Anti-Al Qaeda Libyans reveal Obama administration helped Al-Qaeda in Benghazi
President Obama on the campaign trail.
(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Muslim Brotherhood member now peace activist broke news Saturday night that anti-Al Qaeda Libyans living in exile are in possession of highly classified documents that reveal Obama and his administration’s involvement with Al-Qaeda in Libya, more than what has been previously known.
The anti-Al Qaeda Libyans told Shoebat in reference to Obama’s statements that Al-Qaeda had been destroyed that Obama had gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to Al-Qaeda, and that they can prove it.
The group plans to turn over the countless documents an intelligence to the National Center For Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism.
The group informed Shoebat that what they have will bring down the Obama administration and that they are not kidding. In fact, they provided Shoebat the first installments of the documents that Shoebat reported on October 31, 2012. They said that the rest will be provided when Mitt Romney is in office and they further said, “His election is our only hope for humanity”.
“These documents includes evidence of highly sophisticated weaponry provided to jihadists which leads them to doubt that any solutions will take place under what they called “The Obama regime”,” the group said.
“We have come into the possession of an array of records obtained from top-level sources inside the Libyan government,” the anti-Al Qaeda Libyans said. “They include passports of Al-Qaeda operatives and identifications of terrorists from many nations—Chad, Egypt and Pakistan to name a few—which are now all camped in Libya as they enter by crossing borders guarded and managed officially by what they called “government appointed Al-Qaeda leaders.”
Shoebat stated, “This explains why the drafts of two letters on September 11th expressing worry that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under “troubling” surveillance and that the Libyan government failed to fulfill requests for additional security.”
The Libyan group told Shotbat, “It wasn’t failure but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to Al-Qaeda and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.”
If these statements are true, then the news report that was conveyed on October 25, 2012, stating that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi before it was attacked and Obama denied the request, the anti-Al Qaeda Libyans seemed to have confirmed such allegations against Obama and his administration along with the Libyan government.
Shoebat’s information also collaborates the statements from former CIA officer, Clare Lopez when she said, “This has to be made known to the public. That this is going on and that our administration was not only working with the bad guys – was working with Al-Qaeda linked militias and Jihadi’s to overthrow Assad in Syria but that they let our mission go down.”
Just two days ago, dozens of retired military officers and veterans with the Special Operations Speaks (SOS) PAC are also demanding an independent investigation into Barack Obama's administration and its actions in Benghazi, Libya that may constitute high crimes and misdemeanors, regardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s presidential election.
The Special Operations Speaks (SOS) PAC Chairman and retired Brigadier General Joe Stringham said, "No matter how November 6th plays out, Obama must be held responsible for his actions as a failed Commander in Chief."
Shoebat also brought up known terrorist, Abdul Hakim Belhaj who became the leader of the Libyan rebel forces to oust Gadhafi, and is the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and had close ties Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Belhaj at one time was captured and spent time in U.S. custody at Guantanamo Bay and according to Shoebat, the Obama administration allowed him into Libya during the war to oust Gaddafi and supported his [Belhaj] leadership.
To make matters worse, news broke today on Fox News by Bret Baier that CBS’ news program 60 Minutes withheld information on Obama’s statements about Benghazi until now, thereby adding to the suspicion that certain media outlets are protecting Obama instead of reporting the connections between Al-Qaeda and the Obama administration as well as the failures in Benghazi.
Fox News and independent news organizations are the only media outlets in the U.S. taking the issue of the tragedy in Benghazi, Libya seriously.
“The Obama administration is knowingly supporting Al-Qaeda control in Libya and North Africa. Today, Libya is in a state of complete anarchy. There is no law and order, militias and gangs of terrorists control the cities. The Government of Libya installed by Obama is Al-Qaeda. The perpetrators of the 9/11/01 attacks are now in control of the largest oil-producing nation in Africa and Obama handed it to them,” said Shoebat.
