Friday, January 10, 2014

 Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus | LiveScience

 Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus | LiveScience

Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus
 Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus
Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus

The True Cross

The cross Jesus died on is a powerful symbol for Christians, so it makes sense that the actual cross would be an object of great veneration. According to accounts by fourth-century church historian Socrates Scholasticus, the Roman emperor Constantine's mother demanded that the church built on Christ's supposed crucifixion site be demolished, uncovering three crosses below. True or not, hundreds of scraps of wood venerated as pieces of the True Cross spread across Europe. French theologian John Calvin of Protestant Reformation fame once dryly noted the sheer volume of these relics.
"In brief, if all the pieces that could be found were collected together, they would make a big ship-load," Calvin wrote. "Yet the Gospel testifies that a single man was able to carry it."

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Edwin Woods · IDTC
I am not going to read something that was written two thousand years ago not by the Author himself because Jesus didn,t write any of the Bible stories. Plus it is just an Old Book of history of one Culture that lived during that time and many Religious come out of that Region that were just false and then they would invent another one and say to people we got the right one now baby that last for hundreds of years then it proves to be false then they go to another one with same SOS.
  • John Fox · Top Commenter · General Partner of investment partnerships at Self-Employed
    Edwin, there is a difference between Christianity and other religions. that is that Jesus is not just another prophet from God. He was God incarnate. god himself sent down to man for a purpose. that purpose was to give us the final piece in what we needed for salvation. You see, God wants to spend eternity with us. But that plan has been interrupted by sin. Yet Jesus came to pay the price for OUR sins, by dying when we ourselves are the ones who should die and not see heaven. through him, all that accept his free gift shall enter the kingdom. See why they call it the gospel (Good word?) It is an amazing story. And Jesus proved that he was God when he rose form the dead, as predicted, and went into heaven after paying the price for us. It's a love story. Not like other religions (Or those who have corrupted this one) where you need to work your way into the graces of an angry God. This is about love and acceptance and God himself did the work. totally different - because it was established by God and not be man, like the other religions where man asks what he can do to get to heaven. Here, we realize we can do nothing, but we CAN accept what Jesus did. Or not. If you don't want to be thankful to God for sending Jesus, then don't. But it doesn't make it less of the truth, and doesn't make God love you any less. The choice is yours. But God will send those away with sadness in his own words if they won't accept his FREE gift of salvation. Just like He sent Adam and Eve away from the garden even though he wanted them to stay there forever. 
  • Pi'Dadro Davis · Transportation Manager at JCPenneys
    John Fox- your words touched me! I was raised in the church, went to a Christian University and consider myself a Christian. I don't always do Christian things for sin is indeed present. But my soul weeped tears reading your post. Tears of joy, and regret for I know what He has done for me but yet i am weak to the sin that consumes me. It also weeped for Edwin Woods and people alike him. I know God is real! I have been through a lot-I'm about to be 27yrs old in a few months and I've been through more in my life to date, than some people will ever experience. During the times where my life was caving in I saw only darkness from the doors closing. But! Because of His grace and mercy He has always seen me through-an undeservng soul like me. When I didn't know where my next meal was going to come from, how my bills were going to get paid, how I was going to make it to the next day-He was present! Edwin Woods and the people who are alike-please don't listen to what we have to say-i just ask that you TRY HIM FOR YOURSELF! Try and talk to Him, He will listen, he may not answer when you want Him to, but I promise He is always on time.

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