Sunday, January 3, 2016

DEVELOPING: Several Admirals and Generals Accusing Obama of Treason...

DEVELOPING: Several Admirals and Generals Accusing Obama of Treason...

DEVELOPING: Several Admirals and Generals Accusing Obama of Treason…

Article III the Constitution states: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Let’s get a few things straight. Obama has committed treason in so many ways and so many times most people have lost track of the official count. Let’s look at the FACTS for a moment. Forget for a brief moment how quickly a republican would be thrown out of office with this nonsense swirling around all the time, and stop and realize we are letting a COMMUNIST get away with from OUR OWN the Oval Office. 



I have posted at least 4-5 stories where on SEPARATE OCCASIONS where one of the military’s highest decorated officers , Admiral Lons, has come forward and accused Obama of crimes ranging from Treason, to Colluding with the Enemy, to Supplying the enemy with Stinger Missiles. For anyone who wants to get smart with me, and ask who I mean by “the enemy” I am referring to Al Qaeda! Admiral Lyons has been telling anyone who will listen, that Obama has committed TREASON! I myself have said since the DAY WE LEARNED 400 STINGER MISSILES EN ROUTE TO TERRORISTS WOUND UP MISSING FROM THE BENGHAZI EMBASSY, that it would be THOSE events that one day Obama would answer for. I take that back now. I think at this point the only Admiral Lyons has not told to get Obama are the men who used to be under his command. He should have them storm the White House and drag Obama out in cuffs. I pray that day comes soon.
America has gone SOFT. We are pathetic in SO many ways. I can’t say for sure how things WILL play out, but I can tell you how they WON’T play out. Not if, but WHEN the evidence of Obama’s piles up SO high something HAS to be done, Obama will be long out of office, he’ll flee the country like the Bitch that he is. He may be guilty and run, but he will NEVER see justice. I suspect as I have said since IMMEDIATELY after the Benghazi attack that his final downfall will be the 400 MISSILES HE WAS FUNNELING THROUGH THE EMBASSY IN LIBYA USING CHRIS STEVENS TO GET TO THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND AL QAEDA.
Where else but America is the Media SO twisted, and SO biased that they let a man with a SEALED past and a MUSLIM BROTHER NAMED MALIK WHO RUNS A MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD TERRORIST GROUP BECOME PRESIDENT? Anyone with an IQ over 6 (sorry liberals, you’re OUT) knew DAMN well Obama was NOT eligible for office back in 2007, and despite piling up MOUNTAINS OF PROOF, no one even looked into it. Now, in SEVEN of the most disturbing pieces you will ever read you too will KNOWObama is the ENEMY!
Don’t stop there, the list of Obama’s treasonous acts extends almost as long as there are days he has spent tin the Oval Office. There is a LONG list of people accusing him of TREASON! Lieutenant General Thomas Mcinnerney has declared the government is infected with terrorist cells in every branch.

ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA: Thomas G. McInerney (born March 15, 1937) is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General. He is a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, including 407 combat missions (243 in O-1s as a forward air controller and 164 in F-4 C’s, D’s and E’s) during the Vietnam War. In addition to his Vietnam Service, the McInerney served overseas in NATO; Pacific Air Forces and as commander of 11th Air Force in Alaska. Currently, he is a Fox News contributor, and is a member of the Iran Policy Committee.
McInerney’s Military Awards and Decorations Include:


Conservative Tribune continues: It has long been suspected that President Barack Obama has a more than just friendly relationship with the terrorist-affiliated front group Muslim Brotherhood.
In fact, more than just a few sources have made note of how the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated various levels of the U.S. government, including the highest levels of the White House.
Now the former commander of the Navy’s Pacific Fleet is coming forward and speaking up about the issue as well, stating that all of our nation’s intelligence services have been infiltrated by the terrorist front group.
Retired 4-star Admiral James “Ace” Lyons recently spoke to the National Press Club about Obama’s efforts to “fundamentally transform” America, something he has been doing since he was first elected in 2008.
Lyons pointed to Obama’s recent refusal to join other world leaders in Paris to take a stand for freedom of expression, saying this is just the latest of “many signals” of support he has sent to the Islamic jihadists over the years
“There’s no question we got a hell of a job ahead of us,” Lyons said, “with the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies.”
He pointed to the current head of the CIA, John Brennan, who is believed to be a convert to Islam, as proof of his assertions, according to the TPNN.
He went on to call for more action from the new GOP-led Congress, saying they were elected to “stop the transformation of America, not to see how they could work with the president.”
Unfortunately, the admiral is correct. The Muslim Brotherhood most certainly does hold undue sway and influence over the Obama administration.
One need only ask the people and government of Egypt how they feel about the Muslim Brotherhood and the connections between the terrorist group and the White House.
Congress most certainly needs to do something to address this problem, as it looks remarkably like treason coming out of this administration.

Famous Journalist Drops Bombshell About Benghazi Liars Obama and Rice

Conservative Tribune e Continues: Conservatives have been fed up with the president’s convoluted strategy in the Middle East for years, but now it looks like the mainstream media is also getting tired of President Barack Obama’s indecision.
One of the most well-known journalists in America just criticized Obama and his advisers, including Susan Rice.
Bob Woodward appeared on “Fox News Sunday” and explained his view that the White House has no clear plan for dealing with Islamic terror groups and that the administration was badly micro-managing the military.
Woodward knows a few things about corrupt presidents. He was one of the key reporters responsible for exposing the infamous Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration.
“They (the Obama administration) have not sat down and said, ‘This is where we want to go and this is how we want to do it,’” said Woodward.
He’s exactly right. The Obama administration seems to rely on the backwards strategy of “ready, fire, aim” — if they ever fire at all.
That isn’t leadership, and that isn’t how America should deal with the deep problems of the Islamic State terror group or the Middle East.

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