Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Breitbart, Coroner officially murdered? - Denver Conspiracy | Examiner.com

Breitbart, Coroner officially murdered? - Denver Conspiracy | Examiner.com

Breitbart, Coroner officially murdered?

More incredible coincidences have emerged from the saga surrounding the mysterious death of highly-touted Obama-vetter and award-winning journalist, Andrew Breitbart.
It was reported just days ago that LA County Forensic Technician, Michael Cormier was apparently involved in the the autopsy and was set to submit a final report about the details surrounding Breitbart's untimely passing. Unfortunately, he never got that chance as he too was killed in what seems to be a likely related homicide.
Cormier was rushed to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank last week and died as a result of what the hospital is reporting as a poisoning. Police have already ruled out suicide as a potential cause.
As this frightening situation grows into an evolving scandal that may end up leading all the way back to the White House, it has become apparent that Breitbart and now his Coroner were ironically and unfortunately both privy to information the administration is possibly willing to do anything to keep from going viral.
Back on March 1st it was Andrew Brietbart himself the subject of a highly coincidental passing. The very day he was to submit videos about Obama that, only weeks earlier in a highly-publicized speech, he claimed were finally going to vet the President. Something, he said, that had yet to be truly done by anyone in the media.
Breitbart claimed the explosive videos he had been secretly given about the President were so inflammatory it was sure to ruin his bid for re-election and he was planning on releasing them on his website that very day.
Surprisingly, he was reported immediately, and even by his own website recently, as having died of natural causes. A coincidence that, even at the time, seemed very unlikely.
Even more odd was how unusual the media covered Breitbart's death as gone, natural causes and case closed, all on the same day, by the entire media, as if any of them had any real confirmation as to what the actual cause of death may have been.
No true investigation had yet been done and it was not possible the media could have known the real cause of death so quickly. Nonetheless, they ran with the cause as if it were all but settled.
In almost every single high-profile death case in recent memory there is always an investigation that the media will report on by including the fact that the actual cause of death will not be known until that investigation is complete, usually weeks later.
Not in Breitbart's case, however.
Even CNN's Piers Morgan concluded the evening's over-the-top ceremonies with an entire show dedicated to the memory of the highly-respected investigative journalist with an incredibly suggestive program, making sure to repeat the unknown cause of death enough times to solidify the rumor that it was merely natural causes.
Now, just as the Coroner was prepared to give his final report on Breitbart's death, he too dies and there now lurks an eery silence as the establishment's media remains almost completely quiet about the entire thing.
Although, a very few did report on the death over the weekend, not only did they mostly fail to mention the correlation, it's almost as if no one in the media is willing to touch this incredible story, like all their keyboards are covered with the same poison that killed Breitbart's Coroner last week.
Only media outlets like Examiner.com, the Conspiracy Examiner, and other “alternative” news sources have been willing to tell the public the truth about what is actually happening behind the scenes.

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