Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cover-up: Pakistani Leader Said bin Laden Was Dead in 2007

Cover-up: Pakistani Leader Said bin Laden Was Dead in 2007 

Cover-up: Pakistani Leader Said bin Laden Was Dead in 2007

The most powerful interview never seen?
The most powerful interview never seen?
In November 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto appeared on Al Jazeera�s “Frost Over the World,” hosted by longtime British television personality, David Frost. During the interview, Bhutto said that Osama bin Laden had been killed by Islamic terrorist, Ahmed Omar Saaed Sheikh, who was convicted of the kidnapping and brutal murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Sheikh was sentenced to death on July 15, 2002 in a Pakistani courtroom.
Bhutto told Frost: “Omar Sheikh is the man who murdered Osama bin Laden.”
She did not hesitate, nor bat an eye when she made that statement.
However, what was most curious was the host�s reaction to the blockbuster revelation. Frost simply continued with the interview and never asked her to repeat herself or provide any further details about the death of the most wanted man in the world, who at that time, was still supposedly releasing tapes in which he promised further attacks upon the West.
In fact, the BBC later ran the same interview, but edited-out Bhutto�s claim of bin Laden�s death.
View both versions of the interview…

A month later, Bhutto, the leader of Pakistan�s People’s Party was dead. She was assassinated on Dec. 27, 2007, while leaving a political rally in Rawalpindi.
In May 2010, the man who claimed responsibility for Bhutto�s murder, Saeed al-Masri, was killed in a U.S. drone attack in Pakistan.
Of course, nearly three and a half years after Bhutto made this claim, President Obama announced that bin Laden had been killed by a U.S. Navy SEAL team on May 2, 2011.
Though Obama administration officials initially promised to release photos of bin Laden�s corpse, they have never done so, nor has any video of his supposed burial at sea been released.
So, why would an interviewer as seasoned and as sharp as David Frost, simply ignore Bhutto�s matter-of-fact claim that Osama bin Laden was already dead, despite the U.S. government’s assertions that he was still a threat?…Did Frost momentarily go deaf?…Why did the BBC then omit the sensational claim?
Why did the mainstream press then refuse to report on what would have proven to have been one of the biggest stories of all time?
The answers to these questions will likely never be answered, nor will we ever be able to ask Bhutto to elaborate on her claim, as both she and the man who reportedly killed her are now dead. This story only further demonstrates the lack of honesty, integrity and relevance of the mainstream press.


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