What Do The East German Revolt of 1953 and the D.H.S. Have in Common?
by reasonvoice If you take the time to read the links provided in the lower half related to the D.H.S., the connection should be QUITE clear!“The first real uprising, by working people, against the Communist and Socialist system.” -Socialism Sucks
On June 17, 1953, East Germany (The German Democratic Republic ) (GDR) experienced a series of workers strikes, riots and demonstrations. This unrest became much more than just a strike as the populace attempted to rid themselves of Socialism and Communism.
“The ‘proletariat’ had risen against the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’.” -Christian Ostermann
(Well, imagine that !)
On the morning of 16th June 1953, 300 East Berlin construction workers went on strike afte their superiors announced a pay cut, if they did not meet their new Socialist work quotas.
Their numbers quickly swelled and a general strike and protests were called for the next day.
Throughout the night of June16th and the morning of June 17th , reports of the events in East Berlin spread quickly throughout the GDR by radio broadcasts.
From all over East Berlin and the surrounding suburbs came the people !
The result?
More than one million people in about 700 localities.
As the numbers grew so did their confidence and determination,
They were there to rid themselves of communism, stop the inhumane human rights abuses and unrealistic quotas the Socialists had levied on them.
Demonstrators began to demand other changes too, such as free elections.
These Communist policies did not work and their Socialist economic demands were unrealistic.
Chants were heard calling for “Death to Communism” and
“Long live Eisenhower!”
The protests soon turned violent as the workers became more vocal and determined.
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev decided to use force to stop the uprising. On June 17th 1953,
16 Soviet divisions with tanks, 20,000 soldiers and 8,000 KVP (Barracked People’s Police) were used to quell the uprising.
They opened fire on unarmed civilians.
“By 09:00, some 25,000 people had gathered in front of the House of Ministries, and tens of thousands more were en route. Between 10:00 and 11:00, some 80 to 100 demonstrators apparently managed to storm the government seat. Only the sudden appearance of Soviet Army vehicles, and then tanks, seemed to prevent a complete takeover.
Within an hour, Soviet troops had cleared and isolated the area around the government headquarters. But fighting between Soviet forces (later also GDR police) and the demonstrators continued into the afternoon and night; eyewitnesses reported that in some instances the Soviets fired directly into the crowd:”
“It was awful to see [. . . ] how the crowds of people fell to the ground. One could immediately see several writhing on the ground, covered with blood; everybody screamed for ambulances and police.” -Wikipedia
The world knew and observed but, in fear of nuclear war, would not move to help the East Germans.
There would be no help !
This revolt was over. Here’s a video:
[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]
West Germany estimates of the number of people killed at:
- 513 people shot and killed in the street
- 106 people executed under martial law (or later condemned to death)
- 170 executed for political crimes.
- 1,838 were injured, and 5,100 were arrested
- 1,200 of these were later sentenced to 5 years in penal camps
- 17 Soviet soldiers were also executed.
They refused to shoot demonstrating workers.
Even they knew it was wrong !
Well, there it is! Again! Isn’t Socialism great ? Doesn’t it just make everyone happy to live in that utopian dream!
“The ‘proletariat’ had risen against the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’.” They always do. “Know the history”
Now, With Obama’s well documented actions in gutting the military tasked with protecting the American citizenry, it’s nice to know D.H.S. is ready for war with We the People. Doubt me? Take a good look at some of the following previous posts:
Anyone who doubts that Obama has less than noble plans should see the following:
- Revealed: Obama’s Immense Shadow Army & Its Shocking Takeover Plan
- Obama’s Plan For Permanent Power Grab While We’re Fixated On Distractions
- Retired Marine Col. Pete Martino Exposes DHS Military Build Up [Video]
- Explosive Interview With Original NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice… Serious Questions Regarding NSA Blackmailing Obama, Supreme Court, Congress And Military Generals…
- Soldiers Told If They Donate To Christians or Tea Parties, They’ll Be Subjected To Punishment Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
- Military Documents Confirm Obama Is Silencing, Criminalizing Christianity
- Priests Threatened With Arrest if They Minister to Military During Shutdown
- Former Commander: Now It’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell for Christians
- Gay Flag Flies at Afghan Base But the Christian Cross Is Banned
- Strange: Is There a Red Line For Christian Beheadings? Didn’t Think So.
- DOJ Declares War On All Non-Muslims
- Pentagon Preparing to Court Martial Christians?
- Pressure By Obama? US Army Lists Christianity As Religious Extremism
- Federal Attorney Warns Negative Posts Against Islam Could Get You Prosecution & Imprisonment
- Obama’s War On Christianity Continues: DOJ Defunds Youth Programs that Reference God
Even Bob Woodward on Face the Nation is talking about Obama’s Secret Army.
- 10/31: Military Helicopters Firing Machine Guns Over Downtown Miami in Drill
- 10/30: JUST IN — Military Police Leak FEMA Gun Confiscation Plan…
- 10/30: Mainstream Reports: DHS Battens Down the Hatches:
- 10/28: 100-Plus UN-Marked MRAPS Deploy To FEMA Camps
- 10/27: Obama Firing of Military Reminiscent of Stalin’s Purge
- 10/25: Breaking: Obama Readies Military For Domestic Gun Confiscation…
- 10/12: Congress Introduces Bill: “FEMA” to Conduct ‘Mass Fatality Planning
- 09/27: U.S. Military Officers Are Told to Plan To Fight Americans
- 08/21: POTUS Possesses Legal Authority to be Dictator For Life!
- 08/8: Another Blatantly Obvious FEMA Camp Pops Up In Texas!
- 08/8: U.S. Now Has “Constitution Free Zones” – Hope & Change Is GREAT!
