Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Two Million Homosexuals Flood The Streets To Express Their Hatred Against God. They Then Take A Transgender Man, Dress Him Up As Jesus Christ, Whip Him Until He Bleeds And Then Crucify Him - Walid Shoebat

Two Million Homosexuals Flood The Streets To Express Their Hatred Against God. They Then Take A Transgender Man, Dress Him Up As Jesus Christ, Whip Him Until He Bleeds And Then Crucify Him 

Two Million Homosexuals Flood The Streets To Express Their Hatred Against God. They Then Take A Transgender Man, Dress Him Up As Jesus Christ, Whip Him Until He Bleeds And Then Crucify Him

By Theodore Shoebat 

Two million homosexuals flooded the streets of the Brazilian city of Sao Paolo to express their hatred against God. In The middle of the rally they took a transgender man, whipped him until his back bled and then crucified him. This is nothing but the spirit of Antichrist that so possess these demonic people. I did a whole video on this with pictures of this diabolical rally:
Here is the photo of the mock crucifixion:
sao paolo
sao paolo 2
So many people have a sick and deranged view of morality. What these sodomites are illustrating is a theology — an evil theology — that seeks to reduce humanity from being an image of God to being an idol of the devil. Satan wants to recreate man to his image, and you can see this diabolical conspiracy right in the homosexual movement. This is truly a heresy — homo heresy — and it leads to nothing but tyranny and violence.
With this I am reminded of a conversation between G.K. Chesterton and a diabolist. The diabolist asked Chesterton why he became orthodox (since he converted to Catholicism). “I am becoming orthodox,” said Chesterton, “because I have come, rightly or wrongly, after stretching my brain till it bursts, to the old belief that heresy is worse even than sin. An error is more menacing than a crime, for an error begets crime.”
The diabolist erupted into making all sorts of sophisms about morality. The two men were standing before a fire, and the diabolist made use of the sparks that came forth from the flames, saying, “That flame flowered out of virtues, and it will fade with virtues.” “Do you see that fire?” asked Chesterton, “If we had a real fighting democracy, some one would burn you in it; like the devil-worshipper that you are.” (Chesterton, The Diabolist, Tremendous Trifles, 1990)
And thats exactly what should happen to all of these sodomites and their followers: they should be burned at the stake, just as the heretics and reprobates were back in the Middle Ages. As Augustine wrote:
By the same token, vices contrary to nature are everywhere and always to be detested and punished. Such were the sins of the Sodomites.
“Vices contrary to nature,” yet they are getting less detested and instead of being punished they are being rewarded. This is the situation we are under.
The Supreme Court’s recent decision to enforce homosexuality on all of the American states, is really  paving the way to tyranny and homo despotism against Christians. It further empowers the homosexual agenda and provides the sodomites the confidence that fuels their diabolical flames.
So what is the homosexual agenda about? It is about conquest, and the persecution of Christians. Just by perusing today’s news, it is easily found that this reality continues to expose itself as the sodomites proceed to advance their despotic ideology. Look at this recent video of a Brazilian homosexual and heretical pastor, calling for physical violence against any orthodox Christian who rejects sodomite marriage:
Recently it was reported that a British pastor in England, Alan Clifford, is currently being investigated by the police for an email he sent to some sodomite organizers in which he wrote a quite honest description of a homosexual rally:
The planned route took us past the market and the City Hall. Shamelessly displaying the City Council’s decadence, a ‘rainbow’ drape stretched along the entire width of the building … On the balcony the lord mayor, resplendent in his ceremonial robes, waved to the crowd, supported by other members of the council. It was a truly shameful display of official support
He went on to refer to the sodomite event as an “unashamed carnival of perverted carnality,” this email was then reported to the police by the sodomites, and an actual investigation ensued. The reprobates who reported it, are quite satisfied that a man is being inquisited for his freedom of speech and religion:
We reported the email to the police as a hate incident and are pleased that they are dealing with it seriously …Our mission at Norwich Pride is to ensure that we live in a city where everyone feels safe and proud to be themselves–and nobody feels hated simply for being who they are.
They claim to desire safety for all, yet they desire to see us, the Christians, in fear and trepidation of them. The pastor is presently awaiting on the decision for whether or not he will be prosecuted. They keep telling us about their fear of having a “Christian nation,” when in reality they are striving to establish a sodomite despotism, why they are gradually making more an more powerful and conspicuous.
