Monday, November 11, 2013

CNN: Obamacare Failure Is Christians’ Fault // Mr. Conservative

CNN: Obamacare Failure Is Christians’ Fault // Mr. Conservative

CNN: Obamacare Failure Is Christians’ Fault

We all know that today’s mainstream media is the facade of Obama’s current administration as well as Obama’s personal cheering squad but the way the media attempts to distract and divert the American public from the truth can sometimes baffle viewers or readers as much as Obama does himself.
John Blake, a writer for’s Belief Blog, posted a blog blaming Christians for all the soon to be uninsured Americans titled “The Obamacare scandal you haven’t heard about.”
The blog goes on to discus points about as irrelevant as the accusation. Blakes states that “The coverage gap was created when 25 states refused to accept the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare. The people who fall into this gap make too much money to qualify for Medicaid and not enough to qualify for Obamacare.”
The general consensus seems to be that the states reasoning behind the opt-outs are either on principle, a stand against Obamacare, or because of the fear of future hidden costs as a result of Obamacare. The blog attempts to demonstration how Christianity, the founding religion of charity, is seemingly doing nothing, and arguably making the situation worse while looking on to the problem Obamacare was designed to, albeit failing miserably, solve.
He goes on to show how “Most of the people who fall into the coverage gap live in the Bible Belt, a 14- state region in the South” and that “All but two Bible Belt states have refused to accept the Medicaid expansion.” I’m not quite sure how 12 out of 25 states is “most of the people,” leaving 13 states left, but CNN seems to blame this coverage gap on pastors such as Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes for notspeaking out about the matter. It seems mainstream media would like separation of church and state unless it suites them or their cause.

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