Sunday, January 16, 2011

Call for Bipartisan Seating at the State of the Union

Call for Bipartisan Seating at the State of the Union
by Michelle Malkin on Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 12:32pm

**Written by Doug Powers

If they’re not careful, the “We are the World” people are going to sue for copyright infringement:

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaksa) has joined Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) in spearheading Udall’s effort to have bipartisan seating at the State of the Union, Murkowski’s office announced Friday.

In a letter to members of Congress today Murkowski and Udall propose Republicans and Democrats sit together during the State of the Union address. Currently, the tradition is for Democrats and Republicans to sit only with members of their party during the presidential address. The proposal comes after an earlier one by Udall where the Democrat and Republican leadership would sit together during the presidential address.

This could be the first State of the Union to end with a loud reminder from the Sergeant at Arms: “Everybody’s invited to a pajama party at Olympia Snowe’s place!”

In addition to the bipartisan seating idea, other proposals on the table include all of Congress recording an commercial together and Lisa Murkowski leading a recitation of the Pledge of Kum Ba Yah. However, sources tell me that John Boehner has soured the bipartisan mood by turning down an invitation to spend the duration of the State of the Union speech sitting on Joe Biden’s lap.

Here are those who have signed on, by way of Sister Toldjah:

Senate signers are as follows: Sen. Begich (D-Alaska), Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Sen. Kristen Gilibrand (D-N.Y.), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Udall for the Democrats and Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alska, and Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Alaska) for the Republicans. In the House, all nine signers are Democrats.

Craftsman doesn’t churn out as many tools as Congress.

In a Washington Post op-ed, John McCain wrote this:

The president appropriately disputed the injurious suggestion that some participants in our political debates were responsible for a depraved man’s inhumanity.

This is precisely the kind of thing that demonstrates why John McCain fared so poorly in the election and why I plugged my nose when I voted for him. McCain said political rhetoric wasn’t responsible for the Tucson murders. Then, he signed on to this ridiculous “bipartisan seating” idea which is a stunt to imply partisan politics had everything to do with Jared Loughner’s unhinged killing spree.

So far, no Republican in the House has signed on, so kudos to them for not snapping up the bait.

In the meantime, plans for a bipartisan SOTU are ongoing, and the Democrats have commissioned an artist to draw up exactly how they want the evening to look:

