce his own low-volume sports car.
In 1956, while shopping for cars, Shakespeare discovered the Bugatti legend and promptly purchased a 1932 Type 55 supercharged sports roadster. Mere months later, a St. Louis newspaper headline proclaimed: “Centralia Man Buys Biggest, Costliest, and Rarest Car in the World.” In this instance, “costliest” was about $10,000 for a 1933 Bugatti Royale with limousine coachwork by Park Ward and Company of London. Shakespeare drove his prize home, noting that the mechanical brakes didn’t slow the 7,000-pound car very well on his 250-mile journey.
Schlumpf had no interest in dealing directly with the seller. Instead, he told Conway, “I’d like to inspect Shakespeare’s collection, but don’t have the time. Can you go in my place? If not, we’ll have to send someone in whom we have complete confidence. There are a lot of bandits in this field of car salesmen.” Conway delivered Schlumpf’s $70,000 contingency offer to Shakespeare and convinced Robert Shaw, the Bugatti Club member living closest to the collection, to conduct a thorough inspection of the goods. Shaw, the only survivor of this epic transaction, not only remembers many details, but also he preserved the correspondence and kindly shared it with me, shedding light on one of the shadiest used-car deals in history.
Bugatti sparesAfter acknowledging that five of his cars were disassembled for restoration, Shakespeare invited Shaw to inspect the collection, and he expressed willingness to let it go for less than his asking price— as long as the cars were destined for a suitable new home.
Shaw’s first report to home base was disparaging to say the least. “The Shakespeare collection is housed in a facility formerly used as a foundry. Most of the cars are in a dirt-floored building. The roof leaks, windows are broken, and birds are nesting inside. The better cars are in a heated, concrete-floored shop. Practically every car is in some state of disassembly; none has run in eighteen months,” he noted.
“The Royale, the Type 56 electric inspection vehicle, the Type 55 roadster, and the Type 13 three-place light car are in presentable condition. It appears that Mr. Shakespeare was taken advantage of when he purchased others sight unseen. The Type 50 LeMans is a replica of some sort. Another car is made of Buick parts.”
Shaw’s recommendation to Schlumpf: Do not buy the collection.
That suggestion was ignored. Conway wrote Shakespeare: “Mr. Schlumpf is keen and has the workmen to put these cars back in order. He has offered to stand by his price subject to the Royale being roadworthy.”
A month later, Schlumpf raised his bid to $85,000. While prepping the cars for shipment, Shakespeare made this disheartening discovery: the Royale’s engine block was cracked. Schlumpf’s response was to have a mechanic repair the 238-pound lump with arc welding.
Shakespeare was so disgusted by that suggestion and the deal in general that he washed his hands of the sale and left for Florida on vacation.
Shaw, skeptical the transaction would ever take place, was dispatched to save the day. He found that the southern respite had brightened Shakespeare’s mood. Annoyed when he learned that Schlumpf already owned several Bugattis, Shakespeare nonetheless resumed assembling pieces—two of his cars were in Florida—and preparing (probably bogus) invoices according to Schlumpf’s instructions.
Unfortunately, Shakespeare’s efforts were too deliberate for Schlumpf. After his request for a shipping date was ignored, Schlumpf pressed, “I wrote you nicely and prettily without animosity. But you must not confound or translate my prettiness with weakness.” The French industrialist threatened to lodge formal complaints through ten institutions ranging from “the American tribunal and court of justice” to “all Bugatti clubs and automobile reviews [magazines] in the world.” He set a deadline of four months for shipment and threatened to claim damages of $500 per day if Shakespeare didn’t comply.
Shakespeare responded with two months of silence, followed by the hint that his collection might be broken up “to perpetuate the great Bugatti tradition.” Soon thereafter, Schlumpf characterized a letter he received from Shakespeare’s attorney as blackmail. From the sidelines, Shaw silently cheered Shakespeare for not caving in.
Late in 1963, the quixotic Shakespeare resumed a friendly dialogue as if no harsh words had ever been traded. His progress report to Schlumpf advised that the Florida cars had been moved to Illinois, but he was having difficulty finding new tires for the Royale. Unfortunately, no space was available for shipping the cars until the following spring.
