President admits ObamaCare not the ‘smart political thing’ in letter
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President Obama admits in a handwritten letter to a Texas
schoolteacher that ObamaCare is not the “smart political thing” and that
he is bogged down by a “toxic political environment.”
President Obama admitted that ObamaCare was not the "smart political thing" in a letter to a Texas teacher.
Photo: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images
Thomas J. Ritter wrote to the president expressing his dismay over the Affordable Health Care Act, and was surprised to get a response penned by Obama on official White House stationery.
Ritter, a fifth-grade teacher at Sally B. Elliott Elementary in Irving, Texas, had written to the president: “This bill has caused such a divisive, derisive and toxic environment . . . The reality is that any citizen that disagrees with your administration is targeted and ridiculed.”
Obama responded: “I . . . appreciate your concern about the toxic political environment right now. I do have to challenge you, though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been ‘targeted and ridiculed’ or that I have ‘made fun’ of tea baggers . . . [I] defend strongly the right of everyone to speak their mind — including those who call me ‘socialist’ or worse.
“I believe that health care reform will be the right thing for the country . . . It certainly wasn’t the smart ‘political’ thing! And I hope that in the months to come, you will keep an open mind and evaluate it based not on the political attacks but on what it does or doesn’t do to improve people’s lives. Sincerely, Barack Obama.”
Ritter, 49, is putting the letter up for auction through the Web site for a reserve price of $24,000. Ritter said, “I am selling the letter because I am just so disappointed, and this ObamaCare bill is wrong. The president told me what he thought I wanted to hear. The letter is just words on a paper. It doesn’t mean anything to me because Obama doesn’t mean any of it.”
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