The New World Order
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot
in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against
the LORD and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and
throw off their shackles.” - Psalm 2:1-3
No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of
balding hard-line Communists - we are now threatened from within - by a group
of intelligent, well-dressed globalists who are convincing America and the
nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the
establishment of a ...
"New World
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.
What is the New World Order?
New World Order is a term used to describe the uniting of the world's superpowers to secure and maintain global peace, safety, and security. Synonymous with the term New World Order are the terms one world government, global governance, globalization, and Agenda 21. All these terms are used interchangeably and at different times to communicate to different audiences. Make no mistake - they all basically mean the same thing.The first attempt to establish a New World Order was by a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, who came to the land of Shinar and built the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). Later, Satan tempted even Jesus, promising Him world dominion as His reward (Matthew 4:1-11). This same promise has been given to scores of other men over the ages. History tells of many who have accepted the Great Deceiver's terms.
Alex Jones has been exposing the New World Order for over 17 years and produced a film in 2007 called, EndGame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement. He describes it as basically a consortium of six private megabanks that have gotten governments in the western world in the last 200 years to accept unlimited fiat currency they control. They literally control the issuance of currency and credit and are able to take over economies in an unfair trade advantage.
- They are monopolistic and authoritarian in their every move.
- They are anti-human. They are robber barons who have codified their dictatorial activities into a cosmology and world view system known as eugenics. Under modern names, it is known as transhumanism.
- They are pushing a world soviet run by private interests. It is not the communism you have been taught about is not the true communism. It is a corporate fascism on top, directing a compartmentalized soviet communitarian model on the bottom. Two different systems.
- It is government for and by inbred scientific technocrats who openly, in all their publications, are announcing a planetary world government to shut off resources incrementally until you are disarmed and poor and have no way to resist. Then, from their high tech armored fortresses and underground bunkers will launch drone and robot delivered bio and chemical attacks reducing the world population by up to 99%.
- They have openly announced they have established world government over the entire planet. They are mopping up a few isolated areas to bring them into their globalist control.
- They have backroom deals with China and has pretty much absorbed the communist model there. Russia is a dictatorial authoritarian system, but compared to the anglo-America variety, is not yet eugenics based at this time. The globalists are still contending with them, infiltrating their country, openly trying to overthrow it publicly.
- They are overthrowing the family.
- They are overthrowing any religious system because the state has to be god, and has to be replaced with that.
- They are rewriting the genetic code of humanity and almost every other major species of plant and animal.
- They are destroying the gut flora, so they can come sell us new gut flora making us totally dependant on them - those that are even allowed to live in the next phase before mass extermination.
- Their agenda is hidden in plain view. They think you are so stupid, they have written all their plans down, and have implemented their plans. And, they are following their plan to the tee, although they are six or seven years behind, but are following it all exactly as they said they would.
- They believe once they have fully established their New World Order agenda, they will be as gods and will live forever.
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