Colorado's final wolf reintroduction plan has been approved. Here are the highlights.

Fort Collins Coloradoan
The Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management plan has been approved after nearly two years of exhaustive work.
The Colorado Wildlife Commission unanimously approved the final plan at its May 3 meeting in Glenwood Springs.
The plan was developed with the help of two advisory groups made up of wildlife professionals and varied stakeholders, through a series of public meetings and more than 4,000 comments.
What states will reintroduced wolves come from, how many wolves will be released and where will wolves be released?
- Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are the desired states, with other possible donor states including Oregon and Washington, though a 9News story says source states are unwilling or have had little to no communication with Colorado regarding the issue.
- 10 to 15 wolves will be released per year, for a total of 30 to 50 wolves over the next three years depending on recovery success.
- Initial release site has been identified in an area with Glenwood Springs on the west, Kremmling on the north, Vail on the east and Aspen on the south. The area includes Interstate 70 running through the middle. The release sites would be focused on state and private land where there are willing owners.
How we got here:What to know about Colorado's existing wolves and conflicts around reintroduction plan
How many wolves will need to be established for wolves to be downlisted from endangered to threatened to delisted?
- Downlisting from state endangered to state threatened will occur when a minimum count of 50 wolves anywhere in the state for four successive years is met.
- Delisting from threatened to nongame status will occur when a minimum count of at least 150 wolves anywhere in Colorado is observed for two successive years, or a minimum count of at least 200 wolves at any time with a geographical distribution component through a finding that the species "is present in a significant portion of its range."
Will wolves be allowed to be killed in certain situations?
- Currently, wolves are listed as federally endangered in Colorado and can only be legally killed if threatening human life.
- Colorado requested a 10(j) ruling under the Endangered Species Act and is awaiting a determination by the federal government. The state is hoping for a resolution by Dec. 15, just two weeks before state officials wish to release wolves by the end of the year. The 10(j) rule lists wolves as "experimental" and would allow more flexibility managing them, including lethal take of wolves in situations such as chronic depredation or wolves caught depredating livestock.
- Colorado Senate Bill 23-256 introduced in this year's legislature originally precluded reintroduction until a determination of the 10(j) rule is finalized. An amendment to the original bill deleted this part of the bill over concern it would likely delay reintroduction. The bill is in the House or Representatives awaiting further debate. The legislative season ends May 6.
More: Colorado wolvesNorth Park wolfpack member confirmed to have wandered into Grand County
Will a hunting season of wolves be allowed when wolves are delisted?
- Proposition 114, narrowly approved by voters, designated wolves as nongame, meaning the animals cannot be hunted, but the commission could have the power to change that.
- The original plan included a Phase 4 that looked at the possibility of a hunting season when wolves are delisted. That has been removed and now basically defers actions regarding a hunting season to be assessed by future Colorado Wildlife Commissions.
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