Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Winning: Trump Receives All-Time High Approval Rating as the US Economy Soars

Winning: Trump Receives All-Time High Approval Rating as the US Economy Soars

A Gallup poll published on Friday showed that Trump’s approval rating hit 46% for the latter half of April, up from the 45% rating from the first half and putting the president at his highest Gallup approval rating to date.
According to the poll, Republicans stayed strongly in favor of Trump, with the president hitting a 91% approval rate amongst them. This is one point shy from matching Trump’s highest approval rating among Republicans of 92% in November.

Additionally, 12% of Democrats approve of the president, matching the highest it has been in the group since April 2017.Trump’s approval among independents ticked down two points from the last poll, however, to 37%.
The White House/Flickr
The uptick in approval comes after the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference and a booming economy.
Attorney General William Barr made headlines last week after skipping out on his House Judiciary Committee hearing regarding Mueller’s report. According to IJR News, a House panel will decide Wednesday whether or not to hold Barr in contempt of Congress. If so, the measure will move to the full House floor for a vote.
As IJR Red previously reported, conservatives gave the Trump administration its due props for the humming economy that saw a 3.2% growth rate for the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2019, beating the Dow Jones expectation of 2.5%.
Along with the staggering GDP growth came the lowest unemployment rate in nearly half a century — 3.6% — as well as a robust wage growth rate of 3.2%.
The poll was conducted from April 17 to April 30 and consisted of a survey of 1,024 adults from across America. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percent.

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