Sunday, February 5, 2017

Former Nazi and Democrat Donor George Soros Now Connected to Every Major Protest Since November Election

Former Nazi and Democrat Donor George Soros Now Connected to Every Major Protest Since November Election

Former Nazi and Democrat Donor George Soros Now Connected to Every Major Protest Since November Election

Guest post by Joe Hoft
The University of California, Berkeley, the self-proclaimed “home of the free speech movement”, on Wednesday night gave conservatives a Nazi style beat-down on Wednesday night.  
Violent far left rioters and goons shut the talk down.

The progressive thugs started fires, assaulted women, beat Trump supporters unconscious, raided ATMs, shot off fireworks and destroyed private property.
Now there is evidence that former Nazi, Democrat donor and Billionaire George Soros was behind the UC Berkeley riots:
The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.
US Berkeley gave an award to George Soros in 2004. In announcing the award the University of California Berkeley reported on Soros’s past as having a “personal experience with fascist and totalitarian regimes”
Might does not make right, and therefore the United States has committed a tremendous mistake in using its military supremacy to force democracy on Iraq. That was the blunt critique of the Bush Administration that billionaire financier and munificent philanthropist George Soros delivered to a packed audience at UC Berkeley last night.
The Hungarian-born Soros, whose personal experience with fascist and totalitarian regimes has informed his decades-long approach to promoting open societies around the world, has now turned his attention on his own adopted democracy. America’s recent foreign policy justifying preemptive strikes — but only those by America — has undermined the legitimacy of U.S. supremacy, Soros said, while the branding of American protesters as unpatriotic undermines the foundations of our democracy.
UC Berkeley reported that UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert M. Berdahl presented Soros with the Chancellor’s Distinguished Honor Award.
The award recognized Soros’s “tireless efforts as a philanthropist,” in particular through his Open Society Institute and other organizations that support projects in areas such as education, public health, and civil-society development.
Soros was interviewed years ago on CBS’s 60 Minutes where he admitted helping Nazi’s during World War II.  He helped Nazis steal from Jews during the war.  Soros is a Jew.
Soros was also reportedly behind the airport protests last weekend in the US.  A week before that Soros was reportedly behind 50 Groups involved in the ‘Women’s Protests’ the day after the inauguration.  Before that, Soros was connected to the groups demanding election recounts after the November 8th election and Soros money was funding more protests during these efforts.  And DCLeaks released information showing that Soros funded Black Lives Matter protests across the country.
Former Nazi George Soros is connected to every major protest since the election and many, if not all leading up to the election, including Black Lives Matter.

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