By Dean Chambers
First I say to the far left, get over yourselves and get over being shocked at this. You're not shocked, and I suspect some of you probably believe it's quite well possible your beloved Barack Obama, who wrote about using cocaine in his book, might quite well have been high as a kite the night Benghazi burned. Given that he admits to using cocaine, and drug addicts often do relapse, why is so bizarre to think the president might have relapsed and used coke as president? He claimed to have quit smoking cigarettes than admitted to “falling off the wagon” at times. Then he pulled a Bill Clinton and said he hadn't smoked while INSIDE the White House. So I guess he stepped just outside the the White House to spark one up?
Many of you on the far left were just thrilled when the press was asking, in 1999 and 2000, if George W. Bush had ever used cocaine. You all suggested that would have disqualified him from being president, but you said nothing about the long term habitual marijuana usage that Obama has admitted he engaged in. And do you all really think that Obama hasn't fired up a bone while he's been president too? Is it really that ridiculous to suspect we might have our first true drug-addict-in-chief in the White House? You all know this would be a huge scandal if we suspected that any Republican President was even suspected of taking single hit off a joint while serving in the Oval Office. You hypocrite liberals defended Bill Clinton and said it was “only sex” over the Monica-gate scandal, but if a Republican kissed the wrong woman you pabulum pukers would be calling for his impeachment.
None of you on the far left were shocked in the least at some of the hate that passes for debate in places like The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground, which is where it should stay. None of you pabulum puking liberals were shocked with some of your supporters called for Romney being killed on twitter. None of you were shocked when liberals wished conservatives would die from eating food at Chick Fil-A. None of you pabulum pukers had anything to say when this liberal bully got fired, and rightfully so, when he was rude and obnoxious, deliberately so, to an employee at Chick Fil-A.
How many of you pabulum puking liberals were shocked when this actor called for Sarah Palin to be killed? Were you shocked with liberals on twitter hoped that Hurricane Sandy would kill Mitt Romney last year? Or what about when this liberal moonbat talk show host called for Romney supporters to kill themselves?
Your people on the left are the most unhinged, filled with hate and rage, and the most uncivil especially in their attitudes toward conservatives and you on the far left are silent. The silence is so deafening when a liberals are asked if they are outraged at what is so often said by your fellow travelers on the extreme left. The far left embraces its fringes while the right disavows the fringe on the far right.
Liberals showed no outrage when a movie was made about George W. Bush being assassinated. In fact, liberals were so consumed by their rage and hate against President Bush that it warranted a diagnosis for what is called Bush derangement syndrome. Liberals roundly condemned South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson for shouting “you lie” at President Obama during the State of the Union address when he lied in saying that ObamaCare would not cover illegal aliens. Even the president, a Harvard Law School graduate, should know what Judge Andrew Napolitano pointed out the next day, that current court precedent requires that illegal aliens have access to any federal health care programs. Therefore, ObamaCare would have to cover illegal aliens, and clearly President Obama would know that, and it means he likely was lying. Joe Wilson was right. No liberals has apologized to Joe Wilson.
Liberals always think they can take advantage of The Double Standard which says they can criticize or accuse or allege that conservative do precisely what they in fact actually do. It's called hypocrisy. All of you moonbats on the far left should wonder why many of us on the right have an expression that explains this. No I'm not talking about Michael Savage saying liberalism is a mental disorder. You all prove that true every day too.
I'm talking about this: liberalism equals hypocrisy. You all prove it every day.
Did Obama snort cocaine while Benghazi burned?
Is Obama the Narcissist in Chief?
Liberal hypocrisy on display: the Obama coke controversy
Did a White House official or supporter censor the Obama cocaine article?
Obama Scandals: Sex, Lies, Cocaine, and Murder
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