Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Result of Victimhood and Lies: Great Evil

The Result of Victimhood and Lies: Great Evil

The Result of Victimhood and Lies: Great Evil fullscreen Roanoke shooter Vester Flanagan Share article on Facebook share Tweet article tweet Plus one article on Google Plus +1 Print Article Email article Adjust font size AA by Dennis Prager September 1, 2015 4:00 AM @dennisprager In the past week, two television reporters in Roanoke, Va. — Alison Parker and Adam Ward — were murdered by a black man who hated whites; and a white sheriff’s deputy in Houston — Darren Goforth — was murdered by a black man. Neither crime has been labeled a hate crime. And no mainstream media reporting of the murders attributes either to race-based hate. For the mainstream media, the Roanoke murders were committed by “a disgruntled former employee”; and regarding the Houston deputy, the media report that, in the words of the New York Times, “a motive for the shooting remained unclear.” The disregard of anti-white hatred as the motive for blacks who murder whites even when the murder is obviously racially motivated comes from the same people who denied that Islamist Nidal Hasan’s murder of 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood was religiously motivated. These people — all on the left — have an agenda: to deny black racism and Islamist-based violence whenever possible. Only white police and other white violence against non-whites is clearly racist — even when not. Thus, President Barack Obama convened a “White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism” rather than a “White House Summit on Countering Islamist Violence.” Though the summit was convened the month following the Islamist massacre of the Charlie Hebdo staff in Paris, the words “Islam,” “Muslim,” “Islamist” did not once appear in the White House 1,668-word fact sheet on the summit. The Obama administration went so far as to label Nidal Hasan’s murders of his fellow soldiers “workplace violence.” Whenever blacks are killed by whites, the Left attributes the killings to racism. But when blacks kill whites, the Left attributes the killings to guns. So, too, the mainstream media depicted the black murderer of eight white people at a Connecticut beer warehouse in 2010 as a man who had been angered by white racism, not as the white-hater he was. Under the headline “Troubles Preceded Connecticut Workplace Killing,” a New York Times article reported: “He might also have had cause to be angry: he had complained to his girlfriend of being racially harassed at work, the woman’s mother said, and lamented that his grievances had gone unaddressed.” And a Washington Post headline read: “Beer warehouse shooter long complained of racism.” The fact was that the man was fired for stealing beer from his workplace, and there was a video of him doing so. The Left denies black racism in another way. When a white racist was charged with murdering nine blacks in a Charleston, S.C., church this past June, the Left and the media correctly stressed the suspect’s racism. Indeed, whenever blacks are killed by whites — which, it is worth noting, is many times less likely than a white being murdered by a black — and especially by white police officers, the Left attributes the killings to racism. But when blacks kill whites, the Left attributes the killings to guns. This is all reinforced by the Left’s position that only whites can be racist, because only the powerful can be racist, and whites have all the power. Share article on Facebook share Tweet article tweet The grieving and enraged parents of Roanoke TV reporter Alison Parker provide an example of this thinking. They have entirely ignored the racism of their daughter’s murderer and concentrated exclusively on the issue of gun control. How tragic that the Parkers would not channel their grief and rage into a different campaign — one that actually addresses the reason for their daughter’s murder and that might prevent future murders: a campaign against the fomenting of anti-white hatred among black Americans. After a lifetime of studying and writing about evil, I have come up with an equation that explains most of it. Coincidentally, the equation actually spells the word. The equation is Evil = Victimhood + Lies. Or E=V+L. Either victimhood or lies is enough to produce great evil. Together they constitute the components of ultimate evil. More Virginia Shooting The ‘Racist Comments’ Flanagan Killed Parker over Included the Words ‘Swinging’ and ‘Field’ Re: 'Sporting' Rifles The Hypocrisy of the 'Culture Kills' Crowd The Left has been supplying both victimhood and lies to black America. The lies are that America is a racist society — as the president of the United States himself has said, racism is “still part of [America’s] DNA”; that the greatest problem facing young blacks is racism; and that white (and even black) police routinely kill blacks for no reason other than racism. One of the best examples of this lie is the Left’s use of the word “Ferguson” as an example of white police killing innocent young black men. The extensive investigation into what actually happened in Ferguson (by both local authorities and the U.S. Department of Justice led by then–Attorney General Eric Holder) revealed no such thing. Yet even President Obama continues to use the term “Ferguson” as an exemplar of police racism. Those lies in turn produce the anger-inducing victimhood that pervades too much of black life. Just this past weekend at the Minneapolis State Fair, a “Black Lives Matter” group chanted: “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” Some blacks, as in Houston this past weekend, are taking this message literally and randomly murdering police officers. And some other blacks just want to kill whites, whether or not they are police. Such is the power of victimhood and lies. There is a lot of blood on the Left’s hands. And there will be more.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/left-sees-only-white-evil

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