Friday, October 7, 2016

NEW DOCUMENTS: White House Coordinated With Clinton On Email Scandal

NEW DOCUMENTS: White House Coordinated With Clinton On Email Scandal

NEW DOCUMENTS: White House Coordinated With Clinton On Email Scandal

Posted Friday, October 7th 2016 @ 12pm  by Staff

Newly released emails show communication between top White House officials, the State Department, and Hillary Clinton’s fledgling presidential campaign, according to a report by the The Wall Street Journal Thursday.
The email exchanges, dating back to March 2015, show a coordinated effort between the developing campaign and the Obama administration to minimize the fallout from the breaking discovery of Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.
The never before seen documents were obtained by the Republican National Committee through the Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit seeking a release of all records from her time at the State Department.
Only a portion of the documents obtained were handed over to the Wall Street Journal. The RNC said they only released the emails pertaining specifically to the Clinton server scandal. It’s not clear if there is more damaging documents yet to be released.
In one specific exchange, the White House communication director requested the State Department pull newly appointed Secretary John Kerry from scheduled media appearances to avoid having to answer any questions on the scandal.
In another exchange, State Department officials assured Hillary Clinton’s legal camp that they did not reveal to Congress her use of the unsecured email server instead of government servers, as was previously reported in the media.
The email scandal has plagued Hillary Clinton’s campaign since the story broke in 2015. Republican presidential challenger Donald Trump has accused the Obama administration of knowing Mrs. Clinton was using a private server during her State Department tenure.
Although the FBI previously announced they will not press charges on Clinton for the breach of communication security protocols, there are still thousands of missing emails unaccounted for. Whether they will be released to the media before the election still remain to be seen.

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