Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama notified of unruly passenger on flight-WHouse | Reuters

The story here isn't in the story but in the comments. Virtually no one respects this president...

Obama notified of unruly passenger on flight-WHouse

Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:13pm EST

KAILUA, Hawaii, Dec 27 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama was notified on Sunday about an unruly passenger on a flight to Detroit and stressed the importance of maintaining heightened security measures for air travel, the White House said.

"The president stressed the importance of maintaining heightened security measures for all air travel and gave instructions to set up another secure teleconference briefing as soon as possible," White House spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.

(Reporting by Tabassum Zakaria, Editing by Vicki Allen)

Dec 28, 2009


What an asinine report.

OGolly Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009
LasVegas702 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

I miss Bush! At least we were safe back then!

NinetyRecruits Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

I miss common sense…not 30 telepromted speechwriters, and 90 days of polling to make a STATEMENT, not a DECISION on anything…more sunblock Mr. President? Hahahahahahah

LiberalsSuck Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

“I miss Bush! At least we were safe back then!”

You do realize that Bush was President during September 11 and the anthrax attacks, right?

monorail Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Yeah, and we haven’t had any attacks here until obams came in. What a bonehead.

dennis1005 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Yeah, and we haven’t had any attacks here until obams came in. What a bonehead.

dennis1005 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

After Obamahammed appoints Muslim radicals into Homeland Security, into military intelligence, bows to the Saudi King, speaks bad about the USA to Muslims overseas in major speeches where he validates their phoney “victimhood” and revisionist history, who should be surprised that suicide bombers are encouraged? After all, he reinforces their view of infidel Americans as scum. The man and his cadres of Marxist-Islamic foot-kissers HATE the USA and HATE their fellow Americans. You ordinary Americans are HATED by the Obamaniacs!

BlackEagle Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

PS. The reactions of Homeland Security to this are terrible. They now will demand everyone sit in their seat for hours, without anything on their laps, like schoolchildren in a monestary. And this is done just so we won’t have to institute profiling of Muslims, or restricting Muslim travel, subjecting people like the suicide bombers to more serious scrutiny. They wage a defensive war against clever scheming spys and traitors, which has never worked. It will turn us into a Police State more surely than anything ordered by the Bush people. We need to realize, the Muslims are waging war against the non-Muslim world, and have been for nearly 1400 years. Geert Wilders is correct, Islam is no “religion” only, but is a political movement and push for world conquest.

BlackEagle Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

ok……was this the kid whose FATHER reported him some time ago WHOSE NAME WAS ON A LIST that was NOT checked….who got through airport security? Wow.
How much money does the American public spend annually fighting the terrorists, and how long has it been since 9/11?

geeegee Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Uh, why is this newsworthy? Or is this a press release?

Seriously — Ms. Allen, exercise some editorial judgment here.

But let me take this opportunity to reinforce the administration’s message: no jihad at work here, folks — just random criminality. Move along.

NJ_resident Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

I miss Bush too. If this had happened under his watch he would do something about it. Obama will make a long speech that does nothing.

Seattle1000 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Potus Obama was sleeping or golfing or surfing and his advisors finally tell him of the terrorist attack. Where’s the outrage from the left or the state media? We all remember how Bush was mocked as he was reading a book to children in a Fla school.

dcarter888 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

As long as we are to stupid to profile we should restrict flights to natural citizens only and give the Arabs their own. Let em blow each other up.

R_NS Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Uh… for those who say there were no terrorist attacks during Bush’s term: September 11, Shoe bomber, Anthrax attacks, Daniel Pearl, etc etc ETC ETC ETC.

But of course, Repugs can and will rewrite history.

OwenFinn Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What a non-story joke. Reuters will print ANYTHING to make it appear that Obama is “closely involved” and “on the case”.

In reality, this Muslim sympathizer and political usurper couldn’t care less about the average American. As long as his teleprompter speeches continue to fool most Americans, and he has a Democratic majority in Congress, it’s party time and fist bumps for everyone!

WAKE UP, AMERICA. We’ve been had, and the liberal media – including Reuters – continue their whitewashing of this Marxist phoney. And why wouldn’t they? Their next on the list for an Obama “stimulus” bailout.

Keep kissing the hand that feeds you, Reuters…..

BuiltOnSand Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Obomba needs to retun to Kenya to visit his African Muslim family and freinds for the Holidays. Then he could fly back to D.C. on Air Kenya or Air Nigeria commercially with all the muslims who belong to this most compasionate and peacful religon. They can all sing alla akbar together. He would not have a thing to worry about because they are his brothers. I might go with him but alas I am an ifidel. This is all so funny but in all seriousness Muslims need to be profiled and if things get worse We should not let them in our schools or flying schools or colleges as they learn our weaknesses. Remember wwii and internment camps. We wont need them if we dont let them in in the first place to plan their diabolical terrorist attacks on our soil. We need to wake up and realize their religon wants to kill us and our children and families. Mark my words if these attacks start back up they will be putting up no muslim signs at all ports of entry into the United States.

teabagger Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

I say we ask Bush to be the President in exile and let Obama surf. What a look on Drudge, the BOBBLE head Obama, issuing statements – while Americans fight terrorists on planes. How reassuring. I have not felt safe since Jan. 20, 2009 -

RachelWells Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Has Obama raised the threat level to Red?