In February 1964, after fourteen months of dickering, Shakespeare told Schlumpf, “Your cars are ready. I am eager to have this transaction completed and when I get the money, I will ship the cars.”
Steering wheel coversShortly thereafter, three Southern Railway freight cars were backed onto a siding that ran within yards of Shakespeare’s storage building. While a mechanic steered, railway workers heaved Ettore Bugatti’s personal inspection runabout to a top berth. The car made its final journey on U.S. soil at the end of a chain towed by a Jeep.
David Gulick, then a staff photographer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Sunday Pictures magazine, was present to document the loading process. He coaxed a smile from Shakespeare as the eccentric collector removed the Royale’s Brogue chronometer and prancing elephant radiator mascot for separate packing. All the cars were shipped with no protection from damage beyond steering wheel wrappers. At the end of a long loading day, the thirty Bugattis left Illinois en route to New Orleans. There they were transferred to a Dutch freighter bound for Havre, France.
Loaded on the trainUpon arrival in Mulhouse, “His Highness” Fritz Schlumpf stood armed with a whip to shoo away the curious. There were plenty of onlookers, including journalists who had been pestering the despot for access to his horde after hearing about the Shakespeare cars and fourteen other significant Bugattis he had purchased from Hispano-Suiza.
Two years before, Schlumpf initially denied Conway’s wife Eva admission to his collection. When Automobile Quarterly editor L. Scott Bailey repeatedly asked for a visit, Schlumpf told him that he was contemplating a press event of epic proportions; on the condition that no journalist ever request a return visit, each car would be wheeled into the sunlight for fifteen minutes.
Schlumpf treated his employees with equal disdain. Their grievances about working conditions and the diversion of company resources were ignored. In 1972, the rise of socialism prompted bitter strikes. Locked out of their mills and barricaded from their villa, the Schlumpf brothers seized refuge in the mill that had been lavishly refurbished as a car museum. While business conditions deteriorated with rampant inflation, worker unrest, and rising competition from synthetics, the Schlumpfs poured their wealth and energy into their car collection.
By 1976, the museum was ready for its public opening. Since the mills were writhing in debt, the brothers magnanimously offered to sell all their holdings—except the museum—for one franc. That prompted embezzlement charges and threats of bodily harm. The brothers fled to Switzerland and the workers seized control of both the factories and the museum.
Imagine their amazement when the Schlumpf shrine—three football fields in size—was raided in 1977. There were 122 Bugattis and 305 other pristine automobiles parked on carefully laid beds of white gravel. Another 150 cars in storage awaited restoration. Ornate Venice Grand Canal candelabras sparkled from eight hundred roof pillars. Three restaurants stood ready to host twelve hundred diners. The washrooms were lavishly decorated with giltedged mirrors.
Tried in absentia for tax evasion, falsified accounting, abuse of assets, and gross mismanagement, Fritz Schlumpf was sentenced to a four-year prison term and fined $10,000. His brother received the same fine with a two-year term. Neither served a minute behind bars.
The museum was liquidated by the courts to pay the Schlumpf’s debts. The new owners christened the facility Muse National De L’Automobile in 1982. After the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, it’s one of France’s most popular tourist attractions. Most of the collection is still on display today, including some of the Shakespeare cars. But you won’t find the Royale’s elephant mascot or its chronometer. Suspicions are that the Schlumpfs carried that booty to exile.
This story does not end happily for the protagonists. In 1975, Shakespeare was found dead in the basement of his home. The sixty-nine-year-old bachelor had been handcuffed, gagged, and shot once in the head. Police interrogated suspects in ten states and at least three foreign countries but no charges were filed and no arrests were made.
Hans Schlumpf died in 1989. Fritz was allowed only a brief visit to his collection before his death in 1992.
Those who visit the Schlumpfs’ museum should keep an eye peeled for one very special car on display. The Type 38 two-place roadster, lovingly “rebodied by Shaw of America,” was donated to the collection by the Robert Shaw who preserved this Bugattis-in the-barn story.


Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation

Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation 

EXCLUSIVE: Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents, his wife urging him to admit he was wrong: Why Director Comey jumped at the chance to reopen Hillary investigation

  • James Comey revived the investigation of Clinton's email server as he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents, sources say
  •  The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary
  •  He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents
  • Comes was also worried that Republicans would accuse him of granting Hillary political favoritism after the presidential election
  •  When new emails allegedly linked to Hillary's personal server turned up in  Abedin and Anthony Weiner's computer, Comey jumped at the excuse 
New York Times bestselling author Ed Klein has just published his fourth book about the Clintons since 2005, Guilty as Sin. 
Klein had told how Bill Clinton enjoyed foot rubs, massages and romps in his presidential library with female interns and has described new details about Hillary's medical crises. Guilty as Sin is available in bookstores and for order from Amazon.
James Comey's decision to revive the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and her handling of classified material came after he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI, including some of his top deputies, according to a source close to the embattled FBI director.
James Comey has revived the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and her handling of classified material (Clinton at a campaign rally on October 29, 2016 in Daytona Beach, Florida)
James Comey has revived the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and her handling of classified material (Clinton at a campaign rally on October 29, 2016 in Daytona Beach, Florida)
Comey's decision came as he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI, including some of his top deputies, according to a source
Comey's decision came as he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI, including some of his top deputies, according to a source
'The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary,' said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.
'Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,' said the source. 'They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.'
According to the source, Comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife, Patrice. 
He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents. The letters reminded him every day that morale in the FBI had hit rock bottom.
Comey's decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI. He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism
Comey's decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI. He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism

'He's been ignoring the resignation letters in the hope that he could find a way of remedying the situation,' said the source. 
'When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary's personal email server turned up in a computer used [her close aide] Huma Abedin and [Abedin's disgraced husband,] Anthony Weiner, Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation.
'The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him,' the source continued. 'And that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state.
When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary's personal email server turned up in a computer used [her close aide] Huma Abedin and [Abedin's disgraced husband,] Anthony Weiner, Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation
When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary's personal email server turned up in a computer used [her close aide] Huma Abedin and [Abedin's disgraced husband,] Anthony Weiner, Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation.
When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary's personal email server turned up in a computer used by Huma Abedin (left) and Anthony Weiner (right) Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation, sources say
'He talks about the damage that he's done to himself and the institution [of the FBI], and how he's been shunned by the men and women who he admires and work for him. It's taken a tremendous toll on him.
'It shattered his ego. He looks like he's aged 10 years in the past four months.'
New York Times bestselling author Ed Klein has just published his fourth book about the Clintons since 2005, Guilty as Sin
New York Times bestselling author Ed Klein has just published his fourth book about the Clintons since 2005, Guilty as Sin
But Comey's decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI. 
He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism.
His announcement about the revived investigation, which came just 11 days before the presidential election, was greeted with shock and dismay by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the prosecutors at the Justice Department.
'Jim told me that Lynch and Obama are furious with him,' the source said.
As I revealed in my latest New York Times bestseller Guilty As Sin Obama said that appointing Comey as FBI direct was 'my worst mistake as president.'
'Lynch and Obama haven't contacted Jim directly,' said the source, 'but they've made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.'

The Cold Clinton Reality - WSJ

The Cold Clinton Reality - WSJ

The Cold Clinton Reality

Why isn’t the IRS investigating the Clinton Foundation?