**Written by Doug Powers

Carl Ogren Why is there an 'R' beside Murkowski's name?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Bill Cubbage Well comb-ayah!
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Dan Carter I like Mari's comment!! Is it possible the Dems dont want the public to obtain a good visualization of how divided Obama and Pelousi have made this country? I can see why they would want the parties mixed so it wouldn't be obvious.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Den Mix When in Doubt, go for a flippin photo opp.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Jim Johnson Judy Michaels, I respect McCain's military service very much, but as a conservative politician, he would make a fair auto mechanic!
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Dan Carter Why is everyone so SURPRISED with McCain.... he's a much better Democrat than Republican. This is his history. How he was voted back in this last time is amazing to me.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 5 peopleLoading... ·
Maxwell Brown the only job that needs to be completed is to fix the economy, and help obumma resign in disgrace ASAP
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Terry Callahan Okay now JF, pull your pants back up.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Terry Lee They could even hold hands. Aren't those Democrats cute? Phony, but cute.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Don Lester like michelle obama said , we are going to have to change our triditions and change our history ! whats next .
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Jim Henderson Seat the Rhinos with the Democrats, the Blue Dogs with the Republicans, Independents in the back and the TEA Party folks in the front row......
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Terry Callahan SHAME the RINO's out of their slumber of stupidity. Show them how you feel... now.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personDarrell Palmer likes this. ·
Shannon Clark keep up the good work patriots, Reading everyone's comments helps me feel not so alone. we unite or die, United We Stand. I'm so proud of The People when we stand together for the good,and self preservation of All Freedom loving Americans. Keep up the good work. I know that there is a higher purpose for what we are all doing. Right verses wrong, awareness verses just plain stupidly. it's very sad when we realize that we can't fix stupid.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Judy Michaels Terry Callahan: It's subtle mind control. Have you noticed, the "Progressives" consider it Bi-Partisan ONLY when THEIR ideas are passed without being confronted and contested by Conservatives? If Conservatives dissent at all...they are BAD!! REFUSE to get along. So...make everyone hold hands and not contest what Libs/Progressives are trying to pass. Any Conservative who falls for that is forever a RINO to me.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Steve Abernathy ‎[Sigh] What's old is made new again by dear Lord-O:
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personBilly Bob likes this. ·
Linda Gonzalez Fotopoulos Democrats are liars they can not be trusted. We must repeal and impeach Obama NOW. WE MUST NOT SURRENDER TO THEM.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Janet Roberts Carl, fantastic question. The flippin' rino went independent to beat out a conservative, but NOW she uses an R next to our name? She uses the party for her own agenda...she is for Murkowski and NOT for anyone else.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Jojo David John McCain is a TRADER to republican party..he should be kicked out of the party..
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Pedro Cabrera No, no and no please write to your Congress Representatives, the country should see the clear result of Obama's Socialist policies, We spokeabout it loud and clear in last November, our Congress should be stand proud as a Republican Congress, No way liberals, Now yes and why not before?.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Colleen White Tibbetts
I am the mother of children and worked in the public school system. My job for eleven years was working with behavior students, I recognized it is not the children who are the problem it is the parents. Leave it to the government to be s...o vain that they feel a mentally ill adolescent targeted them. People in the United States are murdered by young men and women, who are slipping through the cracks of the justice system. Due to the system being no longer punitive, in most cases a slap on the wrist. Most important, parents are not being held accountable for their children’s actions, if parents are punished when their children exhibit inexcusable actions children would be better behaved.See More
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Tony Andreasen I don't trust the Dems. This seems like an attempt to paint the new Congress as the same as the last one. We don't need another tax and spend Congress.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Rik Rasmussen Think we now have one party rule? \ Here's your sign. Just one more way to slap tradition in the face. All hail Chairman Obama! If Boehner goes along with this I am done with Republicans. This is just to make the standing and cheering look like everyone is in it. If the Rs fall for this gag they are finished.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Pedro Cabrera We should stand firm on this in front of our congress representatives, unfortunately my representatives are both liberals/ socialists and they did not represent me at all, they only represent the White House, but please write to yours, We need to keep our Congress the way it was voted by the American People and We should stop any manipulation from the Socialists/ liberals in Congress and the Socialist media.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Beryl Bouknight Arbaugh Just another ploy---Why are we so gullible?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Sherry Blanton Tierney
It will appear to those watching on TV that the ENTIRE Congress support whatever the obama says. Because when the democrats give the numerous standing ovations, the camera will show Congress standing throughout the House.
Are the Republican...s this stupid?See More
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Deborah Barclay The People ran their Traitor Leaders out in Tunisia..we can do it too in Amerikka. Ummm, let's see... We can Send a Strong Message to these Lying, pocketed filling scum bags by celebrating any Death of a Career Poltician or Judge...Signs that say: Rot in Hell Scum Bag. KARMA Or we can PRETEND that we care like they do when they ROB us into subjugation...We can Protest with signs that say..Stop the guns/drugs Killing of Politicians SEAL the Borders...then there is something in it for THEM.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·
Deborah Barclay Trust me...these criminals are running SCARED...a wacko running loose wacked one of their OWN.. Watch how their 'protections' beef up and they become MORE isolated from the Public.
58 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
M. Wm. Morgan
In 1801, Thomas Jefferson discontinued the practice of delivering the address in person, regarding it as too monarchical (similar to the Speech from the Throne). Instead, the address was written and then sent to Congress to be read by a cle...rk until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson re-established the practice despite some initial controversy.

