Shelby Steele Steele has dedicated much of his work to questioning our
assumptions about race relations in America, social programs and
political correctness. His most recent book, Shame: How America's Past
Sins Have Polarized Our Country, puts forth the idea that liberalism,
and the related desire to redeem America of its past sins through social
programs, has instead prevented the advancement of the very groups
these policies intended to help. Steele shares more thoughts on this
Societies have many of the qualities individuals
have. America is a particularly great society. There's been no country
like this ever before in all of human history. And all of the sins that
America has committed in its past are nothing that's new. Many countries
around the world had slavery and so forth. And America is to be honored
and complimented for actually facing these problems and dealing with
them. Nevertheless, [having grown] up during the Civil Rights Era,
America was brought to account for the sin of slavery, for its
mistreatment of women, for all of these things that white supremacy, in a
sense, fostered…Still, we all live with the knowledge of this past
tragedy and of the hypocrisy of it. I think that knowledge has generated
in American life this need to be redemptive, to prove that we are not
like that anymore. And so how do you show yourself to be redemptive? You
keep deferring to those groups that are associated with that
victimization and you keep trying to give them things and, in a sense,
use them as a vehicle for America's redemption.
One of the points
that I feel very strongly about, coming as a black [man], is that the
deference that America has shown us since the '60s with the War on
Poverty and the Great Society and welfare, these deferential policies
that defer to our history of victimization now victimize us more than
racism did. I grew up in segregation. I know exactly what it's like. And
I had a more positive attitude toward America than many blacks do today
who are the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action. I think that deference
has become a very corrupting influence on the people that it tries to
help. It's honorable that it wants to help these people but they never
ask the people to be responsible for their own transformation and uplift
and that's the great tragedy of deference and political correctness.
I said in a [recent Wall Street Journal] article, political correctness
is just the codification of deference…As blacks, we live in a society
that keeps trying now to help us and to redeem itself through us. And
that just pushes us into a symbiotic relationship with white America. We
become their poster boy for redemption… It's now begun to hurt the
fabric of American life. I think this past election is about that.
Americans are saying, among other things, “We're tired of this. We know
something's wrong. We may not know what it is but something's wrong."
Shelby Steele
The history of America has
accused [white people] of the evil of bigotry. And so white Americans
are insanely sensitive to being seen as racists or, to a lesser degree,
sexists. And so this hyperbolic political correctness that we've
descended into has to do with this neurotic response. But when people
are living under that kind of threat of stigmatization, they don't even
see the people they're trying to help. White people don't even see
blacks. Political correctness is utterly and completely blind to the
humanity of black America.
Everybody is under threat of
stigmatization. Blacks are fanatical about who's really black and who
isn't. Whites are fanatical about whether they're racist or whether
they're not. Nobody is seeing each other as simply as human beings…
old enough now to know that things do change radically in societies. My
elementary school was the first desegregation lawsuit in the North. I
remember the battle that we had to fight in order to win that victory. I
think today we just continue to be in that position where we are
exploited now out of good intentions rather than out of bad intentions
and we then become invested in our own victimization -- that's what gets
us attention, not our excellence. Black America, the culture, has been
one of the richest cultures in the world. We've revolutionized music
around the entire globe, we've produced one of the great literatures in
modern times -- we've done some fabulous things, even while behind the
wall of segregation. Whites have to be honest with us and say, “We can't
help anybody who doesn't take responsibility for themselves." It won't
work. You just become dependent and weaker. You become the very thing
white supremacists said you were in the first place. Inferior. Deference
rewards inferiority in minorities. And so how is that gonna happen?
Well, we're gonna fight that out. This election was, in many ways, about
My father was born in the 19th Century. He never went
beyond the third grade. He made something of himself. He taught himself
how to read and write. That was a common thing in black America in those
days. Everything was stacked against him -- everything. Yet he believed
in his own freedom. He took the margin of freedom that he had and he
made something of himself. Many blacks have done that. The black middle
class didn't just come out of nowhere. That, too, is the result of a
long history. Well, we have to get back to that. And whites need to
understand that responsibility is the key to everything. Nothing's
possible without it -- least of all [white peoples'] redemption. They're
now, I think, living under a cloud of morally exploiting minorities for
their own moral self-esteem…Blacks are really a currency now of
legitimacy for American institutions…
Political correctness is
now evil and it is what holds minorities down. So use the n-word -- I
don't give a damn. But you will have some respect for me, for my
abilities, for my talents, for the fact that I can function in this
advanced, modern society. All I ever wanted was just simple fairness. My
prayer is that someday we become as fanatical about fairness as we are
now about political correctness.
The HiV of Western Culture
5 years ago
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