Friday, January 8, 2016

It's time to face facts: Barack Obama is mentally ill

It's time to face facts: Barack Obama is mentally ill 

It’s time to face facts: Barack Obama is mentally ill

It’s time to quit lying to ourselves and admit we have a mentally ill president.
He suffers from delusions of grandeur – believing that all he has to do is wave his hand and it is now reality. King Canute is his role model.
This is the result of his pathological lying – he lies about anything and everything – telling the world whatever he wants it to believe regardless of the reality surrounding his pronouncements. He is increasingly disconnected from reality.
He is kept afloat by a tight circle of enablers who cover for him and spin his lies. But that is changing.
I am making this statement not to be mean, but rather because it is time to seriously consider that Barack Obama is not mentally healthy. I am saying this because he is continuing to run farther and farther away from reality in his actions, and believes that whatever he says – becomes the made-over reality that exists only in his mind.
Take his statement that “100-million” people have signed up for ObamaCare – that’s nearly 1/3 of the entire 315-million person population of the US. It is a number that prima fascia is irrational.
But Obama stated it as a fact anyway to his Obamabots in Organizing for America. They showed their lack of rational relationship by accepting the number – regardless of its obvious irrational ability to be true. As an aside, it shows that these people are brain-dead, and just accept that whatever Obama says is the truth – with no rational vetting whatsoever.
That’s truly scary.
But scarier still is this: NO ONE in the WH dared correct him. No statement came out saying so much as issuing the typical lame excuse that he “misspoke.” Nothing. The WH enablers fell silent (as did the Looney Tunes Left MSM).
This is what makes their silence so scary: It means that the WH aides are at a point where they so fear the mad king’s wrath that they will abandon reality for his irrational fantasies. They will no longer be a wall of reality constraining his thinking to the Real World.
In short, they are no longer Gatekeepers, but rather like “Alice in Wonderland,” they are the cards painting the roses red for the insane Queen of Hearts.
“She wanted white – then said what a fright, so now she’s wants them red instead; we’re painting the roses red, we’re painting the roses red – we can’t say no we won’t, because if we don’t, she’ll want our heads instead! So we’re painting the roses red . . .”
I realize that take from Alice in Wonderland goes over the heads – or should I say through the air-heads – of the Obamabots. But what do you expect from people who passively accept 100-million people being signed up for ObamaCare?
That is mental disconnect. That is insanity. That is Barack Obama.
Don’t apologize for thinking him ill; he is ill.
And this latest exercise in waving his hand, and thinking that reality magically changes when he does, shows Barack Obama is disconnected from reality, and must be removed from office before his mental illness drives him to even more desperate, irrational thinking – and even more dangerous, irrational actions.

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