If they succeed, we will live under an outright Homosexual inquisition, and if they really had their way, they would build a homosexual empire. How do I know that this is true? Very simple, look into history and we will find the ultimate results of homosexuality.
We complain of the sodomite movement, but we must realize that we are heading toward a revival of an ancient utopia much more depraved than now, because in antiquity homosexuality was the norm, not only that, it was a part of religion and government.
In ancient Rome homosexuality was most common, it was not solely a preferable activity, but interconnected with the religion, the state, and the culture. Homosexuality was as ordinary as marriage, and more preferable, and the pagan Caesars themselves were open sodomites. Jupiter, or the tutelar god of the empire, was a homosexual deity who satisfied his lusts with the Trojan Ganymede, and another young man named Fabius. (1)
Because of the sodomite behaviour of the gods, their worshippers would see no wrong in plunging deeper in their depravity and being homosexual themselves. Their mindset was, if the gods do it, then I could, and should, too.
It is no wonder, then, as to why when St. Paul gives his descriptive history of homosexuality, he recounts that they “changed the truth of God into a lie,” (Romans 1:25) before “God gave them up unto vile affections” and they turned to homosexuality (Romans 1:26-27).
The worship of this homosexual god was enforced by the state, and when Christianity came, it was the sodomite establishment that killed Christians for rejecting this reprobate god. A statue of Jupiter Philius was erected in Antioch by the famous wizard Theotecnus who, like Haman, told the emperor Maximinus that Jupiter demanded of him “to expel the Christians as his enemies, beyond the limits of the city and the adjacent territory.” (2)
This order began to be issued in all the cities of the empire, and even the subjects were told to purge the land of the Christians. The priests of the pagan gods were commissioned to orchestrate the persecution, and they did not hesitate to comply, for they wished to establish a universal utopia like Babel, in which all worship the gods as one.
When Antiochus invaded Judea he had erected an altar to Jupiter, and those who refused to burn incense to it were brutally executed. This homosexual tyranny is further made clear by the fact that before the conquest, the traitorous Jews, in wanting to integrate Israel with paganism, built a gymnasium, “according to the laws of the nations” (I Maccabees, 1:15). The gymnasium was inherently homosexual, with the exercisers being completely naked. (3)
The gymnasium was a place where the pagans would exalt the male body to not only partake in homosexual attraction, but to as well honor the pagan gods, (4) by whom homosexuality was justified. In Sparta, the gymnasium was institutionalized in the role of forcing recruited young Greek boys, by the age of twelve, into becoming homosexual warriors. The historian Plutarch writes:
By this age the boys came to be courted by lovers from among the respectable young men. The older men, too, showed even more interest, visiting the gymnasia frequently and being present when the boys fought and joked with one another. (5)
The sodomites agenda wants to see this same cruel tyranny established today, in order to build a homoerotic utopia where boys are recruited for a homosexual army, and the male body is exalted as the primal and pure physique of a warrior. Lets not forget what the Gay Manifesto says:
We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. … We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.
The Spartans recruited boys into a militant homosexual system, and so today we find the sodomites gradually trying to extinguish parental rights in regards to sexuality, for the purpose of convincing children into becoming sodmites, and ultimately, recruit them for their movement. This is clearly seen in Chris Christie’s decision to ban all licensed therapists from treating homosexual children to bring them back to normality and the natural order. They want the state to sever the influence of parents from their children, and make the youths open to homosexual propaganda, and thus for recruitment.
Since it would be difficult for the sodomites to actively introduce children to homosexuality, they want parents to do this for them. One reprobate has made this recent statement:
“I have had intuitive thoughts that such would be a healthy way for parents to interact with their children and introduce their children to sensual/sexual pleasure and bonding and loving practices … Who better to do it, than the parents first?”
Homosexual acts were not only encouraged and common, but imposed in the pagan world. In Sparta, for example, if you were a handsome man of good character and did not have a male lover at all, you were fined. The ancient scholar Aelian explains:
And any man of good appearance and character who did not fall in love with someone well-bred was also fined, because despite his excellence he did not love anyone. (6)
The sodomites today want us to revert to the homosexuality of antiquity, and to force us to accept their ideology. This forced acceptance will only lead to forced participation in homosexual activities. This is why the Gay Manifesto states:
