Friday, February 7, 2014

Musab Mohamed Masmari, a Muslim identified and charged with setting fire to a Seattle gay club on New Year’s Eve

Musab Mohamed Masmari, a Muslim identified and charged with setting fire to a Seattle gay club on New Year’s Eve

Muslim arsonist of gay club was Obama State Dept Arab ‘cultural ambassador’…

by: Benjamin Franklin

(By Debbie Schlussel) -- A Muslim charged with and videotaped pouring gasoline on a gay club and setting it on fire was an “Arab Cultural Ambassador” for the State Department when it hosted visiting Iraqi “journalists” in Seattle. [...]
While the left and gays are constantly harping on “the Christian Right,” they continue to turn a blind eye to the group that’s really a danger to them: Muslims. I’ve said this time and again. And so it goes with Musab Mohamed Masmari, a Muslim identified and charged with setting fire to a Seattle gay club on New Year’s Eve, after he doused the place with gasoline. [...] The Joint Terrorism Task Force is involved in the investigation because IT. IS. TERRORISM. Islamic terrorism, to be exact. And what’s so interesting is that this guy was a “9/11 Arab Cultural Ambassador” FOR THE STATE DEPARTMENT(!) helping out Iraqi journalists who came to America! Alhamdillullah [praise allah].

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