The Sinister Truth About Obama And Islam
June 5, 2013 by John Myers
Who is President Barack Obama and what does he want? That he is an enigma is indisputable.
The ultra-Left continues to see him as a transformative figure that will remake America. His critics agree that Obama wants to change America, but not for the better. I decided to find out by reading half a dozen books and taking notes over the past few months.
The three books that are most compelling in their explanations of Obama are:
• Richard Minter, Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide For Him.Minter’s credits include writing for The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and even the left-leaning Newsweek. Klein was a former editor for Newsweek. And the venerable Woodward was a key player that revealed Watergate when he was famously reporting for The Washington Post and has been considered to be the political assassin of President Richard Nixon.
• Edward Klein, The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House.
• Bob Woodward, Obama Wars.
These books contend Obama is a loner with few or no friends, has a messiah complex and an unequalled ego. They state that beyond his troika – wife and First Lady Michelle Obama, Senior Advisor to the President Valarie Jarrett and Attorney General Eric H. Holder – Obama listens to nobody. More damning is both Minter and Klein contend that the President and his gang of three are sympatico; that their African-American heritage has made them and all blacks victims of the white establishment and that they must change the United States with the redistribution of wealth, the Constitution be damned.
In Leading From Behind, Minter writes:
(In college Obama had) a passion for civil rights, social justice, and radical politics… (He) was developing a radical resume. He audited a class at Columbia University taught by famed writer and Palestinian activist Edward Said, spoke at protests at Harvard Law School, attended a church where the radical Israel sermons of Rev. Jeremiah Wright echoed off the walls.Is Obama a Muslim in Christian Clothing?
No one can forget the Reverend Wright and his “Goddamn the United States!” outburst from the pulpit. But according to Klein, it wasn’t Wright who corrupted young Obama. It was Obama who used Wright by cultivating a relationship for his own political gain, namely to cover his Islamic beliefs.
I can already see a wave of hate comments from of our liberal readers so I am going to fully cite my reference from his book where Klein interviewed almost 200 people that have personally known the President, including Rev. Wright.*
Below and verbatim is from page 40 of The Amateur. It is Klein’s interview with Wright, the man Obama once said was, “like my father”:
“After Barack and I got to know each other, it got to the point where we would just drop by my church to talk,” Wright said. “And the talk gradually moved away from his community-organizing concerns — street cleaning, housing, child care, and those kinds of needs — to larger things, more personal things. Like trying to make sense of the world. Like trying to make sense out of the diverse racial and religious background from which he came. He was confused. He wanted to know who he was.This interview was not conducted by a conservative. These are not the words from a book by Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin or the soon-to-be-a-retired-Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Klein is a seasoned newsman who freely admits that, like most of his colleagues in the media, he was first blinded by the celebrity aura that is the substance of Barack Obama. Nevertheless, linking the President to Islam is a serious charge. Yet others see some truth in it.
“And I told him, ‘Well, you already know the Muslim piece of your background.’” Wright continued. “You studied Islam, didn’t you? And Barack said, ‘Yeah, Rev, I studied Islam. But it helped me understand Christianity, because I already know Islam.’ And I said, ‘Well, let’s start from the beginning. Who do you say Jesus is? Let’s boil it down to the basics.”
“Did you convert Obama from Islam to Christianity?” I asked Wright. “That’s hard to tell,” Wright replied. “I think I convinced him that it is okay for him to make a choice in terms of who he believed Jesus is. And I told him it was really okay and not a putdown of the Muslim part of his family or his Muslim friends.”
It was reported last week that Virginia Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor E.W. Jackson wrote in a 2010 blog that Obama has “Muslim sensibilities” and a “Muslim perspective” to view the world. He added that Obama has taken an anti-Semitic approach to the White House that he “picked up from the black community.”
What exactly are the President’s thoughts on Islam? In his own words:
• “We will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities.”Trust me Mr. President, few care about what you did for Islam when you were a young man. What we do care a great deal about — especially given we have been fighting a decades long war against Islamic extremists — is what your plans are now. What now appears certain is that you do not want to hurt Muslim sensitivities regardless of what terror they unleash on Christian Americans.
• “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” (This must be a different Islam than the one that blows people up in Boston and cuts off soldier’s heads in London.)
• “As a young man, I worked in Chicago communities where many found dignity and peace in their Muslim faith.” (Again, a different Islam, because in the past 20 years I have seen little evidence that the Muslim faith cares about non-believers dignity or wants peace.)
Obama refuses to use the words “extremist Muslims” or “Muslim Jihadists.” In 2009, Obama said it was “workplace violence” (I thought that was when you kicked over the water-cooler at the office) when Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter and follower of al-Qaida, shot and killed 13 military personnel while screaming “allahu akbar” (god is great).
It is ridiculous, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer told Fox News in April, that the President refuses to use the words “jihadist” and “Islamist” to describe the threat.
Krauthammer added: “I say I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I sure know what he’s saying and doing. The lengths to which he will go to avoid telling us the truth about the enemy is becoming comical and certainly embarrassing… (Obama) refuses to use any words that might imply a connection between radical Islam and terrorism, which anybody who is over the age of 9 knows is the single greatest cause of terror in the world today.”
Every Hitler Needs A Himmler
Maybe you want the President to be politically correct. That is your business. What you should not want, and what you should fear, is that Obama has a pro-Muslim agenda before his term ends and is instructing Attorney General Eric Holder and his lieutenants to illegally enforce it… praise be to Allah!
United States attorney in Tennessee Bill Killian has promised to use Federal civil rights statutes to stop offensive and inflammatory speech about Islam.
Last week the Tullahoma News quoted Killian: “We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected,” Killian told the newspaper.
Killian, along with the FBI special agent that runs the Knoxville office, is meeting with the local Muslim community to inform them about their rights under Obama law.
Excuse me, but what the hell? What about our rights as Americans? What about the First Amendment? This gets to the core of why Obama can hopefully be impeached and why Holder should be fired immediately. If not, writers for Personal Liberty Digest™ and readers like you who write comments will have to watch what we say about the poor Muslims in our country; members of a religion that the President seems hell-bent on protecting.
Yours in good times and bad,
-John Myers
*Klein, Edward (2012) The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House. New York, NY: Regency Publishing, Inc.
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