Friday, May 11, 2012

UPDATED: Can you find anything on this list that represents you? – Glenn Beck

UPDATED: Can you find anything on this list that represents you? – Glenn Beck

UPDATED: Can you find anything on this list that represents you?

The morning on the radio show Glenn shared a list he made last night after he heard the President’s flip-flop on gay marriage. Noting that the President cited his faith as the reason he was against gay marriage, and now supports gay marriage, Glenn thought, “You know, who knows a guy like this? I just jotted a few of these things I just wanted you to ask yourself. This is a guy who is our representative.”
Glenn noted how careful he is when he hires people, because they are essentially a reflection of him. If his representatives leave a very bad impression on others, “what does that say about me?” Glenn asked.
Glenn made a list of about 20 things, and asked listeners to see if they could say, “yes, I have a friend who is just like that,” on just three things off of the list.
“Reagan said we can come to agreements if we have seven out of ten. I’m going to give three out of 20. Do you ‑‑ are you personally, or can you name a friend or a relative, anyone that has three of these?” Glenn asked.
Here are a few items off of Glenn’s list:
1. Do you know anyone who has the understanding and gained their understanding of Jesus Christ and defend it, and they got that understanding from someone like Jeremiah Wright? Do you know anyone who is a good Christian that believes there is no salvation unless there’s collective salvation?
2. Do you know somebody who is raised and/or mentored by communists?
3. Do you have friends or acquaintances that are Marxists, Communists, or have been actively engaged in the overthrow of the United States government?
4. Have you ever been at a party celebrating someone who has been accused of domestic terrorism?
5. Do you know anyone or have you ever been to a party and gave a toast to someone who is accused of being a Muslim terrorist?
6. Do you or any of your friends have the belief that terrorism doesn’t really exist? And that by definition jihad is only a holy struggle?
7. How many of you or how many of your friends have hired members of the Muslim Brotherhood to provide security for your business or their business? Or would hire members of the Muslim Brotherhood to go through and put together your security for your town?
8. Do you have any friends that believe the Muslim Brotherhood is largely secular and good?
9. Do you know anybody that thinks NASA’s foremost goal should be Muslim outreach, so you can help them and NASA can help them feel good?
10. Do you know anybody who believes that Occupy Wall Street features the best people in our country right now?
11. Is it even conceivable that anyone you know or associate with would think that killing Osama Bin Laden was a tough decision? With that, you have a single friend who in that case would make sure that we have a “blame someone else” memo ready just in case it went wrong?
12. Do you have anybody in your circle of friends or your circle of influence that believes America and Israel is the biggest obstacle to peace and stability in the world. Do you know anyone who believes the United States constitution needs to be a photo negative to be right with the world today?
13. Would you or anyone you know take a gift given to the United States after 9/11, a bust of Winston Churchill, and try to give it back to the prime minister on your first meeting? And when he says, “No, no, that’s a gift, you can keep it,” would you or anyone in your circle of influence then take that bust, box it up, ship it back yourself and say “We don’t need it anymore”?
14. Do you know anyone, a single person, who has a wife or a husband that has never been proud of the United States of America until something good happened in their life?
15. Do you know anybody who would actively defend allowing a baby to die without treatment in a hospital if an abortion failed? That the baby would be born outside, the doctors would have it, and they would be allowed to put it in a closet and just let it die?
16. Would someone in your life withhold needed money from poor countries or suggest that needed money from poor countries was withheld unless they change the Constitution to be pro-abortion?
17. Do you know anybody who believes the only way out of debt is to spend $5 trillion in three and a half years? Or  believes Solyndra and other green businesses were a good bet, and that the people’s hard earned money is something you should gamble with and you think that it should continue?
18. How many people do you know personally that would give a shout‑out to someone to say, “Hey, I just want to say hi to Bob over there and thank Bob – It’s been a great day, Bob,” before you had to announce to the country that 13 soldiers were murdered by an Islamic extremist on our own soil?
19. Do you know anybody who claims to be a huge Israeli supporter? Do you know anybody who says, “I’m the biggest fan of Israel, they’re our biggest and strongest ally, and I’m a huge supporter. I’m the best thing that has happened.” And that when the prime minister of that country flew from the other side of the globe to have a scheduled dinner with you, you would humiliate him and blow off for dinner? Let him eat alone while you had a quiet dinner someplace else with friends? Do you know anybody who says, “I am the biggest supporter of Israel,” and then visited all of the Muslim countries around Israel but couldn’t find the time to go to Israel? And that as Israel’s biggest, most loyal supporter, believes they should go back to the indefensible ’67 borders? I understand it if you’re not a fan of Israel, but if you’re a fan of Israel, do you know a soul that is a true fan of Israel that says, “Yes, go back to the ’67 borders”?
20. Do you know any committed capitalist who believes in redistribution of wealth?
Here’s Glenn’s point, America essentially hired Barack Obama to be the representative of our country, to stand up for us, and believes in America, but he has absolutely nothing in common with most Americans.
“My guess is you don’t know anybody who has any of these, let alone three. Five? Seven out of ten? All of these are firmly held beliefs by Barack Obama and those he has put directly around him, in his cabinet, in his advisors. And we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface,” Glenn said. “Join me tonight at 5:00,”

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