Monday, January 2, 2017

Was Scalia’s Death Foul Play?

Democrats Want It Buried. Wikileaks Publishes Emails Linking Them To Justice Scalia’s Death

Are you determined to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House no matter what? Then you need to share this story with everyone you know.
When U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia suddenly died in his sleep at the age of 79, the nation was shocked. And at least half of the country was suspicious that there was evil conspiracy going on behind the scenes.
It was a cold morning on February 13 when Scalia died. He had just gone quail hunting, celebrating his second amendment right, and then enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Texas.
Although the man was exceedingly unhealthy, conspiracy theorists were quick to suspect foul play. Here’s what you need to know and it could end Clinton forever...

REMEMBER: Go to every day to see what everyone is talking about!

Even the ranch owner, who found Scalia dead, had suspicions about the man’s sudden death.
“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” John Poindexter, the ranch owner, told reporters. He added that Scalia “was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap.”

Now WikiLeaks, which has been exposing the Democrats with the help of Russia in recent months, revealed an email Justice Scalia received JUST THREE DAYS before he suddenly died in his sleep.

The shocking email went on to use the term “wetworks” which is something often used in the military to mean “assassination.”
Days after Justice Scalia’s death, The Alex Jones Channel released the conspiracy theory video, included below. Watch it now to see the information that could end Clinton’s run for president.
According to the description of the video, “A Texas judge declined to order an autopsy for Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia after she says she was assured the cause of death was a heart attack.”
The first line of the video sums up everything: “Was the death of Antonia Scalia yesterday in rural southwest foul play?”

Watch the video now to learn why this means the end of the Clinton campaign! Then share it with your friends.

Even The Washington Post reported, “Two days after Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly in remote West Texas, a former D.C. homicide commander is raising questions about how the death was handled by local and federal authorities.”
“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police, wrote in a Facebook post.
“You have a Supreme Court Justice who died, not in attendance of a physician,” Ritchie continued. “You have a non-homicide trained US Marshal tell the justice of peace that no foul play was observed. You have a justice of the peace pronounce death while not being on the scene and without any medical training opining that the justice died of a heart attack. What medical proof exists of a myocardial Infarction? Why not a cerebral hemorrhage?”

Do you think this conservative justice’s death could have been foul play?

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