Thursday, June 12, 2014

One Chart Puts The Firearms Threat in Perspective

One Chart Puts The Firearms Threat in Perspective

Ammunition and Loaded Magazine
For liberals, the truth is irrelevant to their arguments and when presented with facts will tell you they don’t matter!

Via Young Conservatives:
Oxford Ph. D. student Avi Roy created this chart comparing causes of death in the U.S. in 1900 vs. causes of death in the U.S. in 2010. Notice anything missing?
Let’s start with natural disasters. While President Obama is busy releasing terrorists from Gitmo and claiming our new national security issue is “climate change,” 98% fewer people are dying from extreme weather events or natural disasters than in the 1920s. Obama can keep saying “science is science” all he wants, but extreme weather events currently cause 0.07% of all fatalities globally.
Click the image to enlarge:
Screen-Shot-2014-06-09-at-3.23.03-PM (1)
According to IJReview
“Deaths from firearms totaled 31,672 in 2010 (just to keep the comparisons apples to apples). In that year, around 19,392 of those deaths were from firearms-related suicides (half of all suicides)… What about accidents? Around 570 of those were from firearms of a total of 126,100 accidents. Firearms murders, mostly by handgun, came to about 8,775 counts (of 12,996 total murders) in 2010, according to FBI statistics.”
So deaths from firearms and “global warming” don’t even register on the top reasons for death in America. Kind of puts the whole gun control debate in perspective, doesn’t it?

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