The Star of Bethlehem was Glorious, Unlike This Cheap Counterfeit

"Der Stern von Bethlehem" by Carl Spitzweg, 1871. Public domain image.
The world and its media promotions cheapen everything they touch.
Don’t get me wrong – you might think that Saturn and Jupiter approaching within a third or so of the moon’s diameter tomorrow evening is interesting and worth looking at. Or you might not. But in either case, this event is NOTHING like the event that caused some of the world’s smartest dudes (“Magi” or “Wise Men”) to be convinced that it was the fulfillment of hundreds-of-years-old prophecy. It compelled them to travel for many weeks without mechanized transport or GPS to the birth of the Messiah. Yes, the real event was much more significant than this close approach of two planets. The Bible makes NINE assertions about the “star,” all of which can be shown to have happened… ONCE.
Again, the world and its media promotions cheapen everything they touch. And in the case of items with spiritual roots, I would argue that the cheapening is a feature, not a bug. If those who are spiritually denying/unconvinced can be shown that the events, accounts, experiences, and miracles in our spiritual lives are just crappy little fakes or delusions easily dismissed, like a bad photoshop, then those individuals may become hardened against the truth. Like in the story of the boy who cried wolf, the fake experiences will create skepticism that may inoculate those exposed, such that the real event is missed. Don’t be eaten by the wolf.
Many years ago, I came across a movie that captures the definitive analysis of the Star of Bethlehem. I found and find it beyond compelling, and have brought it to this audience on multiple occasions, hoping that those who are really wondering might take a chance and take a look. If you are wondering if there is a God if he came to Earth as a meek baby human, and if the account can be believed beyond “story,” “myth,” or “fable,” – your time would be well spent to take the hour to let the evidence be presented. If you are already a believer, this will give you another view of our amazing God.
So here is my Christmas gift to my family at RedState – an hour that will strengthen your faith, diminish the unbelief that you occasionally question, or at worst – leave you able to say, “I looked at it.” If I could be so bold, I’d love to get a gift back – a comment that said that you watched it and what you thought of it.
Here are:
The Trailer
The Movie
Merry Christmas and God bless.
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