Or has he simply torn to pieces all the Bush procedures that kept us safe since 9/11?

apetra Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009


FRDMJSTC Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009


FRDMJSTC Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

It was nice when Bush was President!

petekosednar Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Our security is gone…thanks to Omama lamalam..He has been on vacation since the day he took office and he has allowed his Muslum brothers to work their way into our security.

Corndogman777 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Obama is a Muslim and he is turning our country over the them…

Corndogman777 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

This POTUS is a nightmare! Look how bold these extremist are. I miss President Bush. No matter how much anyone disagreed with him, you always felt safe with him in office. Obummer just plain sucks all around.

mesofunny Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Yes, 9/11 and anthrax were on Bush’s watch. But we were blissfully unaware at the time. It was a gigantic sucker punch, and it was the last time anyone was successful – until Obama came on scene and started trash-talking America.

Thanks people.

Squiggy Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Really now. The difference is that we now talk about “attacks” like this…How many times was there a “red” threat level under Bush? What prompted it? Why are you discussing things you clearly do not understand?

Tell me, did the man who attacked the base in fort hood suddenly join the Military due to some new Obama policy? (No), was there some change in policy by the Obama administration that allowed this to happen? (No)

What attacks have actually been carried out and killed Americans due to a change in policy under the Obama administration? What specifically has he done to make us “less safe”? What security measures have been “dismantled”?

I bet not one of you can respond with anything other than racist hatred.

Matt_W Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

What an idiotic article and headline. “Unruly passenger” is that what was passed to the POTUS? Not, “probable terrorist attack”, “potential disaster averted”, “radical Islamist attempt to kill Americans stymied” or some other more truistic statement about the ongoing state of affairs against the global war on terrorism debunked earlier this year by President Obama Administration’s resolute to kissing and coddling th enemies posterior to win thier favor. It’s along time till 2011 and even longer still to 2013–to much time for even more determental changes are handed out to Americans before we can take back the country. Pray for resilence. What a Rubbish Reuter writer…who edits these stories, another “I want the world to love us Lib?”

Concerned12 Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Agreed; what a stupid story. I’d like to report a neighbor of mine to Obummer that is acting suspiciously. He was in his basement for over an hour doing who knows what. Maybe you guys can send a few reporters over here and a photographer. Don’t you at Reuters have any news to print besides stupid things like this? Jeez.

VotersOfNY Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Oh, and it took TWO people to do this ’story’ of two small paragraphs. Too funny.

VotersOfNY Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Here’s a simple way to end any future aircraft issues. All foreign Muslims flying to a US destination must do so only on Emerates, Royal Jordanian, Saudi, etc airlines. You can bet that this particular “threat” would magically end when the property of the Arab kingdoms became involved.

snipelee Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

This is News?

Buck-N-Farock Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

All questions as to why this was reported as an ‘unruly passenger” will be answered if you click on the reporter’s name.

Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

The half wit half breed is all Mooslem so he can’t attack other Mooslems without being an apostate.

termlimits Report As Abusive
Dec 28, 2009

Objective evidence people! Obama diminishes CIA security and interrogation measures 1/22/09. What is the LOGICAL result of this decision? Less information gained regarding the Al-Qaeda and planned terrorist plots. And what is the LOGICAL result of not having this information? Increased risk of terrorist attempts within the US borders. The US people do not realize the consistent war fought against domestic terror during the Bush administration and the number of foiled terror plots from the information gained by the CIA. Obama has diminished this valuable and needed resource, and as a result, you and I are at a greater risk of terrorist activity then when Bush was in office. People may blame Bush for economic situations from heightened security and military spending, but I would pray that every other administration (including this one) would make those same decisions given the information that Bush was given from the CIA and backed by other foreign intelligence sources. Every decision that Bush made was for United States security. When Bush said that we are in a war against terror, that is what he meant. The Al-Qaeda are NOT Iraqi citizens. These are Islamic extremists from Iran, Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries who have a blood lust for American soldiers and for the American people, and who have the objective of placing every Middle Eastern country under an Islamic regime. I would even argue that the money that currently funds cell groups in Afghanistan and Iraq will be shifted to funding terrorist acts within the borders of the US once US troops leave those countries.
In my personal opinion, Obama has shown disrespect to the office of the “President of the United States” by the blatant disregard of the US military, continued apologies to heads of state for what Obama believes to have been the mistakes of previous administrations (and the military and the people of the US) – not to mention that his first administrative statements were NOT to the people of the US, but to Islamic television and radio stations in the Middle East.

cmb79 Report As Abusive
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