Monday, February 3, 2014

Internal White House Document: Obama Serious About Becoming A Dictator

Internal White House Document: Obama Serious About Becoming A Dictator

Washington Post Obama dictator?
Finally, people are beginning to wake up and see President Obama for who he really is. You know it’s probably time to sit up and take note when the liberal Washington Post starts out an article with, “An internal White House assessment concludes that President Obama must distance himself from a recalcitrant Congress.”
That’s interesting that one of the most pro-Democrat party media outlets says that Obama wants to distance himself from a Congress he sees as uncooperative, when that is part of the entire legislative process. Congresses job is not to just rubber stamp legislation for President Obama or any president for that matter, their job is to keep a check on the power of executive branch.
When Obama says Congress is not doing their job because they won’t cooperate with him, that in fact means, they must essentially be doing their job. Obama obviously wants the low information voter to forget the Constitution gave us the legislative branch as a balance of power. They could do their job a bit more effectively though and run this guy and his progressive agenda out of town.
Read more below from The Washington Post:
An internal White House assessment concludes that President Obama must distance himself from a recalcitrant Congress after being badly damaged last year by legislative failures, a government shutdown and his own missteps.
Obama has said that his fraught relationship with Congress, especially after Republicans won the House in 2010, complicated his ability to promote his agenda. But for the first time, following what many allies view as a lost year, the White House is reorganizing itself to support a more executive-focused presidency and inviting the rest of the government to help.
The new approach comes after weeks of internal White House debate over a single question: What went wrong in 2013? The answers will help determine the outline of the State of the Union address Obama will deliver Tuesday evening, as well as how he pursues a meaningful legacy in the remainder of his term.
Last year began with the fresh-start ambitions of his second inauguration but ended in a long trail of mistakes, international embarrassments and missed legislative opportunities that sapped Obama’s credibility with the public.
Senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer outlined the lessons learned in a three-page memo that Obama discussed with his Cabinet in recent weeks, according to several administration officials who have read the document.
Among its conclusions is that Obama, a former state legislator and U.S. senator, too often governed more like a prime minister than a president. In a parliamentary system, a prime minister is elected by lawmakers and thus beholden to them in ways a president is not.

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