Monday, November 2, 2015

Why The New NASA Antarctica Study Is Devastating To Climate Alarmists | Real Science

Why The New NASA Antarctica Study Is Devastating To Climate Alarmists 

Why The New NASA Antarctica Study Is Devastating To Climate Alarmists

NASA now says that Antarctica is gaining ice.
2015-10-31-10-37-09NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA
I have been pointing out for years that the academic interpretations of ice loss via GRACE gravity data, are complete garbage.
GRACE – Clueless AGW Science | Real Science
Another Nail In The Mindless GRACE Interpretation Coffin | Real Science
The implications of this study devastate climate alarmism:
  1. Antarctica is not contributing to sea level rise
  2. The Greenland ice loss interpretations almost certainly are wrong too
  3. Forecasts of rapid sea level rise are untenable
The climate scam is dead scientifically. There is nothing left but fraud, lies, corruption, censorship and extortion.

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