Monday, November 2, 2015

How NASA Fraudsters Quadrupled Sea Level Rise

How NASA Fraudsters Quadrupled Sea Level Rise

How NASA Fraudsters Quadrupled Sea Level Rise

In 1982, NASA reported sea level rising 1.0 mm/year (less than 4 inches per century) from 1880 to 1980, and nearly flat after 1950. Their published graph showed less than 0.9 mm/year.
NASA has since increased 1880-1980 sea level rise rates by 60% to six inches per century.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Sea Level
The overlay below shows how NASA has altered their 1880-1980 tide gauge data over the past 30 years, and wiped out the post-1950 hiatus
But six inches per century isn’t very scary either, so they switched measurement systems and added on 0.3 mm/year for a completely fraudulent tampering, called the Global Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) – which has absolutely nothing to do with the measurement of sea surface height.
These are incredibly cynical fraudsters, who expect you to believe that sea level rise doubled coincident with them changing measurement systems. And to hide their malfeasance, they simply stopped showing tide gauge data after 1994 – which would wreck their claim.
Then they send this fully fraudulent data out to their useful idiot friends in the press, who are happy to parrot it.
Sea Level Rise — National Geographic
Make no mistake about it, government climate change science is the biggest fraud in history.

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