Krauthammer's MARVELOUS Summary Of Obama's Breathtaking Powergrabs.
Written by MockarenaIf you haven't read CK's latest column, it's a MUST READ.
It's all about Obama's power grab, and most recently Harry Reid's. It oughta be getting a lot more press, but naturally, with a complicit media who sits smack dab in the middle of the lap of the left, it's no wonder that the mainstream media is quiet.
Krauthammer, thankfully, is not. He writes, about the Senate power grab:
This was a disgraceful violation of more than two centuries of precedent. If a bare majority can change the fundamental rules that govern an institution, then there are no rules. Senate rules today are whatever the majority decides they are that morning.Ouch. And he's not any more kind towards Obama:
What distinguishes an institution from a flash mob is that its rules endure. They can be changed, of course. But only by significant supermajorities. That’s why constitutional changes require two-thirds of both houses plus three-quarters of the states. If we could make constitutional changes by majority vote, there would be no Constitution.
As of today, the Senate effectively has no rules. Congratulations, Harry Reid. Finally, something you will be remembered for.
We’ve now reached a point where a flailing president, desperate to deflect the opprobrium heaped upon him for the false promise that you could keep your health plan if you wanted to, calls a hasty news conference urging both insurers and the states to reinstate millions of such plans.CK also writes how absolutely absurd it is when you hear liberal sheep screech about how Republicans are trying to change "the law of the land." He says, "Every law is subject to revision and abolition if the people think it turned out to be a bad idea. Even constitutional amendments can be repealed — and have been (see Prohibition). After indignant denunciation of Republicans for trying to amend “the law of the land” constitutionally (i.e. in Congress assembled), Democrats turn utterly silent when the president lawlessly tries to do so by executive fiat."
Except that he is asking them to break the law. His own law. Under Obamacare, no insurer may issue a policy after 2013 that does not meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. These plans were canceled because they do not.
The law remains unchanged. The regulations governing that law remain unchanged. Nothing is changed except for a president proposing to unilaterally change his own law from the White House press room.
That’s banana republic stuff, except that there the dictator proclaims from the presidential balcony.
Meanwhile, Obama delayed the employer mandate without so much as a peep from Democrats. And are Democrats decrying Obama's attempt to force insurance carriers to restore canceled policies? *Crickets*
"Authoritative lawlessness," CK calls it.
Well done, liberals.
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