Is Corona Virus God's
11th And Final Plague?
And Is The "Holy Remedy" Hidden Deep Within The Book Of Exodus?
By: Ed Sterling
Corona virus has dominated the news, and the fear continues to grow
about how it will completely decimate our older population and the sick.Beyond that there is a great deal of speculation about where this deadly virus came from – from the “wet markets” in Wuhan to a leaked biological weapon, the conspiracies are endless.
But a Colorado Pastor has a unique take on the virus, and why it has appeared now of all times…
“History Itself Reveals Where This Plague Came From…”
And the pastor believes the answers we’re looking
for can be found in the bible itself, tracing all the way back to the
book of Exodus...
Moses stood before Pharaoh and voiced God’s Holy Will: “Let my people go.”
But pharaoh, and the ancient Egyptians would not listen, and would not let the one true God into their hearts
Moses stood before Pharaoh and voiced God’s Holy Will: “Let my people go.”
But pharaoh, and the ancient Egyptians would not listen, and would not let the one true God into their hearts

It was a world of sin, and a world where many Egyptians denied the existence of God.
“So God Punished The Egyptians With A Plague That Wiped Out Their Young…”
When God saw how Egyptians worshipped wealth, and false idols… and rejected His Love…
The first plagues to come were more than just inconvenient – they were downright troublesome – even dangerous.

These plagues served as warnings, and yet, they were not enough to soften Pharaoh and the Egyptians hearts…
And so The Lord had no choice.
He came forth with the 10th plague: Death of the Firstborn.

A terrible sacrifice, and yet it was the only way to change the hearts and minds of the ancient Egyptians… and to free the Israelites from the cruelty of bondage.
Finally, after the loss of his own son plus a full generation of young people, Pharaoh and his followers understood the power of Our Lord, and knelt to His Will.
“Has Modern Society Strayed From The Lord’s Path As Much As The Ancient Egyptians Did?”
According to the pastor, there are many parallels between ancient Egyptian society and society of today, including:- Denial of the existence of God
- A focus on superficial beauty
- A focus on riches and wealth
- Overlooking the suffering of others
Are things really so different today?
Just consider the Kardashians… their near unlimited wealth, almost never used to help humanity, but instead - to get a brand new nose job or a stunning new mansion.

“Is God Punishing US With A Plague That Wipes Out Our Old?”
This controversial pastor believes that Corona virus is a natural extension of God’s plagues.It is proof that mankind has lost its way once again.
But this time, instead of taking our sons, the plague is taking our elders – our fathers and mothers.
And it is taking them indiscriminately – good Christians and sinners alike.
“And Yet, In Ancient Egypt, God Gave The Israelites A Secret ‘Symbol’ To Protect Themselves…
A Holy symbol that would spare them from the angel of death:
Lamb’s blood, smeared upon the door.
This mere symbol would spare the Israelites firstborn children from God’s wrath.
Lamb’s blood, smeared upon the door.
This mere symbol would spare the Israelites firstborn children from God’s wrath.

“Is There A Holy Symbol That Could Protect Us From This ‘Corona Plague?’”
A Colorado pastor believes the answer is YES… more importantly, he believes this “symbol” has been right in front of our noses for thousands of years… concealed deep within the book of Exodus.Ironically, mere pages away from the story of Pharaoh and God’s plagues...
And is it a coincidence that this protective symbol has only been rediscovered now – in the face of such a deadly threat to our elders?
When I asked the pastor what proof he had about this symbol, he said
"Here is your proof!"
JAMES 5:14 - Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with ************* in the name of the Lord.
MARK 6:13 - And they cast out many demons and anointed with ************* many who were sick and healed them.
HEBREW 1:9 - You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the ************* of gladness beyond your companions.”
If you and your family are afraid of what’s to come, rest assured that the pastor’s controversial video will do much more than give you great peace and clarity during this time of uncertainty…But it will also reveal the “holy symbol” and show you how to use it for divine protection.
Just like the lamb’s blood the ancient Israelites used to protect themselves the last time God sent a plague to cleanse the earth from sin.
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