If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies. …The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence–will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants. All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated.
The exaltation of the male body was rooted in the pagan hatred for women, which was inherent in the Greco-Roman religion. Hesiod, one of the greatest prophets for the religion of the Roman empire, wrote that Zeus actually created women as a curse to men, a belief completely contrary to the civilized and beautiful Genesis account of Adam and Eve:
Both immortal gods and mortal men were seized with wonder when they saw that precipitous trap [woman], more than mankind can manage. For from her is descended the female sex, a great affliction to mortals as they dwell with their husbands–no fit partners for accursed Poverty, but only for Plenty. …even so as a bane for mortal men has high-thundering Zeus created women, conspirators causing difficulty. (7)
Homosexuality is rooted not in some fabricated condition, but in hatred toward women, that same hated which the devil harbors for the softer gender, for it was a woman–Mary–who gave birth to the Messiah. As God tells the devil in Genesis:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15)
When sodomites dress as women, it is their expressing adversity for both real women and the sacrament of marriage which God Himself established. It the obligation for a religious people to make laws preventing this sort of wickedness, to see to it that this Biblical law is upheld:
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. (Deuteronomy 22:5)
A man taking on the attire of woman, and severing off his privates, was also a ritual in the ancient world, in honor of the dual-gendered identity of certain gods. A man, to be as Venus, would put on a dress, and a woman, to be as a male god, would adorn herself with armour. (8) The Syrians had placed a statue of Allat (Allah’s female counterpart) in the temple of Heliopolis clothed like a man, and the people of Cyprus depicted her with a beard. The Romans represented her armed like a warrior. (9) When the Assyrians and Carthaginians worshiped this very Arabian goddess, their priests dressed as women and even severed off their private parts, (10) as a symbol of the dual gendered nature (11) of Allat.
When Paul preached that people should no longer worship the meteorite image of Diana, for whom men would mutilate their genitals and dress as women, he was defying this very cult which was a part of the religion of the state.
St. Paul lived in an empire in which homosexuality was massively more prevalent than today, and he was not afraid to write sternly against the sodomites without any vacillation. He wrote directly to the Church in Rome (where the sodomites were very prevalent), describing the sodomites as:
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Romans 1:29-31)
Tell me, when St. Paul was writing these words, did he have a conversation with a publicist, that went something like:
Publicist: Paul, you shouldn’t write this.
Paul: Why not?
Publicist: Because you are going to anger a lot of people, don’t you know that the great majority of the empire is homosexual, that the gods of people are homosexual, and even worse, that the Caesar himself is gay?
No such conversation took place, the early church saw homosexuality as something that only needed to be crushed, not tolerated.
Now, ask yourself this question, how come Paul was not afraid to condemn the sodomites when they were the majority, but the modern conservative establishment today is terrified to go head on against them when the sodomites only make around three percent of the American population?
Take note of this difference, it shows us how weak the conservatives have become, and how decayed the American church has become. Oh yes, lets not forget who killed Paul, it was a homosexual named Nero. He, in the words of Suetonius, “castrated the boy Sporus and actually tried to make a woman of him; and he married him with all the usual ceremonies, including a dowry and a bridal veil, took him to his house attended by a great throng, and treated him as his wife.” (12)
Outlaw the sodomite before he outlaws you.
The government needs to kill all of the sodomites and all of their supporters, and the Scriptures command.


the sodomite agenda wants to destroy Christianity
end the sodomite agenda
(1) *Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks, 2; Arnobius, The Case Against the Pagans, 4.26, 5.44*
(2) *Euseb. Eccles. Hist. 9.3*
(3) *See Josephus, Antiquities, 12.5.1*
(4) *See Nigel Spivey, The Ancient Olympics, ch. 2, pp.47-48, 54*
(5) *Plutarch, Lycurgus, 17, trans. Richard J.A. Talbert*
(6) *Aelian, Historical Miscellany, 3.10, trans. N.G. Wilson, Loeb ed.*
(7) *Hesiod, Theogony, trans. M.L. West*
(8) *See James Townley’s Maimonides, Reason of the Laws of Moses, ch. xii, p. 208.*
(9) *James Townley’s Maimonides, Reasons of the Laws of Moses, note xxxiii; Lucian, Syrian Goddess, ch. 26*
(10) *Firmicus, The Error of the Pagan Religions, ch. 4, trans. Clarence A. Forbes; Lucian, Syrian Goddess, ch. 27*
(11) *James Townley’s Maimonides, Reasons of the Laws of Moses, note xxxiii.*
(12) Suetonius, Nero, 28, trans. J.C. Rolfe*

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