I hate the SOTU because it's only for TV. Who gives a damn where they sit, the bipartisan rancor will continue!See More
55 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Viviana Marrone Coelho Gag me.
53 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
Steve Hajnal Oh, silly me. I thought this was all about unity. Turns out it's really about democrats trying to make themselves more difficult to shoot at by hiding amongst republicans. I hope they realize that with all the crap being pulled on both sides some of the people they pissed off to the point of no return may not be so discriminatory or selective in their targeting.
51 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleYou and George Murphy like this. ·
Rich Schoenfeld Enough with all this "kumbaya" stuff - can we please get to work addressing the real issues plaguing the nation... like jobs, health care repeal, border security, etc.
44 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
Rose Myers Fontenot This is all about political posturing. It doesn't have a darn thing to do with actually working together!
43 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personYou like this. ·
Gloria Bratu Beaver When I wrote my House Rep and the two Senators, I said the following (condensed): "The idea of mixing Democrats and Republicans together for seating is ridiculous; and whether you sit apart or together, it has nothing to do with the murders in AZ. . . .And the idea that this was even mentioned implies that somehow the people of our Country were responsible for this horror." The visual of seeing the results of the 2010 elections is so important to the people who worked hard for their election.
42 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Billy Bob From the Progressive Play Book: cover, hide, bamboozle, beguile, bluff, buffalo, burn, catch, con, deceive, dupe, fake out, fool, hoax, hoodwink, hornswoggle, humbug, juggle, misguide, misinform, mislead, snooker, snow, spoof, string along, sucker, suck in, take in, trick...
42 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Larry Peoples Sr I didn't elect Republicans to make peace with those Democrat bastards. I sent them there to destroy them and take back this country!
42 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 5 peopleLoading... ·
Rich Oliver I think this is a great idea.
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
Larry Peoples Sr
But just in case the RINO's cave in, here are the appropriate lyrics:

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
...Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbayah

Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's laughing, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya

Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Someone's sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbayaSee More
35 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Henry Hyman NO!
33 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Ceil Finochio I do not trust the Democrats in any way shape or form. If this happens they will use it politically as a sign of weakness on the part of the Republicans.
31 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Louis Martinez It would seem that when the democrats have nothing to lose...or should I say...everything to lose...they want to play buddies...well, socialism always wants to play buddies...when they are they can take you with them. There is a job to be done and do not believe for one second it will be played fairly, Obama already said there will be fighting in congress. Bring it on.
29 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Cheryl Laird we need true american staespersons to bring together freedom and prosperity for americans not-NUDGing big government controlling idealogues
20 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
Elizabeth Bauer They should sit on their respective sides. It is a way to hide how the Republicans took over the house. Plus it shows a clear division of ideology.
19 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
James Kelly Black
I vote no. same seating as last year.Other wise our majority wont show. He is simply trying to cover the fact that the left was soundly defeated in Nov, ,,,After the lame duck session in Dec, I see we didnt cut deep enough.And we missed the... ones on the right....I vote for repeal and impeachment.NO COMPROMISE, NO PRISONERS...Since the tragedy in Arizona with the shootings by the left winger , I have noticed that all of you have toned down, moderated to the center, and plain shut up. We made ground over 2 years , and now is not the time to start singing cumbya. We have a fight ahead of us get busy , Prepare yourselfs , The left wants you to lower your guard, then they will beat you to death with it. Get busy people prepare for the election of 2012.See More
14 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Mark Steele No Way! We are AT WAR!
13 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
Angeline Grotkier if my Rep. sits with the Dems, I WON'T vote for him AGAIN!!!!!
12 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·
Don Pettygrove
I really can't agree with the idea. Udall, in his post on FB said this: "The President’s State of the Union addresses set the agenda for the year – the challenges and opportunities we face. But what Americans see when they watch it on TV is... a Congress bitterly divided by party. Join my call for Congress to bridge the partisan divide by the two political parties sitting together for the speech as a symbolic gesture to signify unity and better reflect the communities we represent."
Note that he says it is just a "symbolic gesture". If that is all it is, why bother. Democrats are all about symbolism but when it comes to meeting conservatives and Republicans part way, they never come through. This idea is just a scam of Udall's. He won't even listen to the people of Colorado on his votes. He just goes along party lines.

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