Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother

Representative Ilhan Omar delivers a speech at the 162nd General
Assembly of BIE, in Paris, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017. (AP
Photo/Christophe Ena)
state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-60B) currently leads the race to fill the
federal House seat being vacated by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN).
Immediately after being elected to her current seat in 2016, Omar faced
allegations -- soon backed by a remarkable amount of evidence -- that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still legally his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017.
The motivation for the marriage remains unclear. However, the totality of the evidence points to possible immigration fraud and student loan fraud.
Omar has stated that she did marry "British citizen" Ahmed Nur Said
Elmi in 2009, though the allegation that he is her brother is "absurd
and offensive."
exclusive new evidence -- from official archived high school records and
corroborating sources -- strongly supports the claim that Ahmed Nur
Said Elmi is indeed her brother.
this implicates Rep. Omar in multiple state and federal felonies, I
have contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota to submit all
other information uncovered during our investigation.
According to official student enrollment records archived by St. Paul Public Schools
and the state of Minnesota, an “Ahmed N. Elmi” was enrolled as a senior
in the Class of 2003 at Arlington Senior High School in St. Paul, MN,
from September 6, 2002, until June 10, 2003. He graduated and received a
The enrollment record states that “Ahmed N. Elmi” was born on April 4, 1985.
Both Ilhan Omar’s 2009 marriage documents and her 2017 divorce proceedings state that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was born on April 4, 1985.
an extensive background search, I have not been able to find any other
person named “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi,” “Ahmed N. Elmi,” or even “Ahmed
Elmi” with the birthdate April 4, 1985. The man Ilhan Omar married and
the 17- to 18-year-old who attended Arlington Senior High School in St.
Paul, MN, in 2002-2003 are one and the same.
Ahmed N. Elmi was a
minor for most of the school year, and thus his parent(s)/legal
guardian(s) would very likely also be listed on his enrollment records
-- along with his home address and telephone number.
St. Paul Public Schools stated to me that federal law (FERPA)
and Minnesota law forbid it from releasing the names of Ahmed N. Elmi’s
parents/legal guardians, address, or phone number from his enrollment
record without Elmi’s signed permission -- or a warrant.
then contacted several members of the Class of 2003 -- and I was told
that Eli “was living with his father” while attending Arlington Senior
High School. I have also obtained the likely address.
Elmi’s father was identified as the same man Ilhan Omar has always
publicly referred to as her own father: Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. (Read about Somali naming tradition here.)
Friday (October 19), I emailed Rep. Ilhan Omar, the MN Democratic Party
(DFL) chairman, and the MN DFL CD-5 chairman to request comment. I
asked for a response by Monday evening -- a full three days. I also sent
a follow-up email to all three on Monday afternoon:

No one responded.
was not unexpected. Rep. Omar did not respond to a three-day deadline
before I published an article covering her on August 8, 2018. That article presented documented evidence that Omar appeared to commit perjury multiple times during her 2017 divorce proceedings.
However, perhaps this tweet posted last night from Rep. Omar’s official Twitter account was an indirect response:
so, I’d suggest the evidence against her stands on its own. I would
also ask her to produce a single instance of false content, or
“propaganda,” that I have published in my three articles covering her
I will publish a fourth article later this week.