Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama's Taxpayer Funded Bribe | Nealz Nuze |

Obama's Taxpayer Funded Bribe | Nealz Nuze |

Obama's Taxpayer Funded Bribe

The story of the WARN Act and these defense contractors continues to grow.  I’ve yet to bring this story to my listeners on the air (which I plan to do today), but if you’ve been reading Nealz Nuze, you know the charade that the Obama administration is trying to pull off.  The administration is telling defense contractors, who will be being forced to lay off workers because of the budget sequestration law, that they do not need to abide by the WARN Act and issue layoff notices 60 days in advance.  Why?  Because these warnings would be issued just days before election.  Obama doesn’t want over 100,000 workers getting warnings that they may be laid off just before November 6th.
Obama has a plan.  It’s pretty simple, actually.  Tell these defense contractors to simply ignore the law!  Obama does it!  Why shouldn’t these defense contractors?  But the defense contractors … Lockheed Martin, for instance … were a bit reluctant to go along with Obama on this.  The courts might look the other way when Obama ignores the law, but can they get the same break? 
Obama had a bit of a problem here … so he took it a step further last Friday.  He told Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors that he will indemnify them if they get sued and a judgment is entered against them.  He’ll just pay their legal losses.  And where will he get the money?  The taxpayers, of course. 
So … here’s what Obama is telling these defense contractors:
Hey guys, this WARN Act stuff?  Look, I know what the law says; but you just gotta ignore the law this time, know what I’m saying?  If you send out those layoff notices I’m going to take a hit just days before the vote.  Now look … you’ve seen me ignore the law, right?  I did it when I bailed out the United Auto Workers Union.   I did it when I let my New Black Panther Party buddies walk on that voter intimidation thing.  The law simply can’t be allowed to stand between me and my supporters.  The risks are too great.  So here’s the deal:  You put off sending out those layoff notices.  Then if you really DO have to lay those people off, and if they file lawsuits against you and win … well, I’ll cover your losses.  How’s that?  I’ll just get some taxpayer money and pay the tab.  Hell … we’ll call it stimulus spending.  That line always seems to work pretty well.” 
As I said, the story is growing.  Because of this latest offer from the Obama administration, Lockheed Martin has decided to take them up on their offer.  Now some in Congress, like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, are threatening to do something about this, and will try to make sure that taxpayer money is not spent on this politically motivated move by the Obama administration.
Others have already pointed out the hypocrisy of this move by Obama, considering that in 2007, he was one of the Senators who championed a bill that would have strengthened and expanded the WARN Act.

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