Thursday, May 3, 2012

Occupy Chicago May Day march features communist flags, banners and slogans - Spokane Conservative |

Occupy Chicago May Day march features communist flags, banners and slogans - Spokane Conservative |

Occupy Chicago May Day march features communist flags, banners and slogans

On Tuesday, participants in Chicago's May Day march proudly featured a series of communist flags, banners and slogans, according to a post at Marathon Pundit.
In addition to the hammer-and-sickle flag of the former Soviet Union, marchers proudly showed off their allegiance to marxism and communism with banners declaring, "long live communism," and flags bearing the images of marxist leaders like Lenin, Stalin and Che Guevara.  Protesters also showed up with signs and t-shirts bearing marxist quotes.
"Humanity's interest lies in the Marxist clarification of the concept of freedom," one sign read.
"Smash all borders with communist revolution," one red t-shirt declared.
Another protester held a sign saying "Capitalism is failing, socialism is the alternative."
John Ruberry of the Marathon Pundit told Examiner there were "at least a dozen" flags and banners "promoting communism."
"There were even more socialist signs," he said, "although some of them were mass-produced."
Ruberry took several photos of the signs and posted them at his blog.
One of the signs demanded, "open the f*****g borders," while another suggested apartheid exists in Mexico.
There was also the obligatory signs bashing Israel, while another protester held a handmade sign reading "yall some racist!!! (sic)."
Another protester was seen with a sign calling Bradley Manning, the Army private accused of disclosing secrets in the Wikileaks scandal, a "hero."
"To the ultra-left he's a hero," Ruberry wrote.
The International Socialist Organization was present, as was the International Workers of the World.
Like the 2011 LA May Day parade, union members marched with the communists.
When asked about the presence of communists, socialists and anarchists, Donnie Von Moore, president of Teamsters Local 743, seemed unconcerned.
"No, I don't have a problem," he told Rebelpundit, another conservative blogger.  Video of that exchange can be seen at
"But when he spoke at the concluding rally at Federal Plaza downtown, he seemed put off by Rebelpundit's questioning," Ruberry wrote, adding that Moore told the crowd "all of those groups comprise 'the 99 percent.'"
Ruberry wrote that Moore, an imposing individual, said he personally does not support communism, before swatting Ruberry's camera down.
The communist influence in the Democratic Party-endorsed Occupy movement is nothing new.
Last December, we reported that activist Lisa Bergmann proclaimed that communists are in a leadership role within Occupy Wall Street, with the goal of re-electing Barack Obama.
A list produced by PJ Media last year shows the protest movement has been endorsed by the Communist Party USA, the Chinese Comminust Party, the government of North Korea and the International Bolshevik Tendency.
The protests have also been endorsed by islamists, Nazis and white supremacists like David Duke, who produced a video last year supporting the movement.
In addition to communists, Nazis and islamists, many Democrats - including DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, President Obama and Vice President Biden - have all expressed support for the anti-capitalist movement.
Ruberry, wondering "if the establishment media was at the same rally," adds that neither the Chicago Sun-Times nor the Chicago Tribune posted any pictures of the communists at the march.
More on Occupy Wall Street at here.

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