- 07/21: FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations & Executive Orders!
- 06/12: Lists Of Americans To Be Subject To Detention During Martial Law
- 06/8: Bone Chilling Interview With DHS Security Official
- 05/2: Military Would Disarm Americans In National Emergency
- 04/3: Martial Law by Executive Order
- 03/28: Obama VERY Anxious to Declare a National Emergency
- 03/27: D.H.S. Lies To Public! Large Movements of Armored Vehicles Reported!
- 03/27: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move In United States…
- 03/15: Videos of INTERNMENT CAMPS Planned for Americans In U.S.
- 02/2: Communism’s 45 Goals to Destroy the United States – Almost Identical to Liberal Agenda!
Julia Davis, a former Customs and Border Protections Officer, was falsely declared a domestic terrorist and subjected to retaliatory efforts against her by the Department of Homeland Security. Her home was raided by a 27 man “special response team.” She was twice falsely arrested and imprisoned, but later exonerated. She is now a national security expert and has put out a historical documentary titled Top Priority: The Terror Within. She claims that the War On Terror by the Department of Homeland Security is a charade and that the agency seems to be targeting concerned American patriots.
[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]
Davis says her documentary is about her time with DHS in dealing with applicants from countries with ties to terrorism, who are seeking to come into the United States.
She says that they had “very specific alerts” that on July 4, 2004 that members of Al-Qaeda would be attempting to cross the border from Mexico into the US. The land port where Ms. Davis worked is the largest and busiest land port in the world, San Ysidro Port. She says that Islamic clerics say this is the best place to breech the US border because of the large number of people coming through.
She says that she began to input the information into the DHS database, which she was required to do as a supervisor, and she noticed that she had a high number of people from terrorist countries set to come through her port on July 4. She says there were 23 people form terrorist countries who were to be admitted into the US on that day. She said the average number of people coming from terrorist countries would normally be 5-10 per month. So to have 23 in a ten hour span was “alarming.”
But it goes further. Davis says that none of these people were subjected to routine checks that were in place for applicants from terrorist countries. According to Davis, “They were supposed to be fingerprinted. They were supposed to be asked why they left the US, why they were coming back, where they were living… all these different procedures that would have taken approximately an hour for each person. None of it was done.”
In fact, in some of the cases, the individuals didn’t fill out the paperwork or provide the documents they were supposed to in order to come into the United States.
Davis indicated that the Port Director was not informed about the situation and that when she went higher up to Intel and she said she “nearly fell down” when she found a “closed door.” The entire Intel office was “given the day off so that they could Bar-B-Q on the Fourth of July.” Ultimately there was no one that she could report her findings to. Coincidence? I think not.
The Port Director wasn’t worried either. He simply told her to put it in their box and they would get to it when they had opportunity. This was in direct opposition to what their manual stated was to happen, according to Ms. Davis. They were to get the information to a joint terrorism task force.
That night, since she was no longer under the Port Director’s orders, she contacted the FBI to inform them of the situation. In her mind, she was simply being patriotic and informing people who should be able to use the information to deal with a very real threat. She simply wanted to make sure that while others were barbequing that nothing was going to be blown up in the United States.
From that time on, every day when she came to work she was being investigated for one thing or another. She says everything they brought up to here was frivolous and ridiculous and she believes it was an attempt to get her fired to discredit anything she would say. All of this was because the FBI knew the information and DHS was embarrassed that the information came to them the way it did.
Within a period of two weeks, Davis was the subject of 19 investigations. By the time she sued Homeland Security there had been 54 investigations! On top of that, she was declared a domestic terrorist! My fellow Americans, this is a woman that sought to ensure the safety of our border! She was vigilant at her job and according to what she is saying, our government, if the allegations are true, has acted not only negligently against the American people, but criminally against her.
Davis’ home was raided by a 27 man SWAT team in a Blackhawk helicopter. She said they spent more time and utilized more man power raiding her home without a warrant than the government used to raid the alleged compound of Osama bin Laden.
Davis believes that no one dealt with the issue she brought forward because either they were derelict of duty or, more likely, there was corruption. She said that the Customs Department is historically one of the most corrupt agencies, especially the land port where she worked. In fact, she said that her border crossing had a Port Director who was caught taking bribes to allow people to come across. She also said there were intel reports that came up later which indicated that Arab nationals were offering $5,000 per person to allow individuals across the border without facing any scrutiny.
When asked what she thought about DHS and their priorities, Davis said:
“It makes me think that he so-called ‘War on Terror’ is more of a charade and that the priority of the agency seems to be to target concerned citizens and whistleblowers because in my case… they sent an airplane to follow me… they had eight agents at a time following me… they used airplanes, vehicles, helicopters… they used OnStar to listen to what was being said in our cars.”As her lawsuit progressed, she says she obtained documentation of why DHS said she was a domestic terrorist. According to the documentation, DHS labeled David a domestic terrorist “for derogatory statements made in her filings and in her articles about the Department of Homeland Security.” Well I guess I know what I’m labeled then, eh?
Davis believes that DHS acts in this way so that they don’t have to follow the laws (something people like Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain agree with) and not have to follow the Constitution. Keep in mind though that we are not talking about the DHS under Barack Obama, but the DHS under George W. Bush.
Since the release of her film, their Fleur De Lis (the producer of the film) family stores have been raided by DHS and they are under continual surveillance. She also has a number of electronic interruptions as well. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audited them along with their attorneys who assisted her as she prevailed against DHS.
There is more in the video, which you will want to see. However, even after she is exonerated, DHS continues to hound her. This is not freedom. This is not liberty. This is not justice. This is the face of tyranny and yes, it’s here in the US.
Watch the trailer of Top Priority: The Terror Within below:
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