“Allah’s (White House) Muslim Terrorist” + Taliban’s TOP Jihadis + Bergdahl’s Islamic Family = The Linkage.
Let us make sense out of a high crimes and misdemeanors treasonous
“trade”, one which involved “Allah’s (White House) Muslim Terrorist” for
an obvious Muslim sympathizing soldier, albeit dressed up in U.S.
military garb!
THANKFULLY, most of this site’s readership hardly requires schooling in the treacherous dealings of HUSSEIN Obama. However, it is often the case that linkages, between this and that, are either overlooked or misunderstood . Some of the interlocking treachery is ideological, some religiously-infused, but the rest is geo-political in its underpinnings.
Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
image: http://michellemalkin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/bergdahl-soldiers.jpg
AS patriots await the official (Allah-wash) report regarding
Bergdahl’s (military-related) status, there are certain facts which are
indisputable. We will get to that.
BUT intertwined with the upcoming Pentagon’s evaluation – re the aforementioned deserter and traitor – underlies the “logic” behind trading him for top Taliban leaders.
IN this regard, it begs the question: why would the leader of the free world trade any soldier, let alone one with “questionable” loyalty, for high value, prized terror leaders? Well, if one’s leanings are Islamist-infused, the question becomes the logical inverse: why not? Not only that, but the kinship felt with a like-minded Islamist U.S. soldier makes the trade that much sweeter. Irresistible.
image: https://i0.wp.com/ih.constantcontact.com/fs063/1110058879679/img/31.jpg
YET, as always, a short recap is efficacious.
NOW, just for the record, this investigative journalist is against paying any ransom for hostages, “negotiating”, but at least this position is consistent. No exceptions. Okay?
image: http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_large/hash/e7/b4/e7b43819b457a810d562ae837c65b947.png?itok=Y71UlHvA
STILL, before you review the additional evidence cited below, let’s
cut to the chase: if Bergdahl – through his own desertion and attendant
Taliban affinity/sympathy – as well as his papa are not Muslims, in
league with the Islamic enemy, well, this investigative journalist is
not an American Conservative patriot, nor a right wing, nationalist
Zionist, revealed by countless actions, words, and deeds. Ridiculous.
Evidence is mounting as sources with close ties to military intelligence saying that the Army has concluded its investigation and will in fact charge Bergdahl with desertion. What is in this evidence must include some of our findings which we will show again here which prove that the Bergdahls, both father and son, have left quite a trail to show their Taliban links.
The Obama administration of course has vigorously pushed back, saying there has been no decision to prosecute Bergdahl and that reports are way off base.
But how could Obama’s testimony that “reports are off base” be more credible than members of Bergdahl’s unit who served beside him came forward and told their version of Bergdahl’s military exploits said that not only he deserted his unit but took up with enemy forces. In fact, some of these voices came out right after the deal but were ignored.
For one thing, the Government Accountability Office says that if he really is a deserter, the trade to return him was illegal. For another, we know from the Army brass’ response to the Fort Hood massacre by Maj. Nidal Hasan — which is still classified as “workplace violence” — the Army’s own credibility is also under a cloud. But the question is, who is behind all this twisting if not for Obama? It was the White House who termed the Taliban as “Armed Insurgents” instead of “Terrorists,” a term that does not hold water.
While many think that the Obama was simply touting how he was able to free an American soldier who was captured by the Taliban, but why release top 5 terrorist leaders instead of one? Why smile as soon as he heard the most famous war cry of Islam, “bismillah al-rahman al-rahim,” Arabic for “in the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.”
THANKFULLY, most of this site’s readership hardly requires schooling in the treacherous dealings of HUSSEIN Obama. However, it is often the case that linkages, between this and that, are either overlooked or misunderstood . Some of the interlocking treachery is ideological, some religiously-infused, but the rest is geo-political in its underpinnings.
Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
image: http://michellemalkin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/bergdahl-soldiers.jpg
BUT intertwined with the upcoming Pentagon’s evaluation – re the aforementioned deserter and traitor – underlies the “logic” behind trading him for top Taliban leaders.
IN this regard, it begs the question: why would the leader of the free world trade any soldier, let alone one with “questionable” loyalty, for high value, prized terror leaders? Well, if one’s leanings are Islamist-infused, the question becomes the logical inverse: why not? Not only that, but the kinship felt with a like-minded Islamist U.S. soldier makes the trade that much sweeter. Irresistible.
image: https://i0.wp.com/ih.constantcontact.com/fs063/1110058879679/img/31.jpg

INDEED, (June 2014) it was noted: HUSSEIN Obama’s collaboration with the Taliban/al Qaeda - via the release of their top leaders – involved more than met the eye. That’s an understatement!
THEREFORE, isn’t it clear that said releases rose to high crimes and misdemeanors?
BUT aside from the Islamist-in-Chief, deeply implicated are his Iranian-born consiglierie, Valerie Jarrett, and CIA’s (Muslim convert) John Brennan. What a shock.
AND unless some Americans are “worth” more than others, why exactly
did the Traitor-in-Chief ignore pleas from the Foley and Satloff
families, when they begged his admin to negotiate over the
release of their sons? In stark juxtaposition, he paid (out of taxpayer
monies, no less) a huge monetary ransom, and released stone cold Islamic killers (to kill again) for a deserter’s release! On the other hand, his surrogates threatened the Foley’s and Satloff’s: don’t dare pay any ransom! What’s going on?NOW, just for the record, this investigative journalist is against paying any ransom for hostages, “negotiating”, but at least this position is consistent. No exceptions. Okay?
MOST significantly, how many understand the linkage between Obama
Inc.’s “assassination squads”, yes, aka “hit teams”, specifically
relative to the
June 18, 2013 “mysterious” death of investigative journalist Michael
Hastings, in connection to his explosive revelations re Bergdahl’s
treachery?image: http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_large/hash/e7/b4/e7b43819b457a810d562ae837c65b947.png?itok=Y71UlHvA
Evidence is mounting as sources with close ties to military intelligence saying that the Army has concluded its investigation and will in fact charge Bergdahl with desertion. What is in this evidence must include some of our findings which we will show again here which prove that the Bergdahls, both father and son, have left quite a trail to show their Taliban links.
The Obama administration of course has vigorously pushed back, saying there has been no decision to prosecute Bergdahl and that reports are way off base.
But how could Obama’s testimony that “reports are off base” be more credible than members of Bergdahl’s unit who served beside him came forward and told their version of Bergdahl’s military exploits said that not only he deserted his unit but took up with enemy forces. In fact, some of these voices came out right after the deal but were ignored.
For one thing, the Government Accountability Office says that if he really is a deserter, the trade to return him was illegal. For another, we know from the Army brass’ response to the Fort Hood massacre by Maj. Nidal Hasan — which is still classified as “workplace violence” — the Army’s own credibility is also under a cloud. But the question is, who is behind all this twisting if not for Obama? It was the White House who termed the Taliban as “Armed Insurgents” instead of “Terrorists,” a term that does not hold water.
While many think that the Obama was simply touting how he was able to free an American soldier who was captured by the Taliban, but why release top 5 terrorist leaders instead of one? Why smile as soon as he heard the most famous war cry of Islam, “bismillah al-rahman al-rahim,” Arabic for “in the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.”
Read more at http://joeforamerica.com/2015/02/allahs-white-house-muslim-terrorist-talibans-top-jihadis-bergdahls-islamic-family-linkage/
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