Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sessions: ‘Obamacare built on an accounting fraud’ - Atlanta Paulding County Republican |

Sessions: ‘Obamacare built on an accounting fraud’ - Atlanta Paulding County Republican |

Sessions: ‘Obamacare built on an accounting fraud’ (Video)

October 5, 2013
On Friday, U.S. Senator Jeff Session (R-AL) spoke on the Senate floor about Obamacare stating that Obamacare was built on an accounting fraud and that not only has Democratic Senators been demeaning the Tea Party movement with attempts to shut them out, but that the House has to the right to fund what they want to fund.
“House Republicans are working to spare American workers from this train wreck,” said Sessions. “But Leader Reid and President Obama are building a fortress around the law, even as more and more train wrecks are discovered in the 2,700-page bill no one had time to read.”
“It’s been going on ever since it passed…their goal is to put up a wall around it and anything that comes up, they won’t listen to… they won’t consider, they won’t discuss. It’s a fact… it’s a deal, you can’t even discuss it,” said Sessions.
Sessions went to say, “The House has a right to fund what they want to fund…under the Constitution…and not chose what they want to.”
“A lot of us are going to donate our pay during this furlough to charity and I will. But I wish our friends would begin to be more concerned for the private sector workers, millions of American workers who will be affected by the Affordable Care Act—hammered by it. Eventually full funding will resume to our government. We know that this furlough will end,” said Sessions.
“But if Obamacare remains in full effect the consequences for American workers is going to be lasting, damaging. So will the consequences to the United States Treasury and our financial condition...”
Sessions continued his speech and went to say that Obama had promised that not a single dime will be added to the federal deficit when in fact, it will, based on a GAO report.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) in February 2013 stated that Obamacare would increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion, contrary to President Obama’s claims.
Sessions said at that time during a Senate Budget Committee hearing, “This confirms everything critics and Republicans were saying about the faults of this bill, and dramatically proves that the promises made assuring the nation that the largest new entitlement program in history would not add one dime to the deficit were false.”
Sessions alluded to Obama stating that his budget proposal will include $1.2 trillion in spending cuts over ten years, including $400 billion in cuts to Medicare and $130 billion from reducing inflation calculations linked to Social Security payments in which Sessions called it an accounting trick and a fraud.
Meanwhile on Saturday, Fox News reported that the Senate Democrats continued their assault on Republicans in the House in which a Republican House bill passed to give thousands of furloughed federal workers back pay when the government reopens, but Democrats slammed the Republicans again saying they don’t want the partial shutdown to end.
“Now we're saying to federal employees: We're going to pay you when this is all over with,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said minutes after the 407-to-0 House vote. “But right now, you just stay home … watch TV, play chess, whatever you’re going to do, because we won't let you work.”

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