Sunday, October 5, 2014

An Evening with Michael Farris,

An Evening with Michael Farris,

An Evening with Michael Farris,

| October 5 2014
David Leeper

In the video below, Dr. Michael Farris provides the background, the rationale, the battle plan, and a status update for Convention of States, a grassroots political movement to reform Washington DC via Article V of the US Constitution.

Our Constitution’s Framers, especially George Mason and James Madison, presciently foresaw a day when we might have an over-taxing, over-borrowing, over-spending, over-regulating, and over-bearing federal government. (Does all that sound familiar?).
Wisely, the Framers included in Article V a method by which our state legislatures could amend the US Constitution without the permission or approval of Congress, the President, or the Supreme Court. Article V assigns Congress no more than an administrative obligation, and the President and Supreme Court are assigned no role at all — our state legislatures are in charge.
Since the Article V state-driven “option” to amending the Constitution has never been used, many have been concerned it could be risky. Senator Mike Lee and even Mark Levin himself (author of Liberty Amendments) once feared that risk, but both have studied the prospects carefully and concluded that risk of inaction far exceeds the risk of continuing on the current path. That path will, with 100% certainty, lead to fiscal collapse of our country. Candidate amendments topping the list are term limits for Congress and a balanced federal budget.
Michael Farris covers these issues and much more in his 1-hour presentation in Phoenix, Arizona, on Oct 4, 2014. The video includes a substantive Q&A session of about 30 minutes.

Dr. Farris is Chancellor of Patrick Henry College and Chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association. He was the founding president of each organization. During his career as a constitutional appellate litigator, he has served as lead counsel in the United States Supreme Court, eight federal circuit courts, and the appellate courts of thirteen states.
See for more information. See also the Article V page at this link at

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