CNN's Ashleigh Banfield scolded two Republican congressmen for bringing
the U.S. economy "to the brink," and one of them retorted that she was
giving them a "tirade."
Why not do it at all of the other times? All of the other 100-plus
congresses have been able to fund the government," Banfield asked Rep.
Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.). [Video below the break. Audio
Except not all other congresses have funded the government. There have been 17 government shutdowns and funding gaps
. And Rohrabacher didn't like Banfield blaming Republicans for a possible shutdown.
We have actually reached out to the Democrats with a compromise
position," he responded. Banfield answered that she was, in fact,
blaming them.
"Congressman, that's not fair. Don't you dare put this back on me,"
Banfield fired back. "You know full well you attached ObamaCare and
defunding it."
"Am I a guest on a news show, or are you here to give us a tirade? Let
me finish my sentence," Rohrabacher insisted. "Excuse me, do your
listeners understand this is the same thing we're putting up with with
the Senate? We offer a compromise, they won't even talk to us about it.
You won't even talk to us about it. Whose bidding are you doing?"
Below is a transcript of the segment, which aired on Legal View on Septembe 30 at 11:15 a.m. EDT:

ASHLEIGH BANFIELD: I have got another number that you know, it might
tickle your fancy, because so many people are so frustrated with what is
happening. In fact, the words "spoiled children" come to mind. "Acting
like spoiled children in the budget debate," Republicans, 69 percent.
Democrats, 58 percent. The President, 47 percent. Whenever you hear
about the spoiled children, you don't want to be in any of those
percents. And yet, my next two guests are going to have to deal with
what Americans are saying.
Representative Dana Rohrabacher, the Republican from California,
standing beside Representative Marsha Blackburn, Republican from
Tennessee, who's also a member of the House Budget Committee. Thank you
both for being on the program today. This cannot be an easy day for you,
especially when you just heard what John King was laying out in the
polls and you just heard what I laid out with regard to the spoiled
children factor. How are you going to weather this? And I will begin
with you, Congresswoman Blackburn.
Rep. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-Tenn.): I think that what we look at is that
the American people have repeatedly said they want things to be under
control and run by an orderly process in Washington, D.C. We completely
agree with that. And that is why we have repeatedly sent options, and
possibilities to the Senate. And I'll tell you that I think that the
House is as disappointed as the American people that the Senate decided
they were going to take off and have a weekend to go to ball games and
play golf and things of that nature. We have been here working. We wish
they were back in town now and we were addressing this. We agree with
the American people. Don't shut the government down. We don't want to.
What we want to do is keep it open and keep working to fix some of these
programs that have very obvious substantiated problems and glitches
like ObamaCare.
BANFIELD: It just sounds so simple when you say it like that, and it
reminds me of my time in the Middle East, where both Palestinians and
Israelis say we just want peace. But you both want your way, and neither
one of you seems to want to blink in this ridiculous staring contest
where we're the ones that need the Visine. So Congressman Rorabacher,
why the continuing resolution? And for those of us that hate the
technical speak, why connect the funding of the government, the entire
U.S. economy, why bring it to this brink? Why not do it at all of the
other times? All of the other 100-plus congresses have been able to fund
the government.
Rep. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-Calif.): Well, have you addressed that to the
senate? We have already offered a compromise. You are acting – you're
telling your listeners that we Republicans are holding this up, and the
government is going to shut down. We have actually reached out to the
Democrats with a compromise position. We passed it –
BANFIELD: Congressman, that's not fair. Don't you dare put this back on
me. You know full well – no, no. You know full well you attached
ObamaCare and defunding it.
BANFIELD: But you can't make something up. You cannot make something up.
ROHRABACHER: Am I a guest on a news show, or are you here to give us a
tirade? Let me finish my sentence. Let me finish my sentence.
BANFIELD: You passed a bill back to the Senate saying defund ObamaCare.
ROHRABACHER: Excuse me, do your listeners understand this is the same
thing we're putting up with with the Senate? We offer a compromise, they
won't even talk to us about it. You won't even talk to us about it.
Whose bidding are you doing? We have offered the compromise. We don't
like ObamaCare, they like it. We have reached out halfway to them, put
on the table a proposal, passed a resolution to keep the government
going. They opposed the resolution to keep the government going, and now
say that there is no negotiations, we get it all and you get nothing.
So and you are blaming us for the shutdown of the government?
