Friday, July 3, 2015

9 things we learned from Hillary's email release

9 things we learned from Hillary's email release

9 things we learned from Hillary’s email release

hillary041015Here’s a first-impression list of all the stuff we’re learning about Hillary Clinton, thanks to the recent release of 3,000 State Department emails. Most of it affirms suspicions we already had. The rest is even crazier.
  1. The slow-drip of email releases — 3,000 on Monday; 55,000 by year’s end — is being supervised by the same lawyer — Catherine Duvall — who steered the document release process in the IRS-Tea Party discrimination scandal. “She was at the IRS when there was a preservation order and subpoena — and documents were destroyed,” said Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). “She is now at the State Department, where we were supposed to get [certain] information, and we know that some of the emails were not given.”
  2. Everybody who was anybody knew she had the private email — which means everybody, from Rahm Emanuel to David Axelrod, has been lying about their ignorance of the private server this whole time. Really, with Hillary’s use of an obvious non-governmental email address, how could anyone in the loop — including Barack Obama — not know? It’s inconceivable that those closest to Obama knew — but that he, somehow, didn’t.
  3. Sidney Blumenthal — who was on staff at the Clinton Foundation at a salary of $10,000 per month — was a fixture in Hillary’s flow of information at the State Department. “While Blumenthal’s role as a provider of off-the-books intelligence reports on Libya has stirred controversy, the newly disclosed emails show he also acted as an intermediary with officials involved in the Northern Ireland peace process and shared advice with Clinton on issues from Iran to British politics to how to blame China for the breakdown of global climate talks,” reported Politico.
  4. She had more than one private email account, and she also used that one for government communication. When she obtained a RIM Blackberry smartphone, Hillary took advantage of its email service and registered the email address — which she nicknamed “H2″ — at While we don’t know how extensively she used the Blackberry account, we do know that she CC’d that account address on communications from her “regular” secret email address (simply nicknamed “H”) at We also know that an “” account sounds pretty pedestrian, security-wise.
  5. You can take the girl out of Arkansas… Yes, we know Hillary wasn’t raised in Arkansas, but her time in the Deep South evidently inspired a lifelong love of iced tea. “Pls call Sarah and ask her if she can get me some iced tea,” she emailed in Sept. 2009. There’s a lame joke in there somewhere about how many people it takes to screw in a light bulb, also.
  6. Obama learns what his administration is doing by watching TV news, but Hillary prefers the radio. Hillary asked Huma Abedin, her sidekick/adviser, whether she was supposed to be at a cabinet meeting … because, you know, she’d heard about it on the radio. In an email dated June 8, 2009: “I heard on the radio that there is a Cabinet mtg this am. Is there? Can I go? If not, who are we sending?”
  7. Fax machines hate her.
  8. And, lest we forget, the emails prove that Hillary lied. She lied about the server; she lied about the existence of multiple email accounts; and she about her restraint in redacting only personal information from the curated batch of emails she voluntarily turned over to the government after leaving the State Department.
  9. Also, lest we forget, every bit of this information comes from the emails Hillary and her team have allowed the government — which has full legal claim to every scrap of email she produced or received on that private server — to see. We have no idea what’s contained in the stuff she refuses to allow the government to see.

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