“With the utter silence from the western mainstream media, history will definitely record the United States’ Middle Eastern influence in the halls of shame.”
Full in-depth coverage by Walid Shoebat can be found here.
Walid Shoebat, a former The anti-Al Qaeda Libyans told Shoebat in reference to Obama’s statements that Al-Qaeda had been destroyed that Obama had gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to Al-Qaeda, and that they can prove it.
The group plans to turn over the countless documents an intelligence to the National Center For Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism.
The group informed Shoebat that what they have will bring down the Obama administration and that they are not kidding. In fact, they provided Shoebat the first installments of the documents that Shoebat reported on October 31, 2012. They said that the rest will be provided when Mitt Romney is in office and they further said, “His election is our only hope for humanity”.
“These documents includes evidence of highly sophisticated weaponry provided to jihadists which leads them to doubt that any solutions will take place under what they called “The Obama regime”,” the group said.
“We have come into the possession of an array of records obtained from top-level sources inside the Libyan government,” the anti-Al Qaeda Libyans said. “They include passports of Al-Qaeda operatives and identifications of terrorists from many nations—Chad, Egypt and Pakistan to name a few—which are now all camped in Libya as they enter by crossing borders guarded and managed officially by what they called “government appointed Al-Qaeda leaders.”
Shoebat stated, “This explains why the drafts of two letters on September 11th expressing worry that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under “troubling” surveillance and that the Libyan government failed to fulfill requests for additional security.”
The Libyan group told Shotbat, “It wasn’t failure but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to Al-Qaeda and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.”
If these statements are true, then the news report that was conveyed on October 25, 2012, stating that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi before it was attacked and Obama denied the request, the anti-Al Qaeda Libyans seemed to have confirmed such allegations against Obama and his administration along with the Libyan government.
Shoebat’s information also collaborates the statements from former CIA officer, Clare Lopez when she said, “This has to be made known to the public. That this is going on and that our administration was not only working with the bad guys – was working with Al-Qaeda linked militias and Jihadi’s to overthrow Assad in Syria but that they let our mission go down.”
Just two days ago, dozens of retired military officers and veterans with the Special Operations Speaks (SOS) PAC are also demanding an independent investigation into Barack Obama's administration and its actions in Benghazi, Libya that may constitute high crimes and misdemeanors, regardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s presidential election.
The Special Operations Speaks (SOS) PAC Chairman and retired Brigadier General Joe Stringham said, "No matter how November 6th plays out, Obama must be held responsible for his actions as a failed Commander in Chief."
Shoebat also brought up known terrorist, Abdul Hakim Belhaj who became the leader of the Libyan rebel forces to oust Gadhafi, and is the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and had close ties Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Belhaj at one time was captured and spent time in U.S. custody at Guantanamo Bay and according to Shoebat, the Obama administration allowed him into Libya during the war to oust Gaddafi and supported his [Belhaj] leadership.
To make matters worse, news broke today on Fox News by Bret Baier that CBS’ news program 60 Minutes withheld information on Obama’s statements about Benghazi until now, thereby adding to the suspicion that certain media outlets are protecting Obama instead of reporting the connections between Al-Qaeda and the Obama administration as well as the failures in Benghazi.
Fox News and independent news organizations are the only media outlets in the U.S. taking the issue of the tragedy in Benghazi, Libya seriously.
“The Obama administration is knowingly supporting Al-Qaeda control in Libya and North Africa. Today, Libya is in a state of complete anarchy. There is no law and order, militias and gangs of terrorists control the cities. The Government of Libya installed by Obama is Al-Qaeda. The perpetrators of the 9/11/01 attacks are now in control of the largest oil-producing nation in Africa and Obama handed it to them,” said Shoebat.
“With the utter silence from the western mainstream media, history will definitely record the United States’ Middle Eastern influence in the halls of shame.”
Full in-depth coverage by Walid Shoebat can be found here.
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