Monday, April 2, 2012

Ex-communist nations expose Obama ‘fraud’

Ex-communist nations expose Obama ‘fraud’

Ex-communist nations expose Obama 'fraud'

Amid U.S. media blackout, foreign press sounds alarm on 'largest scandal in American history'

Media from former communist nations are once again breaking through the veil of silence surrounding President Obama’s eligibility for office – even when the U.S. media refuse to investigate what is being called the “largest scandal in American history.”
First, it was the Russian news website Pravda.
Then, it was The Voice of Russia – successor of Radio Moscow, the official station of the Soviet Union.
And now it’s the Czech Republic’s Neviditelný pes (The Invisible Dog), a popular news website from Prague, that’s sounding the alarm.

Likewise, Russia’s Pravda has published a second expose on the issue by Dianna Cotter, a senior at American Military University.
Russia’s Pravda: ‘Largest scandal in American history’
As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause indicating the documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are actually forgeries.
“Pravda called out the U.S. press for its deliberate neglect of the largest scandal in modern American history,” Cotter wrote in a March 29 Pravda commentary. “Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.”
She added, “Since then, the scandal has only expanded. Former United States Postal Service worker Allen Hulton has recently come forward with compelling testimony given under Oath, which leads to only one conclusion: Barack Obama attended College in the United States as a Foreign Student.”
Cotter details results from a WND investigation revealing a retired U.S. Postal Service carrier claims the parents of former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers helped finance Obama’s Harvard education – and that Ayers’ mother indicated she believed Obama was a foreign student.
“There is little doubt Mr. Obama has been less than honest with regard to the Ayers family and their significance in his life. As disingenuous as this is, it is by no means the most important revelation,” she wrote. “If correct, and Obama was introduced to Hulton as a Foreign Student, this means Barack Hussein Obama would have been using a Foreign Passport to get and prove his foreign student status for entrance into Occidental College, Columbia, and later Harvard Universities. Because Hulton has signed an Affidavit, this cannot be disregarded as mere hearsay; it is instead evidentiary in nature.”
Cotter also noted that the U.S. media have remained silent about Obama’s Selective Service card.
“Has the wider American media addressed any of this in context?” she asked. “It may be the largest scandal in American history, certainly the most significant constitutional crisis the nation has faced since the end of the Civil War.
“They don’t dare. …
“To be brutally clear, the power and backing of the United States Federal Government is being used to silence the press about Barack Obama. Either outright or through coercion, the media is complicit in covering up the crimes of the fraud Barack Obama and his unconstitutional government. These patterns are clear and unmistakable.”
As WND reported, Pravda also published a March 7 piece from Cotter on the topic. In that commentary, she accused the American media of being “tame,” afraid to publish news and “deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States.”
Czech press: More known about ‘birth of Jesus two millennia ago’
Now, Neviditelný pes (translated “The Invisible Dog”), a popular news website from Prague, Czech Republic, has published a two-part series noting that even Americans seeking to apply for a driver’s license must submit proof of their identity.
According to a rough Google translation, the article explained, “It is the responsibility of applicants for the [presidency] to make available documents about his previous life – to present a birth certificate …”
The article continues, “So now we know more about the circumstances of the birth of Jesus two millennia ago than about Obama half a century ago.”
The piece offers detailed background on the eligibility issue and the investigation led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. A roughly translated version of the series is available here and here.
The Voice of Russia: ‘Obama’s birth certificate may be forgery’
WND also reported when The Voice of Russia – successor of Radio Moscow, the official station of the Soviet Union – published an exclusive interview with Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 26 titled, “Obama’s birth certificate may be forgery.”
“Wherever I go, people commend me for doing this,” Arpaio told The Voice of Russia. “So, naturally this has been probably the biggest censorship and blackout in the history of journalism when no one from the national level will cover the story.”
However, in the recent The Voice of Russia interview, the Russian host argued that the Obama eligibility issue has been covered by “hundreds” of U.S. news outlets for years – after both Donald Trump and Arpaio brought up the question.
“Well, I wish you would tell me who they are. I’m sure it’s not national. CBS, ABC, cable?” Arpaio asked. “Just show me who has been covering it. They haven’t been covering. I’m not going to get into inside sources that say that they don’t want to cover it, that’s another issue when we are talking about the media. But where is all the news? You are calling me, you are dealing with Russia, so I have to talk to Russia to get this story out.”

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