Thursday, November 7, 2013

Not zero tolerance, but just as stupid | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Not zero tolerance, but just as stupid | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Not zero tolerance, but just as stupid

I’ve maintained here at United Liberty that school administrators throughout the nation have been engaged in a competition to see who can use zero tolerance rules in the most idiotic manner.  The truth is, we’ve seen some great entries if that’s the case.  Of course, what happened to a Georgia woman last week doesn’t fall under “zero tolerance,” but I think it at least deserves an honorable mention at the awards ceremony.
Tanya Mount was issued a criminal trespass warning last week from her daughter’s school in the Richmond County School System.  Her crime?  Was she being disorderly?  Nope.  Did you threaten a teacher or staff member?  Apparently not.
So what the heck did she do that would keep her from being able to show up at her daughter’s school where she happens to be a volunteer?:
She asked what she did wrong. “The principal is scared of you and she doesn’t want you on the grounds. I ask for what? And he asks were you in the Army and I said yes. He’s like do you have a concealed weapons permit? I said yes,” says Mount.
No.  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You see, Mount posted a photograph of her permit on Facebook.  The administrator got wind of it and apparently freaked out.  After all, if someone had a permit, they just might have a *gasp* gun!!!!!
The warning Mount received came to her via a Richmond County School police officer.  The administrator didn’t even have the guts to tell her to her face.  Of course, when you have a permit, you might just have a gun.  If you have a gun, then you’re mentally deranged or something, right?
Of course not.
Here’s what Mount said it felt like:
“I feel that this is some high school crap. He said she said. She should have contacted me instead of taking the legal route which was uncalled for,” says Mount.
While I agree that the principal, Janina Dallas, should have contacted Mount directly, it’s not high school.  It’s any school.
You see, this instance is actually the bastard child of zero tolerance.  The idea that we can not allow even the hint of a gun, because even a hint will result in 5,362 deaths per day in a single school.
Mount, by virtue of having a permit, is part of a select group that has been shown to not be a threat to anyone except criminals who seek to do them harm.  By virtue of being a parent and a permit holder, Mount appears to have taken her responsibilities to her daughter very, very seriously.  I applaud her.
However, for Dallas, the permit coupled with Mount’s status as an Army veteran, is sufficient reason to fear an adult who has reportedly done nothing wrong.  So far, it appears that the Richmond County Board of Education has done nothing to correct this, though Mount reports that she has been given permission to pull her daughter out of that school and transfer her to another.
Of course, until Dallas is reprimanded for her idiotic approach to such a non-threat as a weapons permit, things will never really be made right.  Unfortunately, I suspect that rather than be reprimanded as she so richly deserves, Dallas will be permitted to keep making such idiotic moves as this.
For some things, there really is no cure.

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