Friday, March 13, 2020

Bernie Sanders: Trump ‘is a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

Bernie Sanders: Trump ‘is a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

Bernie Sanders: Trump ‘is a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

By Staff | March 11, 2020 | 4:52pm EDT

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( - In a statement made today in Burlington, Vt., Sen. Bernie Sanders indicated that he is staying in the Democratic presidential primary race and said that he believes President Donald Trump “is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.”
“Let me begin by reiterating what I have said from Day One of this campaign, and that is that Donald Trump is the most dangerous president in the modern history of our country and he must be defeated,” Sanders said.
“Tragically, we have a president today who is a pathological liar and is running a corrupt administration,” he continued.
“He clearly does not understand the Constitution of the United States and thinks that he is a president who is above the law,” said Sanders.
“In my view,” Sanders said, “he is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot and he must be defeated and I will do everything in my power to make that happen.”

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