Investigate 2012 Vote Fraud
Investigate 2012 Vote Fraud
Published on on April 8, 2014
Allegations of voter fraud fly back and forth in
modern American politics, based on episodic personal observations or on
anomalous electoral outcomes. But now, for the very first time, comes
concrete proof that massive voter fraud might have taken place in the
2012 election, sufficiently widespread to have tainted more than 1
million votes nationwide.
So far, the data does not indicate which side
committed the fraud or whether it was an orchestrated effort, but the
fact of fraud is now undeniable.
North Carolina, under the leadership of their Election
Board Director Kim Strach, studied the rolls of those who voted there
and compared them with data from 27 other states. The conclusion: 35,750
people voted in North Carolina and also voted in at least one other
state in the 2012 election.
The duplicate vote finding is based on the people who
voted in North Carolina having the same first and last names and the
same birth dates as those voting in other states. In 765 cases, the last
four digits of the voters' Social Security numbers were identical as
The report is based on a study of 101 million voter
records in 28 participating states. And because none of the four biggest
states -- California, Texas, Florida and New York -- participated in
the study, among others, a truly national study would likely have
yielded a far larger number.
Because North Carolina makes for about 2.5 percent of
America's population, the projected number of actual double votes
nationally could reach to 1 million.
Past allegations of fraud have all been based on voter
registration data, indicating a vast potential for fraud, but without
proof of actual double voting, there's no hard evidence. But the North
Carolina study focused only on those who actually cast ballots -- far
more important criteria.
Critics of the study point out that no voter fraud has
been verified and no prosecutions have been brought. But these names
will surely provide an investigatory bonanza for those willing to follow
the trail.
The impetus for collecting national voting data and
interfacing them for fraud comes from Kris Kobach, secretary of State in
Kansas. Kobach initiated the interface, called the Interstate Voter
Registration Crosscheck Program, in 2005.
Progressive Pulse blogger Chris Kromm charges that the
results of studies by other states have produced much noise but few
real results. But unless an aggressive investigation pursues these
double votes, we will never know how serious the problem really is.
Isaiah Thompson of AxisPhilly noted the record keeping
spots many people who have moved and registered in a new state but
whose old voter records have not been purged.
Thompson's criticism would hold water were North
Carolina comparing voter registrations, but because it compared actual
votes, it does not.
What is clearly needed is an interstate effort by
local prosecutors to coordinate investigations of double voters. Let
district attorneys in two states confront the double voters themselves
and ask how it is that they voted twice, who helped to facilitate their
fraud, did anyone help pay for their travel, did they get compensation
for voting twice and so forth.
What mission could be more central to our political
integrity? If, in fact, up to a million Americans voted twice in the
last election, we need to know who did, why they did, and whether it was
a coordinated effort by one of the political parties.
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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