BANFIELD: So if you want to know whose bidding I am doing, check my
Twitter account after this interview where I invited two Republicans on
and not a Democrat, so let's just clear the air right there.
ROHRABACHER: Yeah, but you're not letting us speak. You are cutting me off.
BANFIELD: You said that they were doing this, and I think it's
important – you can in a moment, Congresswoman – it's very important for
people to understand what's at stake here. There is a continuing
resolution, which is the funding bill, just for the next two months to
keep the government going. And the Republicans chose under a lot of
pressure – Ted Cruz for one in the Senate – creating a lot of that
pressure to attach defunding ObamaCare which is the law of the land. Why
would you attach it, when you knew that this was going to create the
problem? Go ahead, Marsha Blackburn.
ROHRABACHER: We came to a compromise.
BLACKBURN: Ashleigh, one of the things that you need to realize – and I
would hope that your listeners and watchers all realize – number one,
the House passes a budget every year. We have had a problem with the
Senate not passing a budget. That is why we continue to work on a
continuing resolution. This year, they did pass a budget, but then they
said, okay, House, we are not going the negotiate with you, unless you
agree to a tax increase. We weren't going to do that. We want to do tax
reform. So thereby we get into this process of the continuing
Now the biggest part of growth in the budget is health care cost. The
American people by overwhelming numbers do not like what is happening
with the ObamaCare. So the first continuing resolution we sent had a
bill that is carried by Tom Graves in the House, and that was a
defunding bill. The Senate rejected that. So we went back into the
session, our compromise position that we sent back to them carried a
bill that by the way, the amendment passed with bipartisan support, and
that is the amendment to simply delay ObamaCare for a year.
The President has already given 1,200 waivers, he has had 19 delays,
and they have missed 47 regulatory deadlines on this program. It's not
ready. So we have sent that to the Senate, and what we are hearing back
is, well, they didn't stay here Saturday, they didn't show up Sunday to
take action on it, and so they're going to come back today. So we've
offered them a compromise.
BANFIELD: I hear you. We are 12 hours and 38 minutes on our countdown
clock. Which by the way, is ticking away right underneath Congressman
Rohrabacher's tie. 12 minutes and 38 minutes until a lot of people
aren't going to get paid and a lot of things are going to shut down. And
it could cost this country $2 billion in just muckety-muckety
logistics. So I want to ask you, you are both paid $174,000 a year.
That's your salary. Would you be prepared to add some kind of a rider or
an amendment onto a continuing resolution that would take you out of
the essential services category and stop payment on your paychecks in
order to get a continuing resolution through, would you both – yes or
no? Yes or no. Would you both be prepared to stop your paychecks?
BLACKBURN: We are waiting to see what they send back, and I hope that
as you were running the countdown clock that you are running the debt
clock. I have got two grandsons. Their share of the national debt is now
over $53,000 each.
BANFIELD: No no no. I'm Sorry. I asked a really specific question, I
wanted a yes or no question. There are a lot of the government workers
that are going to stop receiving their paychecks, and a there are a lot
of the military service members who are serving overseas who might stop
being paid, and there are veterans whose benefits could be affected.
Would you be prepared to take a cut, and lose your paycheck as well?
ROHRABACHER: Let me answer your question specifically. Members of the
Congress should not be treated any differently than any other federal
BANFIELD: Is that a yes?
ROHRABACHER: For that to happen, whatever happens to the federal
employee should happen to us when it comes to what we get in benefits,
whether it is retirement or health care . Whatever happens to the
average federal employee should happen to us, that rule should not be
changed. The bottom line is we have reached out now to the Senate, when
you have that numbers underneath my tie, that should be under Harry
Reid's picture, not mine. I have already done my job.
BANFIELD: And it will be. Two o'clock is coming soon. Two o'clock is coming soon.
ROHRABACHER: The Republicans have wanted to compromise. They've said hit the road.
BLACKBURN: And we are working. We are working. We are in session, they are not.
BANFIELD: You are not the only two on the hot seat, but you are both
really great to come on with me today. Please fix this mess for the rest
of us. We really – we like to pay you your big salaries, but we'd like
for you to do more and do more negotiating and figure it out. You are
like intransigent kids.
BLACKBURN: No, we are not. The House has been working –
BANFIELD: All of you.
BLACKBURN: – and we wish the Senate would work with us. Get 'em here. Get 'em here with us.