Main Street Columnist Bill McGurn on how the former president used his foundation as a vehicle for personal enrichment. Photo credit: Zuma Press.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are asking for a third term in the White House, and voters who want to know what this portends should examine the 12-page memo written by a Clinton insider that was hacked and published Wednesday by WikiLeaks. This is the cold, hard reality of the Clinton political-business model.
Longtime Clinton aide Doug Band wrote the memo in 2011 to justify himself to lawyers at Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett who were reviewing his role and conducting a governance review of the Clinton Foundation at the insistence of Chelsea Clinton. In an email two weeks earlier, also published on WikiLeaks, Ms. Clinton said her father had been told that Mr. Band’s firm Teneo was “hustling” business at the Clinton Global Initiative, a regular gathering of the wealthy and powerful that is ostensibly about charitable activity.
Poor innocent Chelsea. Bill and Hillary must never have told her what business they’re in. If she had known, she would never have hired a blue-chip law firm to sweep through the hallways of the Clinton Foundation searching for conflicts of interest. Instead of questioning Mr. Band’s compensation, she would have pleaded with him never to reveal the particulars of his job in writing.
But she didn’t, and so Mr. Band went ahead and described the “unorthodox nature” of his work while emphasizing his determination to help “protect the 501(c)3 status of the Foundation.” That’s the part of the tax code that has allowed the Clinton Foundation to remain tax-exempt on the premise that it is dedicated to serving humanity.
Mr. Band graciously copied John Podesta, then adviser to the board, who would eventually become Hillary’s campaign chief. His helpful reply was to suggest that Mr. Band “strip the defensive stuff out” and later “go through the details and how they have helped WJC” [ William Jefferson Clinton].
The Band memo reveals exactly what critics of the Clintons have long said: They make little distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and participation in U.S. politics.
Mr. Band writes that he and his colleague Justin Cooper “have, for the past ten years, served as the primary contact and point of management for President Clinton’s activities—which span from political activity (e.g., campaigning on behalf of candidates for elected office), to business activity (e.g., providing advisory services to business entities with which he has a consulting arrangement), to Foundation activity.”
This excerpt and all the potential conflicts it describes, plus Chelsea’s warning about business “hustling” at foundation events, would seem more than ample cause to trigger an IRS audit of the foundation. For that matter, why aren’t the IRS and prosecutors already on the case? Any normal foundation has to keep records to show it is separating its nonprofit activity from any for-profit business.
Mr. Band’s memo confirms that donors were not seeking merely to help the sick and the poor. He explains that the Clinton Foundation had “engaged an array of fundraising consultants” over the past decade but “these engagements have not resulted in significant new dollars for the Foundation.” In other words, it wasn’t working as a conventional charity.
Mr. Band then explains how he and his Teneo partner Declan Kelly had to carry the fundraising load, and did so by packaging foundation solicitations with other services such as a meeting with Bill Clinton, $450,000 speeches or strategic advice. Many of the donations, from U.S. companies like Coca-Cola and Dow Chemical and foreign firms like UBS and Barclays, occurred while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
Why exactly were donors writing checks? The Band memo makes clear that donations untied to additional Clinton or Teneo services weren’t all that appealing to potential supporters. This is significant, because the large grant-making foundations in the U.S. are almost entirely run by Clinton voters. So you know they weren’t turned off by the brand name. They’d contribute more if they thought they were also buying goodwill and influence with a current Secretary of State and a potential future President.


We don’t applaud WikiLeaks or the theft of information, and these hacks deserve a firm U.S. government response. But the emails are public and they will confirm for many Americans their worst suspicions about the people who run their government.
It’s also worth noting that in the vast digital trove of Mr. Podesta’s stolen emails we haven’t noticed emails from Mrs. Clinton. Perhaps they don’t exist. But American voters shouldn’t worry merely about the emails released before the election. What emails or memos exist that these hackers, Russian or not, could be withholding for leverage after the election with another President Clinton?
The Clinton campaign has suggested that Donald Trump has praised Vladimir Putin because the Russian has something on the Republican. The question is what do any number of possible bad actors know about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s mixing of business, charity and politics?