Monday, April 7, 2014

Film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures sent to a million swing voters | Mail Online

Film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures sent to a million swing voters 

Now it's getting REALLY dirty: Outrageous film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures is sent to a MILLION swing voters

  • The film claims that Mr Obama's real father is left wing poet and Communist party activist, Frank Marshall Davis
  • 100,000 copies of the DVD, containing extraordinary claims, have already been mailed to voters in Ohio with up to three million more planned to go out
  • As Mitt Romney lags in the polls the material could be potentially damaging for the Obama campaign
  • It has already won the support of Alabama's Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead
  • Democrat consultant Steve Murphy called the accusations 'low' and motivated by race and money
More than a million voters in swing states are being sent an anti-Obama documentary that claims the President's mother once posed for pornographic photos wearing bondage gear.
The shocking - and totally unfounded - claims made in the DVD represent a new low in the election dirty tricks war today provoking fury among Democrats and likely to trigger outrage in the White House.
'Dreams From My Real Father', made by a right-wing film-maker who is a long-time critic of Obama,  includes images of a woman it claims is the President's mother Ann Dunham clad in leather gloves, boots and a corset posing seductively on a couch.
The film also alleges that Mr Obama's real father is left wing poet poet and Communist party activist Frank Marshall Davis, and that Ms Dunham's marriage was a 'sham' to cover this up.
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Accusations: A video alleging that President Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, starred in pornographic photo shoots and that his real father is in fact Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis
Accusations: An outrageous video is alleging that President Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, starred in pornographic photo shoots and that his real father is really Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis (right)
Porn star: 'Dreams From My Real Father' the DVD includes images of a woman said to be Ann Dunham clad in leather gloves, boots and a corset posing seductively on a couch
Porn star: 'Dreams From My Real Father' the DVD includes images of a woman its maker says is Ann Dunham, clad in leather gloves, boots and a corset posing seductively on a couch
The extraordinary claims are the latest twist in the debunked 'birther' conspiracy which has raised questions over Mr Obama's past.
But they could have serious consequences as more than one million copies have been mailed to voters in Ohio, a key swing state where Mitt Romney is lagging in the polls.
Some 100,000 copies have also been sent to voters in Nevada and the same number to New Hampshire - with up to three million more still to come.
It has even won the support of Alabama's Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead who has said: 'That (the film) is absolutely frightening. I've seen it. I verified that it is factual, all of it. People can determine.'
Argument: Tea Party members are suspected to be behind the funding of the DVD and research that went into the website
Argument: Tea Party members are suspected to be behind the funding of the DVD made by Joel Gilbert and research that went into the website
But Democrat consultant Steve Murphy said today: 'It's about the lowest thing you can do to accuse, with no evidence, the opposition candidate's mother of being a porn star.
'There are two motives behind this - racism and money. It's a cynical attempt to make some coin and exploit the views of the fringes of mainstream views.'
'Dreams From My Real Father' claims that the President's family history is an elaborate lie.
The real story is that his mother's marriage to Barack Obama Sr was a sham to cover up her affair with Mr Davis, who Mr Obama has referred to as his 'mentor'.
Mr Davis supposedly photographed Ms Dunham whilst she was pregnant with Mr Obama and sold the photos to 1950s magazines with titles like 'Bizarre Life',  'Exotique', and 'Secret Pleasures'.
Claims: A website for the DVD entitled, Dreams from My Real Father, compares photographs of a young Mr Davis with Barack Obama's high school photographs presenting them as similar
Claims: A website for the DVD entitled, Dreams from My Real Father, compares photographs of a young Mr Davis with Barack Obama's high school photographs presenting them as similar

