Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Articles: Had Hillary Clinton Won the Election...

Articles: Had Hillary Clinton Won the Election...

Had Hillary Clinton Won the Election...

To paraphrase Robert Frost, America has taken the road less traveled.  We elected a political outsider.  What might America look like today if Hillary had been elected?  Had she won we would not be hearing a single word about Russia.  Not a whisper.  It was not on the left's radar at all.  Ms. Clinton had embarrassed herself with that inane Office Depot reset button while she was Secretary of State.  Obama had told Medvedev to tell "Vlad" he would have more flexibility after the election, presumably re: nuclear disarmament.  The left cared nothing about that bit of collusion. 
Hillary and her campaign aides have long been involved with Russia for reasons of personal gain.  Clinton herself got $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation for allowing Russia to take over twenty percent of all uranium production in the U.S. Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, is reaping the financial benefits of being on the board of a Russian company, Joule, which he did not disclose.  Besides, the Left has historically loved Russia and wanted to emulate its authoritarian governments.  They laughed when Mitt Romney, in 2012, named Russia as our most serious foreign policy problem.  And Obama, even when he knew/believed that Russia was attempting to meddle in the election, he did nothing.  They've done it for decades and so what?  Hillary was going to win.
Had Hillary been elected, the Clinton Foundation would be raking in even more millions than it did before.  She would be happily selling access, favors and our remaining freedoms out from under us.   She would be further eviscerating our military and she would be raising taxes to fund Obamacare even though it is a clear and present disaster.  Anyone who doubts that should look up Hillarycare, the monstrosity she designed behind closed doors when her husband was in the White House.  Her plan would dictate who could go to medical school, what specialty they would  "choose,"  and where they would be compelled to practice.  Her plan was the U.K.'s NHS on steroids.  Her plan was rationed care and death panels from hell.
Had HRC won, she would be implementing thousands of new regulations on businesses to further hamstring the economy.  She would let the fascist freaks at the Environmental Protection Agency have their way with every aspect of our daily lives:  Our cars, our showerheads, our toilets, our rainwater in our yards, etc.  She would, like the EPA under Obama, privilege any species, no matter how insignificant,  over humans.  Central California has been devastated by the environmentalists' reverence for the delta smelt!  Thousands of farm workers lost their jobs thanks to this lefty decision, turning a lush agricultural valley into a brown wasteland in the name of "going green."  This is the American left today.
Dr. Ben Carson, Trump's Secretary of HUD has already uncovered $520 billion  in fraud that occurred under Obama.  Two-thirds of the people who got Obamaphones at taxpayer expense, lied.  That program was riddled with fraud.
Had Hillary been elected, the stock market would be tanking rather than booming.  Every one of her policies would have been an economic wet blanket.   She would have instituted a minimum wage by executive order and thousands of more small businesses would be closing.  Instead, the stock market has gained $2 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected.  Hillary would have already increased our $20 trillion in national debt; Trump reduced it by $100m in his first hundred days.  Job numbers would have fallen under Hillary; Trump added nearly 300k jobs in the first month after his inauguration.  Housing sales would have fallen under Hillary because even fewer people would have been able to afford to buy a home.  Under Trump, housing sales have increased for the first time since 2011.
Had Hillary won, she would, as promised, have increased the number of refugees from the  Middle East, Mexico and Central America.  There would be countless more potential terrorists in our midst, thousands more on public assistance on the taxpayer's dime.  Under Trump, illegal immigration is down 67%.  The DOJ, under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is rounding up criminal illegals, most of them gang members, many of them released from prisons by Obama to roam our streets with impunity.  Hopefully the citizens of sanctuary cities will realize how much safer they and their children will be once this pathetic policy comes to an end.  Trump stands firmly behind our law enforcement officers; Hillary would be standing with Black Lives Matter and even more police would be sacrificing their lives to this domestic terrorist group and its anti-cop rhetoric. 
Hillary, like the rest of the left, hates the Second Amendment.  Had she won,  it would likely have been abrogated out of existence.  Law-abiding citizens would be relegated to victim status by decree, no longer allowed to defend themselves from the always armed criminals while the likes of Hillary and her crowd live in gated mansion and have armed guards.  "For me but not for thee" is the mantra of the left.  She would be taking the nation in the direction of Oregon, which is fast becoming the fascist state the left so admires.
Trump was vilified throughout the campaign for repeatedly calling out NATO members for not paying their minimal fair share.  Since he won, allied spending is up $10 billion!    Then there is the Supreme Court. We now have another constitutional scholar, like Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, on the bench who may just do Antonin Scalia proud.  Trump  will likely get the chance to appoint two more justices in the coming years.  Given the power our courts have grasped for themselves, his appointments of jurists who revere our founding documents may be the only path back to a Constitutional Republic.  Neil Gorsuch is the first step.
Trump took us out of the Paris Climate Accord, a $2.5 trillion economy killer.  He got us out of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership that would have been great for the eleven other nations in it, and bad for America.  As he promised, he is putting America and American workers first.  The left and the media hate him for all this.  They have been rendered apoplectic and thoroughly irrational.  Their response to his glorious speech in Warsaw, was that it was racist, xenophobic, tribalist.  How dare he preference Western Civilization! They no longer hear actual words spoken. They hear what their radical ideology dictates they must hear when Trump speaks.  If he said it, it must be racist, it must be sexist, it must be nationalist, etc.  They are completely unable to grasp the meaning of Trump.  Had Hillary won, this miraculous nation would be continuing the death spiral Obama set in motion eight years ago.  It's almost as though divine providence has rescued us once again as it has  at so many crucial times over the past 241 years.. 

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