Eons before Greta hurled her “How Dare You!” lecture at world leaders at the U.N., the Unholy Trinity of Al Gore, Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong had converted Climate Change into a religion that is really nothing but a crazed ongoing cult
Climate Change Was Always a Cult Religion, Sen Hirono

In other words when Hirono was trying to convert Americans to “believe in climate change as a religion”, she was already preaching to the converted.
“At today’s DACA breakfast, Mazie Hirono says we need activists “committed to human rights and environmental rights—climate change”— suggesting Americans should “believe in climate change as though it’s a religion”. (PJ Media, Nov. 12, 2019)
No sense informing Democrat Hirono that they already do.
“When Sen. Mazie Hirono suggested Americans should “believe in climate change as though it’s a religion,” some enterprising Canadians were listening. A website called Shrine On is among the many selling Greta Thunberg prayer candles, so supplicants can ask the climate gods to stop destroying us or something. (PJ Media, Jan. 7, 2020)
“Enterprising Canadians?”
How about out and out hucksters, though it’s hard to blame the naivety and stupidity of climate change cult zombies on the candle carnival barkers.
Teenager Greta is only the latest Climate Change activist to be promoted as a Saint.
eons before she hurled her “How Dare You!” lecture at world leaders at
the U.N., the Unholy Trinity of Al Gore, Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice
Strong had converted Climate Change into a religion that is really
nothing but a crazed ongoing cult.
You just can’t make this stuff up because Gore, Gorbachev and Strong already did:
It was a Nancy Pelosi sponsored Mikhail Gorbachev who took upon himself the role of self-acclaimed 20th Century ‘Moses of the Masses’.
“Who other than a Communist icon would think he could claim the right to replace the Ten Commandments with something called ‘The Earth Charter?” (Canada Free Press, Dec. 9, 2002)
“At the United Nations, the Earth Charter is now officially recognized in the Chairman’s Draft Political Declaration. Mikhail Gorbachev and company have been trying to introduce it since at least 1997—5 years after Pelosi brought Gorbachev in as the first tenant at the Presidio to convent American military bases to “Centers of Sustainability”. (CFP: Longtime Russian Colluder Nancy Pelosi Heads Up Trump-Russia Collusion Harassment Campaign, March 24, 2019)
You just can’t make this stuff up because Gore, Gorbachev and Strong already did:
It was a Nancy Pelosi sponsored Mikhail Gorbachev who took upon himself the role of self-acclaimed 20th Century ‘Moses of the Masses’.
“Who other than a Communist icon would think he could claim the right to replace the Ten Commandments with something called ‘The Earth Charter?” (Canada Free Press, Dec. 9, 2002)
“At the United Nations, the Earth Charter is now officially recognized in the Chairman’s Draft Political Declaration. Mikhail Gorbachev and company have been trying to introduce it since at least 1997—5 years after Pelosi brought Gorbachev in as the first tenant at the Presidio to convent American military bases to “Centers of Sustainability”. (CFP: Longtime Russian Colluder Nancy Pelosi Heads Up Trump-Russia Collusion Harassment Campaign, March 24, 2019)
“The Ten Commandments are out of date. They will be replaced by the 18 principles of the Earth Charter”, Moses Gorbachev proclaimed. (CFP)
“Speaking through an interpreter, at a press conference, Gorbachev spoke candidly abut his hope for the implementation of the Earth Charter, which had been drafted by Maurice Strong, and ably supported by Stephen Rockefeller.
“Apparently, at the first State of the World Forum, Gorbachev had stated that the new world order would be achieved ‘step by step, stone by stone.’
“’Experience in various countries is being gathered,’ he said. “The advanced countries should take advantage of the new openness to work with others, and should share their technological expertise with the world’s population, thus working toward a global village.
“‘What model (of one-world government) are we pursuing?’ he was asked.
“‘The model will be a form of democracy or parliamentary body. There are many forms of democracy. The Communist idea of Utopia was one and we all know the result of that experiment,’ he said. “’Now, the West is trying to impose Western values and religion on the whole world. We should not impose a blueprint on the world (except, of course, for the Earth Charter-Edit).
“‘We have come to a point where man’s intervention in nature cannot continue. Within 40 years at the latest (he said) changes in the biosphere will be irreversible. Nature has a mechanism for self-regulation. We cannot change this. We can only incorporate ourselves, restrict the activities that interfere with this, or nature will have to live without us. We must restrict or limit our consumption and reassess our way of life.The Earth Charter—still endorsed by the United Nations—was not born in an over-the-top Hollywood movie, but is the very heart of Climate Change in real life.
“‘Until now we had the Ten Commandments; now we have a new set of ‘ecological commandments,” the Earth Charter. “‘It is a powerful document,’ said Gorbachev, ‘that will express a consensus toward common goals. Its importance will come from the authority from which it derives… “In Rio, he urged the press to publicize this. Now, five years later in Johannesburg, it has moved forward into the Chairman’s Draft Political Declaration!
“The second draft of the Charter referred to the Earth as our Mother, in terms that one outspoken delegate called ‘a love letter to our mom’.
‘‘The Earth Charter has come a long way. It came to life as a document, on letter-sized paper, brought down by hand, from the 23rd floor of the Sheraton Hotel on Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, in 1997 by Gorbachev and company. Today it is a document on glossy 14x17 paper, ensconced in a gilt-covered ‘Ark of Hope’, made of cypress, decorated by Vermont artists, and borne into a conference at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, is now immortalized in the Chairman’s Draft Political Declaration. (CFP)To this day, the Earth Charter is still being carted in the gilt-covered ‘Ark of Hope’ into public schools by UN employees.
Meanwhile, you don’t have to be crazy to pray to a candle image of Greta dressed in the 2000-year old garments of Jesus and Mary, or to believe in The Earth Charter and its ‘Ark of Hope’, but just rabid about God’s Creation about to come to an end and just plain stupid—for which there is no known cure.
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