Like father like son? Mr Gilbert did not disclose who funded the DVD project that aims to educate voters of the new 'birther' beliefs regarding Mr Davis' paternity
Like father like son? Mr Gilbert's DVD claims that Ann Dunham's marriage to Barack Obama Sr is a 'sham' to cover up her affair with Mr Davis (right)
In one the woman - there is no proof offered that she is Ms Dunham - is posing wearing the corset, gaudy earrings and a large necklace with her hair cut short.
In another photo she sits on a couch staring into the camera and in the other she is putting on an elbow length black leather glove.
In a third she is reclining on the couch with her buttocks clearly visible and in others she is naked apart from a pair of high heels.
In the film, a narrator who is supposed to be Mr Obama says: 'These photos were taken a few weeks before 1960, when mom was about five weeks pregnant with me.
'Frank then sold the photos to men's mail-order catalogues.'
Propaganda? 100,000 copies of the video directed by Joe Gilbert were mailed to voters in Ohio claiming that Ann Dunham is not the virtuous woman Mr Obama purports her to be and that she had many affairs while in Indonesia
Obama's real mother: 100,000 copies of the video directed by Joe Gilbert were mailed to voters in Ohio claiming that Ann Dunham (front, right)) is not the virtuous woman Mr Obama purports her to be
The film also claims that Mr Obama’s grandfather was not a furniture salesman but actually a CIA agent.
The 'Barack Obama' narrator says: 'My election was not a sudden political phenomenon.
'It was the culmination of an American socialist movement that my real father, Frank Marshall Davis, nurtured in Chicago and Hawaii, and has been quietly infiltrating the US economy, universities, and media for decades.'
The case: Mr Gilbert has not revealed who funded the video Dreams from My Real Father
The case: Mr Gilbert has not revealed who funded the video Dreams from My Real Father
According to the film Mr Obama made regular visits to Mr Davis from the age of 10 where he was 'indoctrinated in Marxism during his formative years'.
The movie's director Joel Gilbert said the documentary was the result of two years of research but he is already facing allegations it is a dirty tricks campaign.
Speaking to MailOnline Mr Gilbert claimed that he matched up Ms Dunham to the pornographic pictures by comparing them to her high school photographs at the time.
He and 'other researchers' made the connection but he did not employ a photography expert.
Mr Gilbert said: 'Her teeth matched, her nose matched, everything matched. It's obvious.
'People don’t want to hear this because there is a mass hysteria around President Obama.
'Nobody wants to hear about the gap between what he says and what he wants to do.'
Mr Gilbert also declined to discuss who had paid for the film and would only reveal it was 'privately funded'.
There is already speculation that Tea Party groups may have been behind it.
Mr Gilbert has been unapologetic about his film and said that he investigated the President because he thought he had a 'passion for class struggle that did not fit with his background'.
He has said that he turned up 'convincing evidence that Ann Dunham had an intimate relationship with Mr Davis' including '30 photos of her in various compromising states of nudity'.
Mr Gilbert said: 'Right away I could see that Davis has a striking resemblance to Obama while the Kenyan Obama looked nothing like him.
Target: Since he took office in 2008, Mr Obama has been at the centre of many right wing theories about his background and nationality including one that suggested he might be an alien
Target: Since he took office in 2008, Mr Obama has been at the centre of many right wing theories about his background and nationality including one that suggested he might be an alien
'Davis was not only the biological father of Barack Obama but also the ideological father.
'I've concluded that the people who were asking: "Where's the birth certificate?" were asking the wrong question. The real question: "Who's the father?"'
In his memoirs Mr Obama has written how his mother, who was from Wichita, Kansas, met his Kenyan-born father whilst they were both studying Russian at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.
They married in February 1961 but in August of that year she moved to Seattle to study at the University of Washington.

Bold: Joel Gilbert has accused all major American Television networks and most Cable News networks of gross violations of the Journalists Creed according to a statement on
Reputation: Joel Gilbert is a Los Angeles based filmmaker known for his rabble-rousing style with films like 'Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War for Islamic Revival and Obama's Politics of Defeat'
Mr Obama was born on August 4 in Honolulu before she left.

His long form birth certificate lists a 25-year-old student called 'Barack Hussein Obama' as his dad, referring to his father.


  • Joel Gilbert is a Los Angeles based filmmaker known for his rabble-rousing style with films like ‘Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War for Islamic Revival and Obama's Politics of Defeat’.
  • Aged 48, he claims to have studied at the London School of Economics and George Washington University before moving into film.
  • His entertainment company Highway 61 Entertainment has produced 15 films including ‘Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran and the Revolt of Islam’, which is a history of Islamic-Jewish conflict.
  • He has appeared on right wing radio shows such as the Jerry Doyle Show and is a contributing editor for anti-Obama website
Mr Obama Sr is said to have finished his economics degree in Hawaii then studied at Harvard before moving back to Kenya in 1964, the year he and Ms Dunham divorced.
In a separate development the director of the anti-Obama film 2016, which has become a surprise box office hit, has made lurid claims similar to Mr Gilbert's about Ms Dunham in his book: 'Obama’s America'.
In the book, which reached no.1 on the New York Times bestseller list, Dinesh D'Souza alleges that she sent her son to Hawaii just so she could cheat on his father with Indonesian men.
According to extracts of the book on the Daily Beast: 'Ann's sexual adventuring may seem a little surprising in view of the fact that she was a large woman who kept getting larger.
'Learning about Ann's sexual adventures in Indonesia, I realized how wrong I had been to consider Barack Obama Sr. the playboy … Ann … was the real playgirl, and despite all her reservations about power, she was using her American background and economic and social power to purchase the romantic attention of third-world men.'
Since taking office Mr Obama has been the subject of a number of bizarre claims about his past.
Right wing bloggers have claimed that the 'scar' on his head was evidence he had undergone some kind of secret surgery.
They suggested it could be anything from a routine procedure to the work of extra-terrestrials.
The birther movement, which was championed by real estate mogul Donald Trump, said that as the President was not from Hawaii it meant he was not eligible to be in the White House.
When Mr Obama released the long form of his birth certificate the issue finally went away.
The issue of Mr Obama’s religion is another point of attack and despite publicly proclaiming his Christian beliefs, some still believe he is a Muslim.
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