Here's How America Uses Its Land
There are many statistical measures that show how productive
the U.S. is. Its economy is the largest in the world and grew at a rate
of 4.1 percent last quarter, its fastest pace since 2014. The
unemployment rate is near the lowest mark in a half century.
What can be harder to decipher is how Americans use their land to create wealth. The 48 contiguous states alone are a 1.9 billion-acre jigsaw puzzle of cities, farms, forests and pastures that Americans use to feed themselves, power their economy and extract value for business and pleasure.
What can be harder to decipher is how Americans use their land to create wealth. The 48 contiguous states alone are a 1.9 billion-acre jigsaw puzzle of cities, farms, forests and pastures that Americans use to feed themselves, power their economy and extract value for business and pleasure.
Using surveys,
satellite images and categorizations from various government agencies,
the U.S. Department of Agriculture divides the U.S. into six major types
of land. The data can’t be pinpointed to a city block—each square on
the map represents 250,000 acres of land. But piecing the data together
state-by-state can give a general sense of how U.S. land is used.
Gathered together, cropland would take
up more than a fifth of the 48 contiguous states. Pasture and rangeland
would cover most of the Western U.S., and all of the country’s cities
and towns would fit neatly in the Northeast.
Even though urban areas make up just
3.6 percent of the total size of the 48 contiguous states, four in five
Americans live, work and play there. With so much of the U.S. population
in urban areas, it’s little surprise that these areas contribute an
outsize amount to the economy. The 10 most productive metropolitan areas
alone contributed to about 40 percent of U.S. GDP in 2016.
The U.S. is becoming more urban—at an
average rate of about 1 million additional acres a year. That’s the
equivalent of adding new urban area the size of Los Angeles, Houston and
Phoenix combined. U.S. urban areas have more than quadrupled since
The USDA categorizes national parks,
wildlife areas, highways, railroads and military bases as special-use
areas. And another USDA land classification—miscellaneous—includes
cemeteries, golf courses, marshes, deserts and other areas of “low
economic value.”
More than 100 million acres of
special-use areas are park and wilderness areas, where most commercial
activities, such as logging, mining and grazing, are excluded.
Agricultural land takes up about a fifth of the country.
Yet the actual land area used to grow
the food Americans eat is much smaller—only about the size of Indiana,
Illinois and half of Iowa combined. More than a third of the entire corn
crop is devoted to ethanol production. Most cropland is used for
livestock feed, exports or is left idle to let the land recover.
While the U.S. benefits from an
overall agricultural trade surplus, Americans imported 15 percent of
their food and beverage products in 2016. More than 30 percent of the
fresh fruits and vegetables Americans consume come from other countries,
predominantly Mexico and Canada. The amount of U.S. land used to
produce citrus fruits alone is larger than Rhode Island.
More than one-third of U.S. land is
used for pasture—by far the largest land-use type in the contiguous 48
states. And nearly 25 percent of that land is administered by the
federal government, with most occurring in the West. That land is open
to grazing for a fee.
There’s a single, major occupant on
all this land: cows. Between pastures and cropland used to produce feed,
41 percent of U.S. land in the contiguous states revolves around
Forestland is the last major category
of land categorized by the USDA. Unprotected forests and timberland
constitute a quarter of the contiguous U.S.
According to the U.S. Forest Service,
timber harvests typically occur on about 11 million acres each year. But
because of regrowth, the volume of U.S. timber stock grew by about 1
percent annually from 2007 to 2012. Weyerhaeuser Co. is the largest
private owner of timberlands in the U.S. With 12.4 million acres, the
company controls 2.3 percent of all commercially available timber, an
area nearly the size of West Virginia.
Putting all those pieces together,
this map gives you a rough sense of all the ways U.S. land is used. Much
of U.S. land serves specific purposes, such as the 2 million acres
devoted to golf courses or the 3 million acres for airports.
On a percentage basis, urban creep
outpaces growth in all other land-use categories. Another growth area:
land owned by wealthy families. According to The Land Report
magazine, since 2008 the amount of land owned by the 100 largest
private landowners has grown from 28 million acres to 40 million, an
area larger than the state of Florida.
Data from Alaska and Hawaii are excluded from the analysis. Special-use land and forestland make up the biggest land types in those states.
Bloomberg referenced the USDA data against estimates from the National Land Cover Database to generally locate these categories within each state.
Miscellaneous uses are defined as wetlands, rural residential lands, non-harvestable forests, desert, tundra and barren land of low economic value. Unlike all other land-use categories in the USDA data, a component breakdown for miscellaneous uses by state is not provided in the MLU.
To locate miscellaneous areas, Bloomberg referred to the National Land Cover Database to generally calculate and locate acreage by miscellaneous uses. “Rural residential lands” in the USDA data make up most of the 69 million-acre miscellaneous-use category. This category does not equally correlate to data in the National Land Cover Database, so Bloomberg subtracted the total of the other miscellaneous components to arrive at a rough estimate of “rural residential lands”—about 50 million acres.
Total pasture/range areas are proportionally divided by animal group based on National Agricultural Statistics Service livestock counts.
Data showing the 100 largest landowning families are based on descriptions of acreage and land type in The Land Report magazine. Representative amounts of acreage were subtracted from private timber and cropland/range to show this category, which is not a part of the USDA data.
Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service: Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2012; U.S. Department of the Interior, National Land Cover Database, 2011; U.S. Census Bureau; State governments;; American Farmland Trust; Golf Course Superintendents Association of America; USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; USDA Census of Agriculture; U.S. Bureau of Land Management; U.S. Forest Service; Weyerhaeuser Co.; The Land Report magazine
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