Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Former Defense Secretary Reveals The “Surprising & Dismaying” Things Obama Admitted To Him // Mr. Conservative

Former Defense Secretary Reveals The “Surprising & Dismaying” Things Obama Admitted To Him // Mr. Conservative

Former Defense Secretary Reveals The “Surprising & Dismaying” Things Obama Admitted To Him

Robert Rich

A former Secretary of Defense is set to release a tell-all book that is already ruffling a few feathers in the White House.  Although the book reveals quite a bit, it seems to focus on the fact that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton only opposed the Iraq war troop surge to look better politically. Along with this, he touches briefly on the severe incompetency and meddling tendencies of double-barrel Joe.
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Hillary Clinton may have some explaining to do during her upcoming debates as she is sure to run in the 2016 presidential contest.  Former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, has given ample ammunition for republican oposers—as if they don’t have enough after Clinton let American’s die in Benghazi and then lied to cover it up—saying that, “Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary.”
Revealing an even more startling statement he bore witness to, he recounts that Obama then, “conceded vaguely that [his] opposition to the Iraq surge had been political.” Gates claims, “To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying.”
But should this be a shock? The American people already know Obama will destroy anyone in the way of his sociopathic agenda and do anything to appear in a more accepting light regardless his own morals—if they are existent in the first place.
Gates goes on to explain that throughout his time serving under Obama he, “never doubted Obama’s support for the troops, only his support for their mission.”  But what good is that? Especially when Gates revealed that for Obama, “it’s all about getting out.”
He demonstrated his point by saying, “The president doesn’t trust his commander, can’t stand [President Hamid] Karzai, doesn’t believe in his own strategy and doesn’t consider the war to be his.” Of course we all know, when anything goes wrong, “it’s Bush’s fault, and you’re a racist,” but when does he realize that Bush isn’t the Commander-in-Chief anymore? When he ran for President, he was assuming the responsibility of the country no matter the state it was in and all the issues that came with it.
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The former Secretary of Defense goes on to convey that when it came down to it, from day one, Obama was, “inexperienced” yet “determined to change course – and equally determined from day one to win re-election.”  Fully demonstrating his point, Gates revealed that when Obama decided on his own troop surge of 30,000 troops to Afghanistan as a last ditch effort to stabilize the region, Obama was, “skeptical if not outright convinced it would fail.”
What do we do when our Commander in Chief doesn’t have faith in our military leaders? When all he wants to do is get out at all costs, not to save lives, but to look better from a political standpoint?   The worthlessness of Obama knows no bounds, and his inefficiency is quite staggering—unless of course fueled by his personal and political agendas despite public resistance.
Gates also went on to share another frustrating aspect of the Obama administration was the National Security Staff’s interference with military affairs.  Gates relayed, “Most of my conflicts with the Obama administration during the first two years weren’t over policy initiatives from the White House, but rather the NSS’s micromanagement and operational meddling, which I routinely resisted. “—something he mentioned never happened under Bush’s administration.
Touching on Vice President Joe Biden, Gates reveals that he, “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Along with this Biden was known for “poisoning the well,” against Pentagon officials causing Obama to lean heavily on his own domestic political advisers for tough military decisions.
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Of course, Obama’s administration is disputing all claims and in a statement release by the White House, National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden says, that Biden is a strong asset to the Obama.  She went on to vaguely state that, “Deliberations over our policy on Afghanistan have been widely reported on over the years,” strangely avoiding the outright disagreement with Gates accusations.

What do you guys think—Is Gates just trying to make some money, or is he telling the truth? Let us know in a comment below!

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